Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

William of Wykeham

(Encyclopedia)William of Wykeham or William of Wickham both: wĭˈkəm [key], 1324–1404, English prelate and lord chancellor. He is thought to have been the son of a serf. Entering the service of the royal court ...

Basil I

(Encyclopedia)Basil I (Basil the Macedonian) băzˈəl, bāˈzəl [key], c.813–886, Byzantine emperor (867–86). His ancestors probably were Armenians or Slavs who settled in Macedonia. He became (c.856) the fav...

Frederick I, Holy Roman emperor and German king

(Encyclopedia)Frederick I or Frederick Barbarossa bärbərôsˈə [key] [Ital.,=red beard], c.1125–90, Holy Roman emperor (1155–90) and German king (1152–90), son of Frederick of Hohenstaufen, duke of Swabia,...

Henry IV, Holy Roman emperor and German king

(Encyclopedia)Henry IV, 1050–1106, Holy Roman emperor (1084–1105) and German king (1056–1105), son and successor of Henry III. He was the central figure in the opening stages of the long struggle between the ...


(Encyclopedia)Kir kûr [key], in the Bible. 1 Unidentified land to which Tiglathpileser III banished the Syrians, credited by Amos as the original home of the Aramaeans (see Aram). 2 Place in Moab, identified with ...

Gillray, James

(Encyclopedia)Gillray, James gĭlˈrā [key], 1757–1815, English caricaturist and illustrator. He was essentially self-trained although he studied at the Royal Academy and on the Continent. His caricatures of the...


(Encyclopedia)Játiva häˈtēvä [key], town (1990 pop. 25,577), Valencia prov., E Spain, in Valencia. The town is a processing and distribution center for farm products. Its famous linen industry dates back to Ro...

Alfonso VII, Spanish king of Castile and León

(Encyclopedia)Alfonso VII (Alfonso the Emperor), 1104–57, Spanish king of Castile and León (1126–57), son and successor of Urraca. He recovered the places in Castile that his stepfather, Alfonso I of Aragón, ...

Cornbury, Edward Hyde, Viscount

(Encyclopedia)Cornbury, Edward Hyde, Viscount kôrnˈbərē [key], 1661–1723, colonial governor of New York and New Jersey (1702–8). Appointed governor by William III, he became extremely unpopular, and his adm...

Conway, Henry Seymour

(Encyclopedia)Conway, Henry Seymour, 1721–95, English soldier and politician; nephew of Robert Walpole. Early in his life he entered upon concurrent and distinguished military and parliamentary careers. He fell i...

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