Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Gelasius I, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Gelasius I, Saint jĭlāˈshēəs [key], d. 496, pope (492–96); successor of St. Felix III (also known as Felix II). He was a firm upholder of the papal supremacy in a dispute with Anastasius, the B...

Fort Saint John

(Encyclopedia)Fort Saint John, town, NE British Columbia, Canada, on the Peace River and the Alaska Highway. A North West Company post established in 1805 is still op...

Joseph Barsabas, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Joseph Barsabas, Saint bärˈsəbəs [key], surnamed Justus, Matthias' competitor for the place among the disciples left vacant by Judas Iscariot. Lots were drawn, and Matthias won. Feast: July 20. ...

Julius I, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Julius I, Saint, pope (337–52), a Roman; successor of St. Marcus. In the controversy over Arianism, when both sides appealed to him for support, he convened a synod at Rome (340), at which were pres...

Justin Martyr, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Justin Martyr, Saint, c.a.d. 100–c.a.d. 165, Christian apologist, called also Justin the Philosopher. Born in Samaria of pagan parents, he studied philosophy, and after his conversion in Ephesus to ...

John Bosco, Saint

(Encyclopedia)John Bosco, Saint, 1815–88, Italian priest, b. Piedmont. As a priest at Turin he was very successful in work with boys. He founded (1841) the Salesian order (i.e., order of St. Francis de Sales) for...

John Chrysostom, Saint

(Encyclopedia)John Chrysostom, Saint krĭsˈəstəm, krĭsŏsˈ– [key] [Gr.,=golden-mouth], c.347–407, Doctor of the Church, one of the greatest of the Greek Fathers. He was born in Antioch and studied Greek cl...

John Climax, Saint

(Encyclopedia)John Climax, Saint [Gr.,=ladder], d. c.649, Syrian hermit of Mt. Sinai. Little is known of his life, but his guide to the spiritual life in 30 steps, The Ladder of Paradise, was widely read in the Mid...

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