Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Prevost, Sir George

(Encyclopedia)Prevost, Sir George prĕˈvō [key], 1767–1816, British soldier and governor in chief of Canada (1811–15). He held several administrative posts in the West Indies before becoming (1808) lieutenant...

Bagot, Sir Charles

(Encyclopedia)Bagot, Sir Charles băgˈət [key], 1781–1843, British diplomat. As minister to the United States (1815–20) he negotiated the Rush-Bagot Convention, which limited armaments along the U.S.-Canadian...

Phips, Sir William

(Encyclopedia)Phips, Sir William, 1651–95, American colonial governor. Born in what is today Maine, he was a carpenter and shipbuilder in Boston and became interested in sunken treasure. On his second hunt for tr...

Petre, Sir Edward

(Encyclopedia)Petre, Sir Edward pēˈtər [key], 1631–99, English Jesuit, confessor of James II of England. He attended the Jesuit seminary of Saint-Omer. He was imprisoned (1679–80) in connection with the Popi...

Petty, Sir William

(Encyclopedia)Petty, Sir William, 1623–87, English statistician and physician. He was a founder of the Royal Society and was physician general to the army of Ireland in 1652. Petty's survey of the Irish estates a...

Pevsner, Sir Nikolaus

(Encyclopedia)Pevsner, Sir Nikolaus pĕvzˈnər [key], 1902–83, English architectural historian, b. Germany. Influenced by Heinrich Wölfflin, Pevsner contended in his many works that art must be considered withi...

Rothenstein, Sir William

(Encyclopedia)Rothenstein, Sir William rōˈthənstīn [key], 1872–1945, English painter and writer. He was well known for his portraits of famous people and for his pictures of Jewish subjects, including Jews Mo...

Rushdie, Sir Salman

(Encyclopedia)Rushdie, Sir Salman sälmänˈ ro͞oshˈdē [key], 1947–, British novelist, b. Bombay (now Mumbai, India). He is known for the allusive richness of his language and the wide variety of Eastern and W...

Newton, Sir Isaac

(Encyclopedia)Newton, Sir Isaac, 1642–1727, English mathematician and natural philosopher (physicist), who is considered by many the greatest scientist that ever lived. Newton was his university's representa...

Parker, Sir Gilbert

(Encyclopedia)Parker, Sir Gilbert, 1862–1932, Canadian novelist, b. Ontario. His novels and collections of tales usually deal either with the history of Canada or with England and the empire. Among his works are ...

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