Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Wyandotte Cave

(Encyclopedia)Wyandotte Cave, one of the largest natural caverns in the United States, S Ind., W of New Albany; discovered in 1798. There are 23 mi (37 km) of passages and several large and beautiful chambers on fi...

Logan, Mount

(Encyclopedia)Logan, Mount, 19,551 ft (5,959 m) high, in Kluane National Park, extreme SW Yukon, Canada, just E of Alaska; highest mountain in Canada and second highest in North America. One of the St. Elias Mts., ...

Amsterdam, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Amsterdam, city (2020 pop. 18,219), Montgomery co., E central N.Y., on the Mohawk River; inc. 1885. Historically famous for the manufacture of carpets, its manufactures now include machine...

Flaxman, John

(Encyclopedia)Flaxman, John, 1755–1826, English sculptor and draftsman. At 20 he went to work for Josiah Wedgwood, designing the cameolike decorations for Wedgwood's pottery. Later, in Rome, he devoted himself to...


(Encyclopedia)Pithom pīˈthŏm [key], in the Bible, the ancient treasure city of Egypt, in the eastern part of the Nile delta, built by the Israelites for the pharaoh. Ruins include walls of storage chambers. ...


(Encyclopedia)Portobelo, Porto Bello pwārˈtō bāˈyō [key], town, central Panama, on the Caribbean Sea. The site, an excellent harbor, was visited by Columbus. The town was founded in 1597. A thriving colonial...

Douglas, Sir James de, lord of Douglas

(Encyclopedia)Douglas, Sir James de, lord of Douglas, 1286?–1330, Scottish nobleman, called the Black Douglas and Douglas the Good; eldest son of William de Douglas, lord of Douglas. In the war of independence ag...

orders of architecture

(Encyclopedia)CE5 Orders of architecture orders of architecture. In classical tyles of architecture the various columnar types fall, in general, into the five so-called classical orders, which are named Doric, ...

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

(Encyclopedia)Carlsbad Caverns National Park, 46,766 acres (18,940 hectares), SE N.Mex., in the Guadalupe Mts.; designated a national park in 1930. These connecting limestone caves, with remarkable stalactite and s...

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