Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Pisidia pĭsĭdˈēə, pī– [key], ancient country of S Asia Minor, S of Phrygia and N of Pamphylia. It was a mountainous country, traversed by the Taurus range. Its warlike tribes maintained their ...

Wutai Shan

(Encyclopedia)Wutai Shan wo͞o-tī shän [key], mountain range, extending c.150 mi (240 km) across NE Shanxi and NW Hebei prov., NE China. The mountains, rising to c.10,035 ft (3,058 m), are sacred to Buddhists and...

Cardamom Hills, mountains, India

(Encyclopedia)Cardamom Hills kärˈdəməm [key], range, c.4,000 ft (1,220 m) high, c.1,000 sq mi (2,590 sq km), Kerala state, southern tip of India. Tea, coffee, teak, bamboo, turmeric, and cardamom, which gives t...


(Encyclopedia)Ghats gŏts [key] [Hindi,=steps], two mountain ranges of S India, paralleling the coasts of the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal and forming two sides of the Deccan plateau. Anai Mudi (8,841 ft/2,695...


(Encyclopedia)Erzgebirge ĕrtsˈgəbĭrˌgə [key] [Ger.,=ore mountains], Czech Krušné Hory, mountain range, along the Czech–German border, extending c.95 mi (150 km) from the Fichtelgebirge in the southwest to...


(Encyclopedia)pH, range of numbers expressing the relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution. In general, pH values range from 0 to 14. The pH of a neutral solution, i.e., one which is neither acidic nor alkaline...


(Encyclopedia)Layton, city (1990 pop. 41,784), Davis co., N Utah, between the Wasatch Range and Great Salt Lake. In an irrigated farm area served by the Weber basin project, it produces fruits and vegetables. Cattl...

Kaz Daği

(Encyclopedia)Kaz Daği käz däŭˈ [key], anc. Ida Mts., range, NW Turkey, SE of the location of ancient Troy. Mt. Gargarus (5,797 ft/1,767 m) is the highest point. The mountain was dedicated in ancient times to ...


(Encyclopedia)Kuskokwim kŭsˈkōkwĭm [key], river, c.650 mi (1,046 km) long, rising on the northwest slopes of the Alaska Range, central Alaska, and flowing SW to the Bering Sea. The shores of the river are mostl...

Lewis, rivers, United States and Canada

(Encyclopedia)Lewis. 1 Early name of the Snake River. 2 River, c.95 mi (155 km) long, rising in the Cascade Range, SW Wash., and flowing SW to the Columbia River NW of Vancouver. Three privately owned dams furnish ...

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