Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)anthropometry ănthrəpŏmˈətrē [key], technique of measuring the human body in terms of dimensions, proportions, and ratios such as those provided by the cephalic index. Once the standard approach...


(Encyclopedia)Kahoolawe kähōˈōläˈvā, –wā, kähōˈläˈ– [key], uninhabited island, 45 sq mi (117 sq km), central Hawaii; separated from Maui island to the NE by Alalakeiki Channel. The low island, dott...

Kakinomoto no Hitomaro

(Encyclopedia)Kakinomoto no Hitomaro käˈkēˈnōˈmōˈtō nō hēˈtōˈmäˈrō [key], ?–710?, early Japanese lyric poet. He is the greatest poet represented in the Manyôshu [collection of myriad leaves], wh...

Morison, Stanley

(Encyclopedia)Morison, Stanley, 1889–1967, English typographer and journalist. Morison was typographical consultant to Cambridge Univ. Press and to the English Monotype Corp. and editor of the Fleuron from 1926 t...

Karlin, John Elias

(Encyclopedia)Karlin, John Elias, American industrial psychologist and human-factors engineering pioneer, b. Johannesburg, South Africa, grad. Univ. of Cape Town (B.A., M.A.), Univ. of Chicago (Ph.D., 1942). With a...

Park City

(Encyclopedia)Park City, town (1990 pop. 4,468), Summit co., N central Utah, in the Wasatch Range. A former mining town whose silver and other deposits were mined out, it was a nearly ghost town by the 1950s but ha...

Passamaquoddy Bay

(Encyclopedia)Passamaquoddy Bay păsəməkwŏdˈē [key], inlet of the Bay of Fundy, between Maine and New Brunswick, at the mouth of the St. Croix River. Most of it (including Campobello island) is within Canada's...

Yakima, river, United States

(Encyclopedia)Yakima yăkˈəmô, –mə [key], river, 203 mi (327 km) long, rising in the Cascade Range, central Wash., and flowing SE past Yakima to the Columbia River near Kennewick. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamati...


(Encyclopedia)taconite, low-grade iron ore, a flintlike rock usually containing less than 30% iron. Resistant to drilling and to the extraction of its contained metal, the rock was long considered worthless. Experi...

Stigler, George Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Stigler, George Joseph, 1911–91, American economist, b. Renton, Wash., Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1938. A professor at Univ. of Chicago from 1958, Stigler wrote about the economics of information. He e...

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