Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Massa, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Massa măsˈə [key], in the Bible, seventh son of Ishmael. ...

Master of the Housebook

(Encyclopedia)Master of the Housebook (Meister des Hausbuchs), fl. 1475–1500, German graphic artist. The master is named for a series of vigorous and sophisticated drawings of everyday life found in the Hausbuch ...

Medan, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Medan mēˈdăn [key], in the Bible, son of Abraham and Keturah. ...

Marne, battle of the

(Encyclopedia)Marne, battle of the, two important battles of World War I that are named for the Marne River. In the first battle (Sept. 6–9, 1914) the German advance on Paris was halted at the Marne by the Allies...

Kore, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Kore kōˈrē [key], in the Bible. 1 Family of temple doorkeepers. 2 Levite under Hezekiah. ...

Aquila, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Aquila ăkˈwĭlə, əkwĭlˈə [key], in the New Testament, Christian of Jewish origin from Pontus who lived at Rome. He and his wife, Prisca or Priscilla, were friendly to Paul. ...

John the Baptist, Saint

(Encyclopedia)John the Baptist, Saint, d. c.a.d. 28–a.d. 30, Jewish prophet, considered by Christians to be the forerunner of Jesus. He was the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth, who was also a kinswoman of Mary, th...

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