Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Braidwood, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Braidwood, Thomas, 1715–1806, English educator, grad. Univ. of Edinburgh. He established (1760) at Edinburgh the first school in Great Britain for deaf-mutes, moving it to London in 1783. ...

Bray, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Bray, Thomas, 1656–1730, English clergyman and philanthropist. In 1696 he was selected by the bishop of London as his commissary to establish the Anglican church in Maryland. Bray recruited missiona...

Cavendish, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Cavendish, Thomas, 1560–92, English navigator. He commanded a ship in the flotilla under Sir Richard Grenville sent (1585) by Sir Walter Raleigh to establish the first colony in Virginia. In 1586, i...

Carlyle, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Carlyle, Thomas, 1795–1881, English author, b. Scotland. One of the most important social critics of his day, Carlyle influenced many men of the younger generation, among them Matthew Arnold and J...

Stucley, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Stucley or Stukely, Thomas both: styo͞oˈklē [key], 1525?–1578, English adventurer. He was rumored to be an illegitimate son of Henry VIII. He was in the service of Edward Seymour, duke of Somerse...

Bayes, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Bayes, Thomas, 1702–61, English clergyman and mathematician. The son of a Nonconformist minister, he was privately educated and earned his livelihood as a minister to the Nonconformist community at ...

Sully, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Sully, Thomas, 1783–1872, American painter, b. England. Having come to the United States as a child, he first studied with his brother Lawrence, a miniaturist, and later for a brief time with Gilber...

Sumter, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Sumter, Thomas, 1734–1832, American Revolutionary officer, b. near Charlottesville, Va. He served with Edward Braddock (1755) and John Forbes (1758) in their expeditions against Fort Duquesne in the...

Sydenham, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Sydenham, Thomas, 1624–89, English physician, called “the English Hippocrates.” He studied at Oxford and Montpellier, and practiced in London. His conceptions of the causes and treatments of epi...

Talbot, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Talbot, Thomas, 1771–1853, Canadian colonist, b. Ireland. He was a soldier and first came to Canada in 1790. In 1800 he left the army and obtained a grant of 5,000 acres (2,023 hectares) on the nort...

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