Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Südhof, Thomas Christian

(Encyclopedia)Südhof, Thomas Christian, 1955–, German-American biochemist. M.D., b. Göttingen, Germany, Ph.D. Georgia Augusta Univ., Göttingen, 1982. Südhof joined the faculty at the Univ. of Texas Southweste...

Beatty, Ned Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Beatty, Ned Thomas, 1937-2021, American television and film actor, b. Louisville, Ky. Beatty began his career in regional theater, beginning in ...

Stead, William Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Stead, William Thomas stĕd [key], 1849–1912, English journalist. From 1883 to 1889 he edited the Pall Mall Gazette and in 1890 founded the Review of Reviews, establishing similar publications in th...

Beauchamp, Thomas de

(Encyclopedia)Beauchamp, Thomas de: see Warwick, Thomas de Beauchamp, earl of. ...

Steitz, Thomas Arthur

(Encyclopedia)Steitz, Thomas Arthur, 1940–2018, American biophysicist and biochemist, b. Milwaukee, Ph.D. Harvard, 1966. Steitz was a professor at Yale from 1970 and a researcher at the Howard Hughes Medical Inst...

Browne, Sir Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Browne, Sir Thomas, 1605–82, English author and physician, b. London, educated at Oxford and abroad, knighted (1671) by Charles II. His Religio Medici, in which Browne attempted to reconcile science...

Browne, Thomas Alexander

(Encyclopedia)Browne, Thomas Alexander, pseud. Rolf Boldrewood rōf bôlˈdərwo͝odˌ, rôlf [key], 1826–1915, Australian author. A squatter, a magistrate, and a commissioner in the gold fields, he wrote many bo...

Brudenell, James Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Brudenell, James Thomas: see Cardigan, James Thomas Brudenell, 7th earl of. ...

Buckle, Henry Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Buckle, Henry Thomas, 1821–62, English historian. Contemptuous of the historical writing of his day, with its intense concern with politics, wars, and heroes, Buckle undertook the ambitious plan of ...

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