Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Troyat, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Troyat, Henri ŏ–rēˈ trôtäˈ [key], 1911–2007, French novelist and biographer, b. Moscow as Lev Aslanovich Tarassov. He and his family fled the Russian Revolution and settled (1911) in Paris. ...


(Encyclopedia)Clarín: see Alas, Leopoldo.

Constantine VII, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia)Constantine VII (Constantine Porphyrogenitus), 905–59, Byzantine emperor (913–59). He acceded after the brief reign of his uncle Alexander, who succeeded Constantine's father, Leo VI. A regency (9...

Regulus, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia)Regulus rĕgˈyələs [key], brightest star in the constellation Leo; Bayer designation Alpha Leonis; 1992 position R.A. 10h08m, Dec. +12°00′. A bluish-white main-sequence star of spectral class B7...

Vida, Marco Girolamo

(Encyclopedia)Vida, Marco Girolamo märˈkō jērôˈlämō vēˈdä [key], c.1490–1566, Italian poet, b. Cremona. After joining the humanist court of Pope Leo X, he was given a priory at Frascati and was commiss...

Caprivi Strip

(Encyclopedia)Caprivi Strip tsĭpˈfəl [key] [Ger. Zipfel=tip, point], region, c.300 mi (480 km) long and 50 mi (80 km) wide, NE Namibia, bordered on the N by Angola and Zambia and on the S by Botswana. It is name...

Radiguet, Raymond

(Encyclopedia)Radiguet, Raymond rāmôNˈ rädēgāˈ [key], 1903–23, French writer. In his brief career he wrote two penetrating novels—The Devil in the Flesh (1923, tr. 1932), a study of adolescence; and Le B...

Medici, Giovanni de', 1498–1526, Italian condottiere

(Encyclopedia)Medici, Giovanni de', or Giovanni delle Bande Nere jōvänˈnē dĕlˈlā bänˈdā nāˈrā [key] [Ital.,=of the black bands], 1498–1526, Italian condottiere; great-grandson of Lorenzo de' Medici (...

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