Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Károlyi, Count Michael

(Encyclopedia)Károlyi, Count Michael, 1875–1955, Hungarian politician, of an ancient noble family. A liberal, he organized (1918) a national council for Hungary after the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Mona...

Tisza, Count Stephen

(Encyclopedia)Tisza, Count Stephen, 1861–1918, Hungarian premier (1903–5, 1913–17); son of Kálmán Tisza. He believed in strong personal government and sought to make Hungary a forceful partner in the Austro...

Szechenyi, Count Stephen

(Encyclopedia)Szechenyi, Count Stephen sāˈchĕnyē [key], Hung. Széchenyi István, 1791–1860, Hungarian politician. Influenced by his studies in England, he championed the modernization of Hungarian economic, ...

Teleki, Count Paul

(Encyclopedia)Teleki, Count Paul tĕˈlĕkĭ [key], 1879–1941, Hungarian premier (1920–21, 1939–41), geographer, and political writer. He studied law, political science, and geography at the Univ. of Budapest...

Stenbock, Count Magnus

(Encyclopedia)Stenbock, Count Magnus mängˈnəs stānˈbôk [key], 1665–1717, Swedish field marshal. One of the ablest lieutenants of Charles XII in the Northern War, he helped defeat (1700) Peter I of Russia at...

Bernadotte, Count Folke

(Encyclopedia)Bernadotte, Count Folke fôlˈkə bĕrnädôtˈ, bûrˈnədŏt [key], 1895–1948, Swedish internationalist; nephew of King Gustavus V. He was active in the Swedish Red Cross and became its president ...

Bethlen, Count Stephen

(Encyclopedia)Bethlen, Count Stephen, 1874–1947?, Hungarian premier (1921–31). A Transylvanian, he entered the Hungarian parliament in 1901, and in 1919 he was a delegate to the Paris Peace Conference. Called t...

Leo I, Saint, pope

(Encyclopedia)Leo I, Saint (Saint Leo the Great), c.400–461, pope (440–61), an Italian; successor of St. Sixtus III. A Doctor of the Church, he was one of the greatest pontiffs of the early years of the church....

Leo III, Saint, pope

(Encyclopedia)Leo III, Saint, pope (795–816), a Roman; successor of Adrian I. He was attacked about the face and eyes by members of Adrian's family, who hoped to render him unfit for the papacy. Leo recovered and...

Leo IV, Saint, pope

(Encyclopedia)Leo IV, Saint, d. 855, pope (847–55), a Roman; successor of Sergius II. He had seen the Saracen attack on Rome (846), and to prevent its recurrence he fortified the city and its suburbs. He built a ...

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