Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Tonghua or Tunghwa both: to͝ongˈhwäˈ [key], city (1994 est. pop. 349,500), SW Jilin prov., China, in a mountainous region, and on a railroad to Korea. Abundant coal and iron reserves are in the ar...

Peter V, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia)Peter V, 1837–61, king of Portugal (1853–61), eldest son and successor of Maria II. Ascending the throne on the death of his mother, he ruled under the regency of his father, Ferdinand II, until 1...


(Encyclopedia)Wandsworth, inner borough (1991 pop. 237,500) of Greater London, SE London, on the Thames River. An area along the Thames is industrialized, with gasworks, breweries, and candle and paint manufacture....


(Encyclopedia)Tanta tänˈtä [key], city (1986 pop. 336,517), capital of Gharbiyah governorate, N Egypt, in the Nile River delta. It is a cotton-ginning center and the main railroad hub of the delta. Three annual ...

Velikiye Luki

(Encyclopedia)Velikiye Luki vyĭlyēˈkēə lo͞oˈkē [key], city (1989 pop. 114,000), W central European Russia, on the Lovat River. A railroad junction, it has industries producing rolling stock and foodstuffs. ...


(Encyclopedia)Bernina bĕrnēˈnä [key], mountain group, part of the Rhaetian Alps on the Swiss-Italian border, SE Switzerland. Piz Bernina is the highest (13,304 ft/4,055 m) peak. The group has many glaciers; Mor...

Fort Wayne

(Encyclopedia)Fort Wayne, city (2020 pop. 263,886), seat of Allen co., NE Ind., where the St. Joseph and St. Marys rivers join to form the Maumee River; inc. 1840. It...

Cumberland, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Cumberland. 1 City (2020 pop. 19,076), seat of Allegany co., NW Md., on the North Branch of the Potomac; settled 1750, inc. 1815. It is an important ...

Port Said

(Encyclopedia)Port Said bo͝or [key], city (1986 pop. 469,533), NE Egypt, a port on the Mediterranean Sea at the entrance to the Suez Canal. It is a fueling point for ships using the canal and is the site of the ma...

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