Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Galloway, Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Galloway, Joseph gălˈəwāˌ [key], c.1731–1803, American Loyalist leader, b. West River, Md. Galloway was a prominent lawyer with an interest in commerce and in speculation in Western lands. He e...

Gibson, John Bannister

(Encyclopedia)Gibson, John Bannister, 1780–1853, American jurist, b. Westover Mills, Pa.; nephew of the American frontiersman John Gibson. He studied law, was unsuccessful in practice, and served (1810–12) with...


(Encyclopedia)Bloomsburg, industrial town (2020 pop. 12,711), seat of Columbia co., E Pa., on the Susquehanna River; settled 1772, inc. 1870. Textiles, furniture, and...

Penn, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Penn, Thomas, 1702–75, colonial proprietor of Pennsylvania, b. Bristol, England; son of William Penn. Coming to Philadelphia, he managed (1732–41) the proprietary rights he inherited with his brot...

Davis, Mount

(Encyclopedia)Davis, Mount, peak, 3,213 ft (979 m) high, SW Pa., in the Alleghenies; highest point in Pennsylvania.

Penrose, Boies

(Encyclopedia)Penrose, Boies boiz [key], 1860–1921, American political leader, b. Philadelphia. A lawyer, he was (1884–97) a member of the Pennsylvania legislature and coauthored a scholarly work, The City Gove...

Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus

(Encyclopedia)Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus hĕkˈəvĕldər [key], 1743–1823, Moravian missionary in the United States, b. Bedford, England. Settling (1754) in Bethlehem, Pa., with his parents, he later wa...

Long, Crawford Williamson

(Encyclopedia)Long, Crawford Williamson, 1815–78, American physician, b. Danielsville, Ga., M.D. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1839. He practiced in Jefferson, Ga. In 1842 he excised a tumor of the neck using ether anes...

Erie, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Erie, city (2020 pop. 94,831), seat of Erie co., NW Pa., on Lake Erie; inc. as a city 1851. Pennsylvania's only port on the Great Lakes, Erie is a busy ...

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