Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Group of Eight

(Encyclopedia)Group of Eight: see under Group of Seven. ...

Group of Seven

(Encyclopedia)Group of Seven (G7), international organization officially established in 1985 to facilitate economic and commercial cooperation among the world's largest industrial nations, including efforts to aid ...

Group of Twenty

(Encyclopedia)Group of Twenty (G20): see under Group of Seven. ...

Andrusov, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia)Andrusov, Treaty of ănˈdro͝osŏfˌ, Rus. əndro͞oˈsəf [key], 1667, signed by Poland and Russia at the village of Andrusov, Russia (present-day Androsovo). It ended the war of Czar Alexis of Russ...

Guelph, University of

(Encyclopedia)Guelph, University of, at Guelph, Ont., Canada; provincially supported; nondenominational; coeducational; founded 1964. It has a faculty of graduate studies and schools of hotel and food administratio...

Guibert of Ravenna

(Encyclopedia)Guibert of Ravenna gwĭbˈərt, gēbĕrˈ [key], d. 1100, Italian churchman, antipope (1080–1100) Clement III, b. Parma. As imperial chancellor of Italy (1057–63), he consistently supported the Ho...

Guido of Siena

(Encyclopedia)Guido of Siena sēĕnˈə [key], fl. 13th cent., Italian painter. All that is known of him is an inscription on a large and almost completely repainted Virgin and Child Enthroned, formerly in San Dome...

George of Podebrad

(Encyclopedia)George of Podebrad pôdˈyĕbrät [key], 1420–71, king of Bohemia (1458–71). A Bohemian nobleman, he became leader of the Utraquists, or the moderate Hussites, in the wars between Hussites and Cat...

George of Trebizond

(Encyclopedia)George of Trebizond trĕbˈĭzŏnd [key], c.1396–1486, Greek scholar, b. Crete. Settling in Venice, he taught Greek, philosophy, and rhetoric there and in Vicenza before going to Rome in 1442. He be...

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