Columbia Encyclopedia

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Blanchot, Maurice

(Encyclopedia)Blanchot, Maurice mōrēsˈ bläNshōˈ [key], 1907–2003, French novelist and literary critic. One of the first intellectuals in France to be interested in questions of language and meaning, he was ...

Arabic languages

(Encyclopedia)Arabic languages, members of the West Semitic group of the Semitic subdivision of the Afroasiatic family of languages (see Afroasiatic languages). The Arabic languages comprise North Arabic (or simply...


(Encyclopedia)semantics [Gr.,=significant] in general, the study of the relationship between words and meanings. The empirical study of word meanings and sentence meanings in existing languages is a branch of lingu...


(Encyclopedia)Kurdish, language belonging to the Iranian group of the Indo-Iranian subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages. See Indo-Iranian languages. ...


(Encyclopedia)programming: see computer; programming language. ...


(Encyclopedia)Navaho: see Navajo, people; Navajo, language. ...

Montreal, University of

(Encyclopedia)Montreal, University of, at Montreal, Que., Canada; French language; established 1876 as a branch of Laval Univ. It became an autonomous university in 1919. It has faculties of arts and sciences, grad...


(Encyclopedia)Malayalam mäˌləyäˈləm [key], Dravidian language of India. See Dravidian languages. ...


(Encyclopedia)Tamil tămˈĭl [key], Dravidian language of India. See Dravidian languages. ...

Edinburgh, University of

(Encyclopedia)Edinburgh, University of, at Edinburgh, Scotland; founded 1583. It has faculties of divinity, law, medicine, arts, science, music, social sciences, and veterinary medicine. The Institute for Advanced ...

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