Columbia Encyclopedia

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420 results found

Coanda effect

(Encyclopedia)Coanda effect or wall-attachment effect, the tendency of a moving fluid, either liquid or gas, to attach itself to a surface and flow along it. As a fluid moves across a surface a certain amount of fr...


(Encyclopedia)Irkutsk ĭrko͞otskˈ [key], city (1989 pop. 626,000), capital of Irkutsk region, S Siberian Russia, at the confluence of the Angara and Irkut rivers. It is an industrial center, a port, the site of a...

International Civil Aviation Organization

(Encyclopedia)International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), specialized agency of the United Nations, organized in 1947, with headquarters at Montreal. The objective of the ICAO, which has 190 member nations, i...

Anderson, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Anderson. 1 City (2020 pop. 54,788), seat of Madison co., E central Ind., on the White River; inc. 1838. It is a manufacturing center in a fertile farm area; food products, aircraft ...

Grand Rapids

(Encyclopedia)Grand Rapids. <1> City (2020 pop. 198,917), seat of Kent co., SW central Mich., on the Grand River; inc. 1850. The second largest city in the stat...


(Encyclopedia)ergonomics, the engineering science concerned with the physical and psychological relationship between machines and the people who use them. The ergonomicist takes an empirical approach to the study o...

Aurora, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Aurora ərôrˈə, ô– [key]. 1 City (2020 pop. 386,261), Adams and Arapahoe counties, N central Colo., a growing suburb on the east side of Denver; inc. 1903. Founded d...

life preserver

(Encyclopedia)life preserver, a personal flotation device (PFD) intended to keep the wearer afloat, particularly in case of shipwreck. A Type I PFD will keep even unconscious people afloat in a face–up position; ...

kite, in aviation and recreation

(Encyclopedia)kite, in aviation, aircraft restrained by a towline and deriving its lift from the aerodynamic action of the wind flowing across it. Commonly the kite consists of a light framework upon which paper, s...

Cartes Jara, Horacio Manuel

(Encyclopedia)Cartes Jara, Horacio Manuel, 1956–, Paraguayan businessman and political leader. The son of a businessman who owned an aircraft franchise, Cartes studied aviation in the United States. At 19 he inve...

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