Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)proton, elementary particle having a single positive electrical charge and constituting the nucleus of the ordinary hydrogen atom. The positive charge of the nucleus of any atom is due to its protons....

Sakharov, Andrei Dmitriyevich

(Encyclopedia)Sakharov, Andrei Dmitriyevich, 1921–89, Soviet nuclear physicist and human-rights advocate; first Soviet citizen to receive the Nobel Peace Prize (1975). From 1948 to 1956 he helped to develop the U...

Higgins, William

(Encyclopedia)Higgins, William, b. 1762 or 1763, d. 1825, Irish chemist. After study at Oxford he became supervisor of the Royal Dublin Society's mineralogical collection and in 1800 the Society's professor of chem...

Gerhardt, Charles Frédéric

(Encyclopedia)Gerhardt, Charles Frédéric shärl frādārēkˈ zhārärˈ [key], 1816–56, French chemist, b. Strasbourg. He revived the theory of acid radicals, which he called the theory of residues, and did va...

Gamow, George

(Encyclopedia)Gamow, George gămˈŏf [key], 1904–68, Russian-American theoretical physicist and author, b. Odessa. A nuclear physicist, Gamow is better known to the public for his excellent books popularizing ab...

Pregl, Fritz

(Encyclopedia)Pregl, Fritz frĭts prāˈgəl [key], 1869–1930, Austrian physiologist and chemist, M.D. Univ. of Graz, 1894. He taught at the universities of Innsbruck (1910–13) and Graz (from 1913). For his met...

computer virus

(Encyclopedia)computer virus, rogue computer program, typically a short program designed to disperse copies of itself to other computers and disrupt those computers' normal operations. A computer virus usually atta...


(Encyclopedia)ozone ōˈzōn [key], an allotropic form of the chemical element oxygen (see allotropy). Pure ozone is an unstable, faintly bluish gas with a characteristic fresh, penetrating odor. The gas has a dens...


(Encyclopedia)grenade grĭnādˈ [key], small bomb either thrown by hand or shot from a modified rifle or a grenade launcher. It may be filled with gas or chemicals but more often holds an explosive charge that fra...

Moore, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Moore, Henry, 1898–1986, English sculptor. Moore's early sculpture was angular and rough, strongly influenced by pre-Columbian art. About 1928 he evolved a more personal style which has gained him a...

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