Columbia Encyclopedia

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492 results found

Bragg, Sir William Lawrence

(Encyclopedia)Bragg, Sir William Lawrence, 1890–1971, English physicist, b. Adelaide, Australia, educated in Australia and at Trinity College, Cambridge; son of W. H. Bragg. He was professor of physics at Victori...

Oklahoma City

(Encyclopedia)Oklahoma City (1990 pop. 444,719), state capital, and seat of Oklahoma co., central Okla., on the North Canadian River; inc. 1890. The state's largest city, it is an important livestock market, a whol...

Manchurian Incident

(Encyclopedia)Manchurian Incident or Mukden Incident, 1931, confrontation that gave Japan the impetus to set up a puppet government in Manchuria. After the Russo-Japanese War (1904–5), Japan replaced Russia as th...


(Encyclopedia)Lockerbie lŏkˈərbē [key], village (1991 pop. 3,892), Dumfries and Galloway, S Scotland, site of a 1988 airplane crash. On Dec. 21, 1988, a New York–bound Pan Am Boeing 747 exploded in flight as ...

Aznar López, José María

(Encyclopedia)Aznar López, José María hōzāˈ märēˈə äsˈnär lōˈpās [key], 1953–, Spanish politician, prime minister of Spain (1996–2004), b. Madrid. Originally a lawyer and tax inspector, he joine...

Henderson, Richard, Scottish molecular biologist

(Encyclopedia)Henderson, Richard, 1945–, Scottish molecular biologist, Ph.D. Cambridge, 1969. Henderson has been a researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge since 1973. In 2017 he was awarded...

Libby, Willard Frank

(Encyclopedia)Libby, Willard Frank, 1908–80, American chemist, b. Grand Valley, Colo., grad. Univ. of California (B.S., 1931; Ph.D., 1933). He taught (1933–45) at the Univ. of California and was a chemist (1941...

Miki, Takeo

(Encyclopedia)Miki, Takeo, 1907–88, Japanese politician, prime minister of Japan (1974–76). He attended Meiji Univ. and the Univ. of California, Los Angeles, and was first elected to the Diet in 1937. An advoca...

Lindemann, Frederick Alexander

(Encyclopedia)Lindemann, Frederick Alexander (Viscount Cherwell) lĭnˈdəmən, chärˈwĕl [key], 1886–1957, British physicist and government official. He studied with W. H. Nernst and developed with him the Ner...

Wurtz, Charles Adolphe

(Encyclopedia)Wurtz, Charles Adolphe shärl ädôlfˈ vürts [key], 1817–84, French chemist. He was professor at the Sorbonne (1852–75), at the Faculty of Medicine, Paris (1853–75), and at the Faculty of Scie...

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