Columbia Encyclopedia

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radiation sickness

(Encyclopedia)radiation sickness, harmful effect produced on body tissues by exposure to radioactive substances. The biological action of radiation is not fully understood, but it is believed that a disturbance in ...

Chain, Ernst Boris

(Encyclopedia)Chain, Ernst Boris, 1906–79, English biochemist, b. Berlin, Germany. In 1933 he left Germany and went to England, where he conducted research at Cambridge from 1933 to 1935 and at Oxford from 1935; ...

Onsager, Lars

(Encyclopedia)Onsager, Lars, 1903–76, American physical chemist, b. Oslo, Ph.D. Yale, 1935. Onsager taught at Brown Univ. from 1928 to 1933 and was on the faculty at Yale from 1933 until his retirement in 1972. H...


(Encyclopedia)Köthen köˈtən [key], city (1994 pop. 31,860), Saxony-Anhalt, central Germany. Köthen has lignite mines, sugar refineries, textile mills, chemical factories, and heavy engineering industries. The ...


(Encyclopedia)isomorphism īˌsəmôrˈfĭzəm [key], of minerals, similarity of crystal structure between two or more distinct substances. Sodium nitrate and calcium sulfate are isomorphous, as are the sulfates of...


(Encyclopedia)Hosius hōˈzhēəs [key], c.255–c.358, Spanish prelate, bishop of Córdoba, leader against Arianism. He presided at the Council of Nicaea (325) and is credited by Athanasius with having authored th...


(Encyclopedia)Hitachi hētäˈchē [key], city, Ibaraki prefecture, E central Honshu, Japan, on the Kashima ...

Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard, Baron

(Encyclopedia)Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard, Baron lwē bĕrnärˈ bärôNˈ gētôNˈ də môrvōˈ [key], 1737–1816, French chemist and lawyer. He wrote the chemical section of the Encyclopédie méthodique ...

Woodward, Robert Burns

(Encyclopedia)Woodward, Robert Burns, 1917–80, American chemist and educator, b. Boston, grad. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (S.B., 1936; Ph.D., 1937). He taught at Harvard from 1938, becoming Donner prof...

Berthollet, Claude Louis, Comte

(Encyclopedia)Berthollet, Claude Louis, Comte klōd lwē, kôNt bĕrtōlāˈ [key], 1748–1822, French chemist. His contributions to chemistry include the analysis of ammonia and prussic acid and the discovery of ...

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