Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Acmeists ăkˈmēĭsts [key], school of Russian poets started in 1912 by Sergei M. Gorodetsky and Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev as a reaction against the mysticism of the symbolists. The school aspired ...

Leguía, Augusto Bernardino

(Encyclopedia)Leguía, Augusto Bernardino ougo͞osˈtō bārnärdēˈnō lāgēˈä [key], 1863–1932, president of Peru (1908–12, 1919–30). In his second administration Leguía promulgated a new constitution ...

Schick test

(Encyclopedia)Schick test, diagnostic test designed to evaluate susceptibility to diphtheria. A small amount of diphtheria toxin is injected into the skin; the injection will produce an area of redness and swelling...

milk of magnesia

(Encyclopedia)milk of magnesia, common name for the chemical compound magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2. The viscous, white, mildly alkaline mixture that is used medicinally as an antacid and laxative is a suspension of...

Mond, Alfred Moritz, 1st Baron Melchett

(Encyclopedia)Mond, Alfred Moritz, 1st Baron Melchett mŏnd, mĕlˈchĭt [key], 1868–1930, English industrialist and politician; son of Ludwig Mond. He played a leading part in the centralization of the English c...


(Encyclopedia)weathering, collective term for the processes by which rock at or near the earth's surface is disintegrated and decomposed by the action of atmospheric agents, water, and living things. Some of these ...


(Encyclopedia)engineering, profession devoted to designing, constructing, and operating the structures, machines, and other devices of industry and everyday life. Until the Industrial Revolution there were only t...


(Encyclopedia)Sabae säbäˈā [key], city (1990 pop. 62,283), Fukui prefecture, central Honshu, Japan. It is an agricultural market with textile and chemical industries. ...


(Encyclopedia)Ichikawa ēchēˈkäwä [key], city, Chiba prefecture, central Honshu, Japan, on the Edo River. It ...


(Encyclopedia)formality, in chemistry: see chemical equilibrium; concentration. ...

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