Columbia Encyclopedia

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Mace, chemical spray

(Encyclopedia)Mace, chemical spray device used by police in riot control. Mace is ordinary tear gas (chloroacetophenone, or CN) in a volatile solvent contained in a spray can. It causes severe lacrimation and tempo...

magnesia, chemical compound

(Encyclopedia)magnesia, common name for the chemical compound magnesium oxide, MgO. It occurs as colorless, cubic crystals. It is refractory, melting at about 2,800℃. It is very slightly soluble in pure water but...

CS, chemical compound

(Encyclopedia)CS, chemical compound (orthochlorobenzalmalonitrile) used in riot control and, by the military, as a harassing agent. The compound is dispersed as an aerosol or as a finely divided powder. Exposure to...

copper, chemical element

(Encyclopedia)copper, metallic chemical element; symbol Cu [Lat. cuprum=copper]; at. no. 29; at. wt. 63.546; m.p. 1,083.4℃; b.p. 2,567℃; sp. gr. 8.96 at 20℃; valence +1 or +2. Copper and some of its alloys ha...

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