Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich

(Encyclopedia)Bonhoeffer, Dietrich dēˈtrĭkh bônˈhöfər [key], 1906–45, German Protestant theologian. Bonhoeffer, influenced early by the thinking of the young Karl Barth, urged a conformation to the form of...

Schinkel, Karl Friedrich

(Encyclopedia)Schinkel, Karl Friedrich kärl frēˈdrĭkh shĭngˈkəl [key], 1781–1841, German architect and painter. A member of the Berlin Academy, he became a professor in 1820. He also worked in lithography,...

Clement XIV, pope

(Encyclopedia)Clement XIV, 1705–74, pope (1769–74), an Italian (b. near Rimini) named Lorenzo Ganganelli; successor of Clement XIII. He was prominent for many years in pontifical affairs at Rome, and he was cre...

Hackensack, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Hackensack, city (2020 pop. 46,030), seat of Bergen co., NE N.J., on the Hackensack River, a residential and industrial suburb of New York City; settled...

Thomas, Cyrus

(Encyclopedia)Thomas, Cyrus, 1825–1910, American anthropologist and entomologist, b. Kingsport, Tenn. He was a lawyer, then a minister (1865–69) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. He was associated with the U....


(Encyclopedia)celibacy sĕlˈĭbəsē [key], voluntary refusal to enter the married state, with abstinence from sexual activity. It is one of the typically Christian forms of asceticism. In ancient Rome the vestal ...

Tsankov, Dragan

(Encyclopedia)Tsankov, Dragan tsänˈkôf [key], 1828–1911, Bulgarian politician. As journalist and later as professor he played an important part in achieving the autonomy of the Bulgarian Church from the patri...

Romney, George Wilcken

(Encyclopedia)Romney, George Wilcken rŏmˈnē [key], 1907–95, U.S. public official, b. Mexico, of American parents. He worked (1920–30) as a Senate staff tariff specialist and then entered industry. He became ...

Philipse, Frederick

(Encyclopedia)Philipse, Frederick fĭlˈĭps [key], 1626–1702, merchant and landowner in colonial America, b. Holland. He went (1647) with his family to New Amsterdam, where he became wealthy as a merchant. He bo...

Nantes, Edict of

(Encyclopedia)Nantes, Edict of, 1598, decree promulgated at Nantes by King Henry IV to restore internal peace in France, which had been torn by the Wars of Religion; the edict defined the rights of the French Prote...

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