Columbia Encyclopedia

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335 results found


(Encyclopedia)pasta, generic name for thin pieces of hardened, unleavened dough that are molded into various shapes and boiled, not baked. Pasta is commonly associated with Italian cuisine, though similar wheat flo...

Brunswick, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Brunswick. 1 City (2020 pop. 15,210), seat of Glynn co., SE Ga., on St. Simon's Sound near the Atlantic coast; laid out 1771–72, inc. 1856. ...

Swiss Guards

(Encyclopedia)Swiss Guards, Swiss mercenaries who fought in various European armies from the 15th cent. until the 19th cent. These mercenaries, who were not volunteers, were put at the disposal of foreign powers by...

triumphal arch

(Encyclopedia)CE5 Triumphal arch triumphal arch, monumental structure embodying one or more arched passages, frequently built to span a road and designed to honor a king or general or to commemorate a military ...

barrow, in archaeology

(Encyclopedia)barrow, in archaeology, a burial mound. Earth and stone or timber are the usual construction materials; in parts of SE Asia stone and brick have entirely replaced earth. A barrow built primarily of st...


(Encyclopedia)CE5 Bugula, a moss animal, representative of the phylum Ectoprocta Ectoprocta ĕkˌtəprŏkˈtə [key], phylum of sessile, colonial aquatic animals (commonly known as moss animals or oryonzoans). ...


(Encyclopedia)Akko āˈkər, äˈ– [key], Fr. Saint-Jean d'Acre, Arab. Acca, city, NW Israel, a port on the Bay of Haifa (an arm of the Mediterranean Sea). Its manufactures include ir...


(Encyclopedia)era, period of historic time. In geology, it is the name applied to large divisions of geological process, e.g., Paleozoic era (see geology). In chronology an era is a period reckoned from a fixed poi...


(Encyclopedia)inclosure or enclosure, in British history, the process of inclosing (with fences, ditches, hedges, or other barriers) land formerly subject to common rights. Such land included fields cultivated by t...


(Encyclopedia)Ankara ăngˈkərə, Turk. ängˈkärä [key], city (2021 pop. 4,587,558), capital of Turkey and Ankara prov., W central Turkey, at an elevation of c.3,000 ft (910 m). Tur...

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