Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)En-gedi ĕn-gēˈdī, ĕnˈ-gēdī [key], in the Bible, oasis on the W shore of the Dead Sea, famed for its vineyards. David hid there from Saul. ...


(Encyclopedia)Hattush hătˈəsh [key], in the Bible. 1, 2 Descendants of David. 3 Signer of the covenant. 4 Worker on the wall of Jerusalem. ...


(Encyclopedia)Hadadezer hădədēˈzər [key], in the Bible, king of Zobah, who led a Syrian coalition against David. The allies were eventually defeated and became tributaries. An alternate form is Hadarezer. ...


(Encyclopedia)Amasa ămˈəsə, əmāˈsə [key], in the Bible. 1 Cousin of Absalom, with whom he revolted. Later he became David's commander in chief; he was murdered by Joab. 2 Ephraimite chief. ...


(Encyclopedia)Hanani hănˈənī, hānāˈ– [key], in the Bible. 1 Chief singer of David. 2 Seer who reproved Asa. Apparently this is the father of Jehu. 3 Governor of Jerusalem. ...


(Encyclopedia)Nethaneel nēthănˈēəl, nĕthˈənēl [key], in the Bible. 1 Prince of Issachar. 2 Brother of David. 3 Porter of the Temple. 4 Prince under Jehoshaphat. 5 Trumpeter. ...


(Encyclopedia)Keilah kēīˈlə [key], in the Bible, town, SW ancient Palestine. David rescued it from the Philistines and lived there until the treachery of its inhabitants caused him to leave. ...


(Encyclopedia)Shimri shĭmˈrī [key], in the Bible. 1 Descendant of Simeon. 2 Father of one of David's guard. 3 One who helped clean the Temple in Hezekiah's reign. ...


(Encyclopedia)Sibbecai or Sibbechai both: sĭbˈəkī, –kāˌī [key], in the Bible, one of David's guard, noted for his fight with the Philistine giant. He is also called Mebunnai. ...

Douglas, William, 1st earl of Douglas and Mar

(Encyclopedia)Douglas, William, 1st earl of Douglas and Mar, 1327?–1384, Scottish nobleman; nephew of Sir James de Douglas, lord of Douglas. About 1348 he returned to Scotland from France and recaptured the Dougl...

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