Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

King, Henry

(Encyclopedia)King, Henry, 1592–1669, English poet. He became bishop of Chichester in 1642. Elegies constitute nearly half his work, his most notable being “The Exequy,” written on the death of his young wife...


(Encyclopedia)Anubis əno͞oˈbĭs [key], Egyptian god of the dead. He presided over the embalming of the dead and is represented as a jackal-, wolf-, or dog-headed man. ...


(Encyclopedia)Kurdufan kôrˌdəfănˈ [key], region (1983 pop. 3,093,294), S central Sudan. Kurdufan is divided into Northern and Southern Kurdufan states. Its terrain, generally level in the north, rises in the s...


(Encyclopedia)Mahdi mäˈdē [key] [Arab.,=he who is divinely guided], in Sunni Islam, the restorer of the faith. He will appear at the end of time to restore justice on earth and establish universal Islam. The Mah...

Dionne, Narcisse Eutrope

(Encyclopedia)Dionne, Narcisse Eutrope närsēsˈ ötrôpˈ dyôn [key], 1848–1917, French Canadian historian. He was a prolific writer and produced biographies in French of Samuel de Champlain, Jacques Cartier, ...


(Encyclopedia)symbol, sign representing something that has an independent existence. The most important use of symbols is in language. To say so, however, does not solve the perennial philosophical questions as to ...


(Encyclopedia)On ŏn [key], in the Bible. 1 Reubenite conspirator in Korah's revolt. 2 The Egyptian Heliopolis. ...


(Encyclopedia)Rafa or Rafah both: räˈfä [key], town in the present Gaza Strip on the Egyptian border. The ancient name was Raphia. There in 217 b.c., Ptolemy IV defeated Antiochus III. ...

Tiele, Cornelis Petrus

(Encyclopedia)Tiele, Cornelis Petrus kôrnāˈlĭs pāˈtrəs tēˈlə [key], 1830–1902, Dutch theologian and author of a number of valuable works on the history of religion. Important is his Outlines of the Hist...

L'Hôpital, Michel de

(Encyclopedia)L'Hôpital or L'Hospital, Michel de both: mēshĕlˈ də lōpētälˈ [key], c.1505–1573, chancellor of France under Catherine de' Medici. He was Catherine's chief collaborator in the policy of reli...

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