Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)laburnum ləbûrˈnəm [key] or golden chain, small tree (Laburnum anagyroides) of the family Leguminosae (pulse family) with decorative dark green leaves and sprays of bright yellow flowers. It is na...


(Encyclopedia)phlox, common name for plants of the genus Phlox and for members of the Polemoniaceae, a family of herbs (and some shrubs and vines) found chiefly in the W United States. The family includes many popu...


(Encyclopedia)buzzard, common name for hawks of the genus Buteo and for the honey buzzards of the genus Pernis, of the Old World family Accipitridae. The name buzzard is also incorrectly applied to various hawks an...


(Encyclopedia)calendula kəlĕnˈjələ [key], any species of the genus Calendula, Old World plants of the family Asteraceae (aster family). The common calendula (C. officinalis), an annual with yellow to deep oran...


(Encyclopedia)burdock bûrˈdäk [key], common name of any plant of the genus Arctium of the family Asteraceae (aster family), coarse biennials indigenous to temperate Eurasia and mostly weedy in North America. The...

Virginia creeper

(Encyclopedia)Virginia creeper, native woody vine (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) of the family Vitaceae (grape family), tall growing and popular as a wall covering in the temperate United States. It has blue-black b...


(Encyclopedia)watercress, hardy perennial European herb (Nasturtium officinale) of the family Cruciferae (or Brassicaceae; mustard family), widely naturalized in North America, found in or around water. Often culti...

wheat grass

(Encyclopedia)wheat grass, any plant of the genus Agropyron, cool-season perennials of the family Poaceae (grass family). Species of wheat grass, both native and introduced, are important range forage grasses in th...


(Encyclopedia)trillium or wake-robin trĭlˈēəm [key], any plant of the large genus Trillium, attractive spring wildflowers of the family Liliaceae (lily family), native to North America and E Asia. The leaves, p...


(Encyclopedia)basil băzˈəl [key], any plant of the genus Ocimum, tender herbs or small shrubs of the family Labiatae (mint family), mostly of Old World warm regions and cultivated for the aromatic leaves. The ba...

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