Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Baron, Salo Wittmayer

(Encyclopedia)Baron, Salo Wittmayer säˈlō vĭtˈmīər bärônˈ [key], 1895–1989, Jewish historian and educator, b. Galicia. He was taken as a child to Vienna, where he later studied at the university, earnin...

Myerson, Roger Bruce

(Encyclopedia)Myerson, Roger Bruce, 1951–, American economist, b. Boston, Mass., Ph.D. Harvard, 1976. He has taught at Northwestern Univ. (1976–2001) and the Univ. of Chicago (2001–). With Leonid Hurwicz and ...

Sanader, Ivo

(Encyclopedia)Sanader, Ivo ēˈvō sänändârˈ [key], 1953–, Croatian political leader, b. Split. He worked in marketing and publishing until 1991, when he became manager of the Croatian National Theater in Spl...

Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich

(Encyclopedia)Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich yōˈhän hīnˈrĭkh pĕsˌtälôtˈsē [key], 1746–1827, Swiss educational reformer, b. Zürich. His theories laid the foundation of modern elementary education. He stu...

Faneuil Hall

(Encyclopedia)Faneuil Hall fănˈəl, fănˈyəl [key], public market and hall in Boston, Mass. Given to the city by the merchant Peter Faneuil in 1742, the building burned in 1761 but was rebuilt. The scene of Rev...

Kuhn, Thomas Samuel

(Encyclopedia)Kuhn, Thomas Samuel, 1922–96, American philosopher and historian of science, b. Cincinnati, Ohio. He trained as a physicist at Harvard (Ph.D. 1949), where he taught the history of science from 1948 ...

Gettysburg Address

(Encyclopedia)Gettysburg Address, speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln on Nov. 19, 1863, at the dedication of the national cemetery on the Civil War battlefield of Gettysburg, Pa. It is one of the most famous and mo...

Carter, Ashton Baldwin

(Encyclopedia)Carter, Ashton Baldwin, 1954–, U.S. political scientist and government official, b. Philadephia, Pa. Trained as a theoretical physicist, he shifted to the study of ballistic missiles and internation...

Thomson, Sir John Arthur

(Encyclopedia)Thomson, Sir John Arthur, 1861–1933, Scottish naturalist and writer. From 1899 to 1930 he was Regius professor of natural history at the Univ. of Aberdeen. In 1924 he lectured at Union Theological S...

London, University of

(Encyclopedia)London, University of, at London, England; founded 1836 as an examining and degree-giving body. Teaching functions were not added until 1898. It comprised at first University College (or UCL, which ha...

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