Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Wichita Falls

(Encyclopedia)Wichita Falls wĭchˈĭtô [key], city (1990 pop. 96,259), seat of Wichita co., N Tex., on the Wichita River; inc. 1889. The city's name comes from the Wichitas and from the falls that have since been...

solar cell

(Encyclopedia)solar cell, semiconductor devised to convert light to electric current. It is a specially constructed diode, usually made of forms of crystalline silicon or of thin films (as of copper indium gallium ...


(Encyclopedia)satinwood, name for a hard and durable wood with a satinlike sheen, much used in cabinetmaking, especially in marquetry. It comes from two tropical trees of the family Rutaceae (rue family). East Indi...

solid-state physics

(Encyclopedia)solid-state physics, study of the properties of bulk matter rather than those of the individual particles that compose it. Solid-state physics is concerned with the properties exhibited by atoms and m...


(Encyclopedia)Hadera hədāˈrä [key], town, W Israel, on the plain of Sharon, near the Mediterranean Sea. ...

joe-pye weed

(Encyclopedia)joe-pye weed jō-pīˈ [key], name for a tall North American plant (Eupatorium purpureum) of the family Asteraceae (aster family), having small, usually pinkish-purple blossoms in large terminal clust...

elevator, in machinery

(Encyclopedia)elevator, in machinery, device for transporting people or goods from one level to another. The term is applied to the enclosed structures as well as the open platforms used to provide vertical transpo...


(Encyclopedia)xerography zərŏgˈrəfēˌ [key], also called electrophotography, method of dry photocopying in which the image is transferred by using the attractive forces of electric charges. A beam of light, us...

Hickory, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Hickory, city (2020 pop. 43,490), Burke and Catawba counties, W N.C., at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mts.; inc. 1870. It is a processing and trade center...


(Encyclopedia)Newcastle-under-Lyme, city (1991 pop. 73,208) and district, Staffordshire, W central England, on the Lyme River. Construction materials, apparel, computers, electric motors, and machinery are manufact...

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