Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Gentile da Fabriano

(Encyclopedia)Gentile da Fabriano jāntēˈlā [key], c.1370–1427, Italian painter, one of the outstanding exponents of the elegant international Gothic style. In 1409 he worked in the Doge's Palace, Venice, pai...

American Civil Liberties Union

(Encyclopedia)American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), nonpartisan organization devoted to the preservation and extension of the basic rights set forth in the U.S. Constitution. Founded (1920) by such prominent figur...

folk art

(Encyclopedia)folk art, the art works of a culturally homogeneous people produced by artists without formal training. The forms of such works are generally developed into a tradition that is either cut off from or ...

Marciano, Rocky

(Encyclopedia)Marciano, Rocky märsēäˈnō [key], 1924–69, American boxer, b. Brockton, Mass. His real name was Rocco Francis Marchegiano. Failing to become a professional baseball player, Marciano turned to bo...


(Encyclopedia)Wace wās [key], c.1100–1174, Norman-French poet of Jersey. King Henry II made him canon of Bayeux. His Roman de Brut (1155) is a long, rhymed chronicle of British history based on the Historia of G...


(Encyclopedia)accessory, in criminal law, a person who, though not present at the commission of a crime, becomes a participator in the crime either before or after the fact of commission. An accessory before the fa...

Cycladic art

(Encyclopedia)Cycladic art sĭklădˈĭk [key], Bronze Age art of the Cyclades, an island group of the central Aegean. Early tomb remains include several types of jugs, pots, and bowls decorated in geometric design...

Kiefer, Anselm

(Encyclopedia)Kiefer, Anselm kēˈfər [key], 1945–, German painter. One of the major figures of neoexpressionism, he studied (1970) with Joseph Beuys, who heavily influenced his work. His large paintings of the ...


(Encyclopedia)Bruegel, Brueghel, or Breughel all: broiˈgəl, Du. bröˈgəl [key], outstanding family of Flemish genre and landscape painters. The foremost, Pieter Bruegel, the Elder, c.1525–1569, called Peasan...

Delaware, indigenous people of North America

(Encyclopedia)Delaware dĕlˈəwâr, –wər [key], English name given several closely related Native American groups of the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native American langua...

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