Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Bontemps, Arna

(Encyclopedia)Bontemps, Arna, 1902–73, African-American writer, b. Alexandria, La. He is best remembered as the author of the novel God Sends Sunday (1931), the basis of the play St. Louis Woman (1946); and of Bl...

Brooke, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Brooke, Henry, c.1703–1783, Irish author. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin, he studied law in London before returning to Ireland permanently. In 1735 he published his long philosophical poem, Uni...

Durrell, Lawrence

(Encyclopedia)Durrell, Lawrence dŭˈrəl, dûrˈəl [key], 1912–90, British author, b. India, of Irish parents. Durrell traveled widely, often serving in diplomatic positions; most of his works are set in exotic...

Evans, Caradoc

(Encyclopedia)Evans, Caradoc, 1883–1945, Anglo-Welsh novelist and short-story writer. His chief works are his short-story collections, My People (1915), Capel Sion (1916), and My Neighbors (1919), and his novel N...

Musa Daği

(Encyclopedia)Musa Daği mo͞oˈsä däŭˈ [key], peak, 4,445 ft (1,355 m) high, S Turkey, rising from the Mediterranean Sea, W of Antakya. The heroic resistance of the Armenians against the Turks at Musa Daği in...

Paine, Albert Bigelow

(Encyclopedia)Paine, Albert Bigelow, 1861–1937, American author, b. New Bedford, Mass. He is best remembered as the author of the authorized biography of Mark Twain (3 vol., 1912) and as the editor of Twain's let...

Ramos, Graciliano

(Encyclopedia)Ramos, Graciliano rämˈŏs [key], 1892–1953, Brazilian novelist. His work is marked by psychological analysis and focuses on social problems in rural districts of NE Brazil. See his novel São Ber...

Grossman, Vasily Semenovich

(Encyclopedia)Grossman, Vasily Semenovich, 1905–64, Russian novelist and journalist, b. Berdichev (now Berdychiv, Ukraine). He graduated (1929) from Moscow State Univ., published novels and short stories, and bec...

Gibson, William

(Encyclopedia)Gibson, William, 1948–, Canadian science fiction writer, b. Conway, S.C., moved to Canada in the 1960s. He first published short stories in sci-fi magazines; many are collected in Burning Chrome (19...

Fontane, Theodor

(Encyclopedia)Fontane, Theodor tāˈōdôr fôntäˈnə [key], 1819–98, German writer. Although he is primarily important as a novelist, he did not begin to write fiction until he was almost 60 years old. Thereaf...

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