Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Rezzori, Gregor von

(Encyclopedia)Rezzori, Gregor von, 1914–98, Austrian-Romanian writer, b. Gregor Arnulph Hilarius von Rezzori d'Arezzo in Czernowitz, Austria-Hungary (later in Romania and the USSR, now Chernivtsi, Ukraine). The a...

Richardson, Henry Handel

(Encyclopedia)Richardson, Henry Handel, pseud. of Ethel Richardson Robertson, 1870–1946, Australian novelist, b. Melbourne. Her years of study at the Presbyterian Ladies' College, Melbourne, were reflected in her...

Nabokov, Vladimir

(Encyclopedia)Nabokov, Vladimir vlädēˈmĭr näbôˈkŏf [key], 1899–1977, Russian-American author, b. St. Petersburg, Russia. He emigrated to England after the Russian Revolution of 1917 and graduated from Cam...

Lawrence, D. H.

(Encyclopedia)Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert Lawrence), 1885–1930, English author, one of the primary shapers of 20th-century fiction. Lawrence believed that industrialized Western culture was dehumanizing beca...

Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich

(Encyclopedia)Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich păsˈtərnăkˌ, Rus. bərēsˈ lyāˌənyēˈdəvĭch pəstyĭrnäkˈ [key], 1890–1960, Russian poet and translator. Pasternak became an international symbol of the in...


(Encyclopedia)Stendhal märē äNrēˈ bĕl [key], 1783–1842, French writer, recognized as one of the great French novelists. He grew up in Grenoble hating his father and the Jesuit, Royalist atmosphere in his ho...

Ali, Sabahattin

(Encyclopedia)Ali, Sabahattin, 1907–48, Turkish fiction writer. During his lifetime he was best known for his popular and realistic short stories, many of which were concerned with the plight of Turkey's poor. Hi...

de la Roche, Mazo

(Encyclopedia)de la Roche, Mazo māˈzō də lä rôsh [key], 1885–1961, Canadian novelist, b. Toronto. Her popular novel, Jalna (1927), was followed by a series depicting the history, through 150 years, of the v...

Cross, Wilbur Lucius

(Encyclopedia)Cross, Wilbur Lucius, 1862–1948, American educator and public official, b. Mansfield, Conn., grad. Yale (B.A., 1885; Ph.D., 1889). He was instructor (1894–97), assistant professor (1897–1902), a...

Dahlberg, Edward

(Encyclopedia)Dahlberg, Edward dälˈbərg [key], 1900–1977, American novelist, critic, and essayist, b. Boston, grad. Columbia, 1925. The illegitimate son of an itinerant hairdresser, he spent much of his childh...

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