Columbia Encyclopedia

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144 results found

Homer, Winslow

(Encyclopedia)Homer, Winslow, 1836–1910, American landscape, marine, and genre painter. Homer was born in Boston, where he later worked as a lithographer and illustrator. In 1861 he was sent to the Civil War batt...


(Encyclopedia)stearin stērˈĭn [key], fat that is the triglyceride of stearic acid, CH3(CH2)16CO2H, i.e., the tristearate ester of glycerol. It is a white crystalline solid at ordinary temperatures and is insolub...

waterproof and water-repellent fabrics

(Encyclopedia)waterproof and water-repellent fabrics, materials treated with various substances so as to make them impervious to water. Permanent waterproofing is achieved by first coating fabrics with rubber or pl...


(Encyclopedia)latex, emulsion of a polymer (e.g., rubber) in water (see colloid). Natural latexes are produced by a number of plants, are usually white in color, and often contain, in addition to rubber, various gu...


(Encyclopedia)mignonette mĭnˌyənĕtˈ [key], common name for some members of the Resedaceae, a small family of herbs and a few shrubs inhabiting arid regions. The main genus, the mignonettes (genus Reseda), chie...

Zorn, Anders Leonhard

(Encyclopedia)Zorn, Anders Leonhard änˈdərs lāˈo͞onärd sôrn [key], 1860–1920, Swedish painter, etcher, and sculptor. Zorn's early and phenomenal popularity was sustained throughout his career as a portrai...

food pyramid

(Encyclopedia)CE5 The U.S. Department of Agriculture used (1992–2005) this pyramid to show the basis of a healthy diet, dividing foods into five nutritional groups and recommending the number of daily average ...


(Encyclopedia)hydrolysis hīdrŏlˈĭsĭs [key], chemical reaction of a compound with water, usually resulting in the formation of one or more new compounds. The most common hydrolysis occurs when a salt of a weak ...

Ružička, Leopold Stephen

(Encyclopedia)Ružička, Leopold Stephen or Lavoslav Stjepan 1887–1976, Swiss chemist, b. Croatia (then in Austria-Hungary), Dr.Ing. Technische Hochschule, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1910. Ružička was a researcher at ...


(Encyclopedia)Brill or Bril, Flemish painters, brothers. Mattys Brill mäˈtīs [key], 1550–83, went to Rome early in his career and executed frescoes for Gregory XIII in the Vatican. Paul Brill, 1554–1626, pro...

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