Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Georgia Institute of Technology

(Encyclopedia)Georgia Institute of Technology, in Atlanta, Ga.; coeducational; state supported; chartered 1885, opened 1888. It is a member school in the university system of Georgia. Significant among its faciliti...

Parma Heights

(Encyclopedia)Parma Heights, city (1990 pop. 21,448), Cuyahoga co., NE Ohio, a residential suburb of Cleveland; settled 1818, set off from Parma and inc. 1912. It is surrounded on three sides by Parma, and the two ...

Hkakabo Razi

(Encyclopedia)Hkakabo Razi käˈkäbō räˈzē [key], peak, 19,296 ft (5,881 m) high, N Myanmar, on an outlier of the Himalayan system. It is the highest point in Myanmar. ...

Nature Conservancy

(Encyclopedia)Nature Conservancy, nonprofit organization established in 1951 to preserve or aid in the preservation of natural environments. It protects wilderness areas in the United States and Canada and is affil...

Shickshock Mountains

(Encyclopedia)Shickshock Mountains, range of the Appalachian system, E Que., Canada, a continuation of the Notre Dame Mts., extending c.100 mi (160 km) east-west near the north coast of the Gaspé Peninsula. Tablet...

Dewey, Melvil

(Encyclopedia)Dewey, Melvil, 1851–1931, American library pioneer, originator of the Dewey decimal system, b. Adams Center, N.Y., grad. Amherst (B.A., 1874; M.A., 1877). A man of originality and of enormous energy...

Cozens, Alexander

(Encyclopedia)Cozens, Alexander kŭzˈənz [key], c.1717–1786, English draftsman and writer, b. Russia. Cozens is thought to have been the first principal English master to work entirely with landscape subjects. ...


(Encyclopedia)CE5 Anatomy of an arrow worm, Sagitta, representative of the phylum Chaetognatha Chaetognatha kētôgnăthˈə [key], phylum of predominantly pelagic marine animals commonly known as arrowworms. A...

Napier, John

(Encyclopedia)Napier, John nāˈpēr, nəpērˈ [key], 1550–1617, Scottish mathematician and theologian. He invented logarithms and wrote Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio (1614), containing the first log...

Moser, Edvard Ingjald

(Encyclopedia)Moser, Edvard Ingjald, 1962–, Norwegian psychologist and neuroscientist, Ph.D. Univ. of Oslo, 1995, and May-Britt Moser, 1963–, also a Norwegian psychologist and neuroscientist, Ph.D. Univ. of Osl...

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