Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Mundell, Robert A.

(Encyclopedia)Mundell, Robert A., 1932–2021, Canadian economist, b. Kingston, Ont., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D. , 1956). He taught at a number of u...

Heckman, James Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Heckman, James Joseph, 1944– American economist, b. Chicago, Ill., Ph.D. Princeton, 1971. He has taught at the Univ. of Chicago since 1973. Heckman shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Scienc...

Haas, Arthur Erich

(Encyclopedia)Haas, Arthur Erich häs [key], 1884–1941, American physicist and educator, b. Bohemia. He was professor of physics at Vienna, Leipzig, London, and, from 1936, the Univ. of Notre Dame, South Bend, In...

Gassendi, Pierre

(Encyclopedia)Gassendi, Pierre pyĕr gäsäNdēˈ [key], 1592–1655, French philosopher and scientist. A teacher and priest, Gassendi taught at Digne, Aix, and the Royal College at Paris and held several church of...

American Geographical Society

(Encyclopedia)American Geographical Society (AGS), oldest geographical society in the United States, founded 1852 in New York City. Its purpose is to advance the science of geography through discussion and publicat...

Dodds, Harold Willis

(Encyclopedia)Dodds, Harold Willis, 1889–1980, American educator, b. Utica, Pa., grad. Grove City College, 1909, M.A. Princeton, 1914, Ph.D. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1917. He taught economics and political science ...

Doxiades, Constantinos

(Encyclopedia)Doxiades, Constantinos kônstäntēˈnôs dôksyäˈᵺēs [key], 1913–75, Greek urban planner, designer, and consultant on ekistics, the science of human settlements. In Athens, Doxiades held offic...

Dale, Sir Henry Hallett

(Encyclopedia)Dale, Sir Henry Hallett, 1875–1968, English scientist. For his study of acetylcholine as agent in the chemical transmission of nerve impulses he shared with Otto Loewi the 1936 Nobel Prize in Physio...

Sauvé, Jeanne Mathilde Benoit

(Encyclopedia)Sauvé, Jeanne Mathilde Benoit zhän mätēldˈ bənwäˈ sōvāˈ [key], 1922–93, Canadian government official, b. Prud'homme, Saskatchewan. Sauvé, who studied at the universities of Ottawa and Pa...

Senior, Nassau

(Encyclopedia)Senior, Nassau, 1790–1864, English economist. A graduate of Oxford, he was called there in 1825 to fill the first chair of political economy in England. In An Outline of the Science of Political Eco...

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