Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Barrow, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Barrow, city (2020 pop. 4,390), N Alaska; inc. 1958. It is the northernmost (71° 16′ N) U.S. settlement and the trade center of the Alaska North Slop...

Prince George

(Encyclopedia)Prince George, city (1991 pop. 69,653), central British Columbia, Canada, at the confluence of the Fraser and Nechako rivers. It is a railroad division point and a distribution center for a lumber reg...

São Vicente

(Encyclopedia)São Vicente souN vēsĕnˈtĭ [key], city (1996 pop. 279,620), São Paulo state, SE Brazil, off the mainland on an island in the Atlantic. It was the first permanent Portuguese settlement (1532) in B...

Saltonstall, Sir Richard

(Encyclopedia)Saltonstall, Sir Richard sôlˈtənstôl [key], 1586–1658, early English colonist in Massachusetts. Of a prominent Yorkshire family (he was knighted in 1618), Saltonstall became a member and was app...

Canada Company

(Encyclopedia)Canada Company, land settlement company chartered in England in 1826. It was initiated by the Scottish novelist John Galt, who proposed that Upper Canada (Ontario) sell government lands in order to ra...


(Encyclopedia)Ramsgate rămzˈgĭt [key], town (1991 pop. 36,678), in the Isle of Thanet, Kent, SE England. Ramsgate is a resort and yachting harbor. The town began as a fishing settlement, and extensive trade with...


(Encyclopedia)Enghien, Du. Edingen, town, Hainaut prov., W central Belgium. It is a tourist center and has industries that manufacture linen and lace. Enghien ...


(Encyclopedia)Bridewell brīdˈwəl [key], area in London, England, between Fleet St. and the Thames River. The Bridewell house of correction, demolished in 1863, was on the site of a palace built under Henry VIII ...


(Encyclopedia)synecdoche sĭnĕkˈdəkē [key], figure of speech, a species of metaphor, in which a part of a person or thing is used to designate the whole—thus, “The house was built by 40 hands” for “The ...


(Encyclopedia)impeachment, in Great Britain and United States, formal accusation issued by a legislature against a public official charged with crime or other serious misconduct. In a looser sense the term is somet...

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