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(Encyclopedia) pentlanditepentlanditepĕntˈləndīt [key], yellowish-bronze, opaque mineral, a sulfide of iron and nickel, (Fe,Ni)9S8. It is found in masses nearly always associated with the iron…

Piedras Negras, city, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) Piedras Negras, city (1990 pop. 96,178), Coahuila state, N Mexico, on the Rio Grande opposite Eagle Pass, Tex. Founded in 1849, the city grew as an international shipping point.…


(Encyclopedia) crusher, machine used to reduce materials such as ore, coal, stone, and slag to particle sizes that are convenient for their intended uses. Crushers operate by slowly applying a large…


(Encyclopedia) ErzbergErzbergĕrtsˈbĕrkh [key], peak, 3,531 ft (1,076 m) high, in Styria, central Austria. Rising above the town of Eisenerz, the Erzberg is almost literally a mountain of iron. Its…


(Encyclopedia) NamibeNamibenämēb [key], formerly MossamedesMossamedesmōsäˈmədĕs [key], town (1987 est. pop. 77,000), SW Angola, a port on the Atlantic Ocean. Iron ore is the leading export; sisal,…


(Encyclopedia) ObuasiObuasiōbwäˈsē [key], town (1984 pop. 60,617), S central Ghana. Highly concentrated gold ore is mined, and there are gold-extraction plants. Gold was mined in Obuasi by indigenous…


(Encyclopedia) wolframitewolframitew&oobreve;lˈfrəmītˌ [key], reddish-brown to grayish-black lustrous mineral, a tungstate of iron and manganese, (Fe,Mn)Wo4, occurring in crystals of the…


(Encyclopedia) Zunyi or TsunyiZunyiboth: dz&oomacr;nˈyēˈ [key], town (1994 est. pop. 295,200), N Guizhou prov., SW China. It is on the main highway to Sichuan and is the commercial and…


(Encyclopedia) Siegen, city (1994 pop. 111,845), North Rhine–Westphalia, W Germany, on the Sieg River. Iron ore is mined nearby, and the city has iron foundries. Other manufactures include leather…

America’s Most Literate Cities, 2010

This study attempts to capture one critical index of our nation’s social health—the literacy of its major cities (population of 250,000 and above). The study focuses on six…