/ Thesaurus / S Synonyms of synchronized Find synonyms for: Verb1. synchronize, synchronise, sync, adjust, set, correctusage: make synchronous and adjust in time or manner; "Let's synchronize our efforts"2. synchronize, synchronise, contemporize, contemporise, happen, hap, go on, pass off, occur, pass, fall out, come about, take placeusage: happen at the same time3. synchronize, synchronise, change, alter, modifyusage: make (motion picture sound) exactly simultaneous with the action; "synchronize this film"4. synchronize, synchronise, contemporize, contemporise, arrange, set up, put, orderusage: arrange or represent events so that they co-occur; "synchronize biblical events"5. synchronize, synchronise, operate, controlusage: operate simultaneously; "The clocks synchronize"6. synchronize, synchronise, align, aline, line up, adjustusage: cause to indicate the same time or rate; "synchronize your watches"Adjective1. synchronized, synchronised, synchronous (vs. asynchronous), synchronal, synchronicusage: operating in unison; "the synchronized flapping of a bird's wings"WordNet 3.0 Copyright © 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. Related Content Daily Word Quiz: diurnal Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language