/ Thesaurus S: Synonyms for Letter S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Verb saber sabotage sabre saccharify sack sack out sack up sacrifice sadden saddle safeguard sag sag down sail sail through sailplane saint salaam salinate salivate sallow sally forth sally out salt salt away saltate salute salvage salve samba sample sanctify sanction sand sand cast sandbag sandblast sandpaper sandwich sanitate sanitise sanitize sap saponify sashay sass sate satellite satiate satirise satirize satisfice satisfise satisfy saturate sauce saunter saute savage save save up savor savour savvy saw saw logs saw wood say say farewell scab scaffold scald scale scale down scale up scallop scalp scam scamp scamper scan scandalise scandalize scant scar scare scare away scare off scarf scarf out scarify scarper scat scatter scavenge scend scent scent out schedule schematise schematize scheme schlep schmoose schmooze schnorr school schuss scintillate scissor sclaff scoff scold scollop scoop scoop out scoop up scoot scorch score score out scorn scotch scotch tape scour scourge scout scowl scrabble scrag scram scramble scranch scrap scrape scrape along scrape by scrape up scratch scratch along scratch off scratch out scratch up scraunch scrawl screak scream screech screen screen off screen out screw screw up scribble scribe scrimmage scrimp scrimshank script scroll scrounge scrub scrub up scrunch scrunch up scruple scrutinise scrutinize scry scud scuff scuffle scull sculpt sculpture scum scupper scurry scuttle scythe seal seal in seal off seam seaplane sear search season seat secede secern secernate seclude second second-guess secrete section sectionalise sectionalize secularise secularize secure sedate sediment seduce see see double see eye to eye see red see the light see through see to it seed seek seek out seel seem seep seesaw seethe segment segregate segue seine seize seize on seize with teeth select self-destroy self-destruct sell sell off sell out sell short sell up sellotape semaphore semi-automatise semi-automatize send send a message send around send away send back send down send for send in send off send on send out send packing send word senesce sense sensibilise sensibilize sensify sensitise sensitize sensualise sensualize sentence sentimentalise sentimentalize sentimentise sentimentize separate separate off separate out sequence sequester sequestrate serenade serialise serialize sermonise sermonize serrate serve serve up serve well service set set ablaze set about set afire set aflame set ahead set apart set ashore set aside set back set down set forth set free set in set in motion set off set on set on fire set out set to music set up set upon settle settle down settle on sever severalise severalize sew sew together sex sex up sexualise sexualize shack shack up shackle shade shade off shadow shadowbox shaft shag shake shake hands shake off shake up shallow sham shamanise shamanize shamble shame shampoo shanghai shank shape shape up share shark sharpen sharpshoot shatter shave she-bop shear sheathe shed shed blood shed light on sheer sheet shell shell out shell stitch shellac shellack shelter shelve shepherd shew shield shift shill shillyshally shimmer shimmy shin shine shine at shine up shingle shinny ship shipwreck shirk shirr shirt shit shiver shlep shmoose shmooze shnorr shoal shock shoe shoehorn shoetree shoo shoo away shoo off shoot shoot a line shoot craps shoot down shoot for shoot one's mouth off shoot the breeze shoot up shop shop at shoplift shore shore up short short-change short-circuit shorten shortlist shoulder shoulder in shout shout down shout out shove shove along shove off shovel shovel in show show off show the door show up shower shower down shred shriek shrill shrimp shrine shrink shrink back shrink from shrinkwrap shrive shrivel shrivel up shroud shrug shrug off shuck shudder shuffle shun shunt shush shut shut away shut down shut in shut off shut one's mouth shut out shut up shutter shuttle shuttlecock shy shy away from sibilate sic sick sicken side side-slip sideline sidestep sideswipe sidetrack sidle sidle up sieve sieve out sift sigh sight sight-read sight-sing sightread sightsee sightsing sign sign away sign in sign off sign on sign over sign up signal signalise signalize signify signpost silence silhouette silkscreen silt silt up silver silver-plate silverplate simmer simmer down simonise simonize simper simplify simulate sin sing sing along singe single single-foot single crochet single out single stitch singsong singularise singularize sink sink in sinter sip siphon siphon off sire siss sit sit around sit back sit by sit down sit in sit out sit tight sit up site situate size size up sizz sizzle skank skate skate over skateboard skedaddle sketch skew skewer ski ski jump skid skim skim off skim over skimcoat skimp skimp over skin skin-dive skin over skin pop skinny-dip skip skip-bomb skip over skip town skipper skirl skirmish skirt skitter skittle skive skreak skreigh skulk skunk sky sky dive skydive skyjack skylark skyrocket slabber slack slack off slack up slacken slacken off slag slake slalom slam slam-dunk slam dance slam on slander slang slant slap slap on slap together slash slat slate slather slaughter slave slaver slay sled sledge sledgehammer sleek sleek down sleek over sleep sleep around sleep in sleep late sleep off sleep out sleep over sleep together sleep with sleepwalk sleet sleigh slenderise slenderize sleuth slew slice slice into slice through slice up slick slick down slick up slide slide by slide down slight slim slim down slime sling slink slip slip away slip by slip in slip off slip on slip one's mind slip up slit slither sliver slobber slobber over slog sloganeer slop slope slosh slosh around slot slouch slough slough off slow slow down slow up slue slug sluice sluice down slum slumber slump slur slur over slurp slush slush around smack smart smarten up smash smash up smatter smear smell smell out smell up smelt smile smirch smirk smite smock smoke smoke out smolder smooch smooth smooth out smooth over smoothen smother smoulder smudge smuggle smut smutch snack snaffle snafu snag snail snake snap snap at snap back snap off snap up snare snarf snarl snarl up snatch snatch up sneak sneak away sneak in sneak off sneak out sneak up sneer sneeze snick snicker sniff sniff out sniffle snigger snip snip off snipe snitch snivel snog snooker snoop snooze snore snorkel snort snow snow-blind snowball snowboard snowmobile snowshoe snub snuff snuff it snuff out snuffle snuggle soak soak through soak up soap soar soar up soar upwards sob sober sober up socialise socialize sock sod sodomise sodomize soft-pedal soft-soap soft-solder soften soil sojourn solace solarise solarize solder soldier sole solemnise solemnize solicit solidify soliloquise soliloquize solmizate solo solvate solve somersault somnambulate sonnet soot soothe sop sop up sophisticate sorb sorcerise sorcerize sorrow sort sort out sough sound sound off sound out soundproof soup soup up sour source souse sovietise sovietize sow sow in sow one's oats sow one's wild oats space spacewalk spade spam span spang spangle spank spar spare sparge spark spark off sparkle spat spatchcock spatter spawn spay speak speak for speak in tongues speak of the devil speak out speak up spear spear up spearhead specialise specialize speciate specify speck speckle spectate speculate speech-read speechify speed speed skate speed up spell spell out spellbind spelunk spend spend a penny spew spew out sphacelate spice spice up spiel spiel off spiff up spike spike out spill spill out spill over spill the beans spin spin-dry spin around spin off spin out spiral spirit spirit away spirit off spirit up spiritise spiritize spiritualise spiritualize spirt spit spit out spit up spite splash splash around splat splatter splay splice splint splinter split split up splosh splotch splurge splutter spoil spondaise spondaize sponge sponge down sponge off sponge on sponge up sponsor spoof spook spool spoon spoonfeed sport sportscast sporulate spot spot-check spot-weld spot jam spot promote spotlight spotweld spout sprain sprawl spray spray-dry spread spread-eagle spread out spread over spreadeagle spree spring spring-clean spring to mind spring up sprinkle sprint spritz sprout spruce spruce up spud spue spume spur spurn spurt sputter spy squabble squall squander square square away square dance square off square up squash squat squawk squeak squeak by squeak through squeal squeegee squeeze squeeze by squeeze for squeeze out squelch squinch squint squire squirm squirrel away squirt squish stab stabilise stabilize stable stack stack away stack up staff stag stage stage direct stagger stagnate stain stake stale stalemate stalinise stalinize stalk stall stammer stamp stamp down stamp out stampede stanch stand stand back stand by stand fast stand firm stand for stand guard stand in stand out stand pat stand sentinel stand still stand up stand watch standardise standardize staple star starboard starch stare stare down stargaze start start out start up startle starve stash stash away state station staunch stave stave in stave off stay stay at stay away stay fresh stay in place stay off stay on stay over stay put stay together stay up steady steady down steal steal away steam steam-heat steam clean steamer steamroll steamroller steel steel oneself against steel onself for steep steepen steer stem stencil stenograph step step down step forward step in step on step on it step out step to the fore step up stereotype sterilise sterilize stet stew stick stick about stick around stick by stick in stick on stick out stick to stick together stick up stick with stickle stiffen stifle stigmatise stigmatize still still-fish still-hunt stimulate sting stink stink out stink up stint stipple stipulate stir stir fry stir up stitch stock stock-take stock up stockade stockpile stoke stomach stomp stone stone-wash stonewall stonewash stooge stool stoop stoop to stop stop dead stop over stop up stopper stopple store storm stow stow away straddle strafe straggle straighten straighten out straighten up strain straiten strand strangle strangulate strap stratify straw stray streak stream streamline street-walk streetwalk strengthen stress stretch stretch along stretch forth stretch out strew striate strickle stride stridulate strike strike a blow strike a chord strike a note strike back strike down strike dumb strike hard strike home strike off strike out strike up string string along string out string up strip strip-search strip down strip mine stripe strive stroke stroll strong-arm strop structure struggle strum strut stub stub out stucco stud study stuff stultify stumble stump stun stunt stupefy stutter style stylise stylize stymie stymy sub subcontract subdivide subdue subedit subject subjoin subjugate sublease sublet sublimate sublime subluxate submarine submerge submerse submit subordinate suborn subpoena subrogate subscribe subscribe to subserve subside subsidise subsidize subsist substantiate substitute subsume subtend subtilise subtilize subtitle subtract suburbanise suburbanize subvent subvention subvert subvocalise subvocalize succeed succor succour succumb succuss suck suck in suck out suck up suckle suction sudate suds sue suffer suffice suffix suffocate suffuse sugar sugarcoat suggest suit sulfate sulfur sulfurette sulk sully sulphur sulphurette sum sum up summarise summarize summate summer summerise summerize summit summon summons sun sunbathe sunburn sunder suntan sup superannuate supercede supercharge superfetate superimpose superinfect superintend superordinate superpose superscribe supersede supervene supervene upon supervise supinate supplant supple supplement supplicate supply support suppose suppress suppurate surcharge surf surface surface-mine surface mine surfboard surfeit surge surmise surmount surpass surprise surrender surround surtax surveil survey survive suspect suspend suspire suss out sustain susurrate suture swab swaddle swag swage swagger swallow swallow up swamp swan swank swap swarm swash swat swathe swatter sway swear swear in swear off swear out sweat sweat off sweep sweep away sweep off sweep over sweep through sweep under the rug sweep up sweet-talk sweeten swell swell up swelter swerve swig swill swill down swim swindle swing swing about swing around swing out swing over swinge swipe swirl swish switch switch-hit switch off switch on switch over swivel swob swoon swoop swoop up swoosh swop swosh swot swot up syllabicate syllabify syllabise syllabize syllogise syllogize symbolise symbolize symmetrise symmetrize sympathise sympathize sympathize with symphonise symphonize sync synchronise synchronize syncopate syncretise syncretize syndicate synthesise synthesize syphon syringe systematise systematize systemise systemize Adjective s-shaped sabahan sabbatarian sabbatic sabbatical saber-toothed sabertoothed sabine sable sabre-toothed saccadic saccharine sacculate sacculated sacerdotal sacked saclike sacral sacramental sacred sacrificeable sacrificial sacrilegious sacrosanct sad sad-faced saddle-shaped saddle-sore saddled sadducean sadistic sadomasochistic safe safe and sound safety-related sagacious sage sage-green sagging sagittal sagittate sagittiform saharan said sainted saintlike saintly salable salacious salamandriform salaried saleable salient salientian saliferous saline salivary sallow salmon salt salt-cured salted saltish saltlike salty salubrious salutary salvadoran salvadorean salvageable salverform salvific salving same samoan samoyedic-speaking san marinese sanative sanctified sanctimonious sanctionative sanctioned sanctioning sand-blind sandaled sandalled sandlike sandpapery sandy sane sanguinary sanguine sanguineous sanious sanitary sanitised sanitized sapid sapiens sapient sapiential sapless saponaceous saponified saporous sapphic sapphire sapphirine sappy saprobic saprophagous saprophytic saprozoic sarawakian sarcastic sarcoid sarcolemmal sarcolemmic sarcolemnous sarcosomal sardinian sardonic sartorial sassy satanic satellite satiable satiate satiated satiny satiric satirical satisfactory satisfiable satisfied satisfying saturated saturnine satyric satyrical saucer-eyed saucer-shaped saucy saudi saudi-arabian saurian sausage-shaped saute sauteed savage saved saving savorless savory savourless savoury saw-like saw-toothed sawed-off sawn-off sawtoothed-edged saxatile saxicoline saxicolous saxon scabby scabrous scalable scalar scaled scaleless scalelike scalene scaley scalic scalloped scaly scaly-tailed scandalmongering scandalous scandent scandinavian scant scantily clad scanty scaphoid scapose scapular scapulohumeral scarce scarecrowish scared scarey scarlet scarlet-crimson scarlet-pink scarred scary scathing scatological scatterbrained scattered scattershot scatty scenic scented scentless sceptered sceptical sceptred scheduled schematic scheming schismatic schismatical schizoid schizophrenic schmaltzy schmalzy scholarly scholastic schoolboyish schoolgirlish schoolwide sciatic scientific scintillant scintillating sciolistic scissor-tailed sclerosed sclerotic scopal scorbutic scorched scorching scoreless scorned scornful scotch scotomatous scots scottish scoundrelly scoured scowling scrabbly scraggly scraggy scrambled scrappy scratchy scrawny screaky screaming screechy screw-loose screw-topped screwball screwy scrimpy scrimy scripted scriptural scrivened scrofulous scrotal scrub scrubbed scrubby scruffy scrumptious scrupulous sculpted sculptural sculptured sculpturesque scummy scurfy scurrilous scurrying scurvy scythian sea-green sea-level seaborne seafaring seagirt seagoing sealed seamanlike seamanly seamed seamless seamy sear searching seared searing seasick seasonable seasonal seasoned seated seaward seaworthy sebaceous sec secluded second second-best second-class second-rate second-sighted second-string second-year secondary secondhand secret secretarial secretive secretory sectarian sectional sectioned sectorial secular secure sedate sedative sedentary sedgelike sedgy sedimentary seditious seductive sedulous see-through seeable seeded seedless seedy seeing seeming seemly seeping seething segmental segmented segregated seismal seismic seismologic seismological select selected selective self self-abnegating self-absorbed self-acting self-activating self-addressed self-aggrandising self-aggrandizing self-appointed self-asserting self-assertive self-assured self-aware self-balancing self-centered self-centred self-collected self-colored self-coloured self-complacent self-conceited self-confessed self-confident self-conscious self-consistent self-constituted self-contained self-contradictory self-defeating self-denying self-deprecating self-destructive self-directed self-disciplined self-educated self-effacing self-employed self-enclosed self-established self-evident self-examining self-explanatory self-fertilised self-fertilized self-forgetful self-generated self-giving self-governing self-important self-imposed self-induced self-indulgent self-involved self-limited self-loading self-locking self-loving self-luminous self-made self-moving self-opinionated self-pollinated self-pollinating self-possessed self-proclaimed self-produced self-propelled self-propelling self-referent self-regulating self-reliant self-renewing self-respectful self-respecting self-restraining self-righteous self-sacrificing self-satisfied self-sealing self-seeded self-seeking self-service self-serving self-sowed self-sown self-styled self-sufficient self-sufficing self-supporting self-sustained self-sustaining self-whispered self-willed self-winding selfish selfless selfsame seljuk sellable semantic semestral semestrial semi-climbing semi-dry semi-erect semi-evergreen semi-formal semi-processed semi-prostrate semi-tuberous semi-upright semi-wild semiabstract semiannual semiaquatic semiarid semiautobiographical semiautomatic semicentenary semicentennial semicircular semicomatose semiconducting semiconductive semiconscious semidark semidetached semiempirical semiformal semihard semiliquid semiliterate semilunar semimonthly seminal seminiferous seminude semiofficial semiopaque semiotic semiotical semiparasitic semipermanent semipermeable semipolitical semiprecious semiprivate semipublic semirigid semiskilled semisoft semisolid semisweet semisynthetic semite semiterrestrial semitic semitic-speaking semitransparent semitropic semitropical semiweekly sempiternal senatorial senecan senegalese senescent senile senior sensate sensational sensationalistic sensed senseless sensible sensitised sensitising sensitive sensitized sensitizing sensorial sensorimotor sensorineural sensory sensual sensuous sent sentential sententious sentient sentimental sepaline sepaloid separable separate separated separatist separative septal septate septic septicemic septrional septuple sepulchral sequent sequential sequestered sequined seraphic seraphical serbian sere serendipitous serene serflike serial sericeous sericultural seriocomic seriocomical serious serious-minded serologic serological serous serpentine serrate serrated serried serrulate serviceable servile servo servomechanical sesquipedalian sessile set set-apart set-aside set in stone setaceous setose settled seven seven-day seven-fold seven-membered seven-sided sevenfold seventeen seventeenth seventh seventieth seventy seventy-eight seventy-fifth seventy-five seventy-four seventy-nine seventy-one seventy-seven seventy-six seventy-three seventy-two severable several several-seeded severe severed sewed sewn sex-limited sex-linked sex-starved sexagenarian sexagesimal sexed sexist sexless sextuple sexual sexually attractive sexy seychellois shabby shabby-genteel shackled shaded shadowed shadowy shady shagged shaggy shaggy-coated shaggy-haired shakable shakeable shakedown shaken shakespearean shakespearian shaky shallow shallow-draft shallow-draught sham shamanist shamanistic shambolic shamed shamefaced shameful shameless shaped shapeless shapely shaping shared shared out sharing sharp sharp-angled sharp-cornered sharp-eared sharp-eyed sharp-limbed sharp-nosed sharp-pointed sharp-set sharp-sighted sharp-tasting sharp-toothed sharp-worded sharpened shattered shattering shatterproof shaved shaven shavian sheared sheathed shed sheeny sheepish sheeplike sheer sheetlike shelflike shelfy shell-less shelled shellproof sheltered shelvy shield-shaped shielded shifting shiftless shifty shimmery shingly shining shinto shintoist shintoistic shiny shipboard shipshape shirty shitless shitty shivering shivery shoaly shock-absorbent shock-headed shockable shocked shocking shod shodden shoddy shoed shoeless shona shopsoiled shopworn shoreward shorn short short-beaked short-billed short-bodied short-dated short-eared short-haired short-handed short-handled short-headed short-lived short-nosed short-order short-range short-run short-snouted short-spurred short-staffed short-stalked short-stemmed short-tailed short-tempered short-term short-winded short-winged short and sweet shortened shorthand shortish shortsighted shot shouldered shouted showery showy shredded shrew-sized shrewd shrewish shrieked shrill shrimpy shrinkable shriveled shrivelled shrubby shrunken shuddering shuddery shuha shut shut-in shut up shuttered shy siamese siberian sibilant sibyllic sibylline sicilian sick sick-abed sick of sickening sickish sickle-shaped sickly side side-to-side side by side sidearm sidelong sidereal sidesplitting sideways sierra leonean sighted sightless sightly sigmoid sigmoidal sign sign-language signal signed significant significative sikh silenced silent siliceous silicious silk-lined silken silklike silky silky-haired silky-leafed silky-leaved silly silty silvan silver silver-blue silver-bodied silver-colored silver-gray silver-green silver-grey silver-haired silver-leafed silver-leaved silver-scaled silver-tongued silver-white silverish silvern silvery silvery-blue silvery-bodied silvery-gray silvery-green silvery-grey silvery-leafed silvery-leaved silvery-white simian similar simple simple-minded simplex simplified simplistic simulated simultaneous sincere sinewy sinful singable singaporean singhalese singing single single-barreled single-barrelled single-bedded single-breasted single-celled single-channel single-handed single-humped single-lane single-minded single-seeded single-shelled single-spaced single-stranded singsong singular sinhala sinhalese sinister sinistral sinistrorsal sinistrorse sinitic sinkable sinless sinning sintered sinuate sinuous sinusoidal siouan siouan-speaking sissified sissy sissyish sisterlike sisterly sisyphean sitting situated six six-fold six-membered six-pointed six-sided sixfold sixpenny sixteen sixteenth sixth sixtieth sixty sixty-eight sixty-fifth sixty-five sixty-four sixty-fourth sixty-nine sixty-one sixty-seven sixty-six sixty-three sixty-two sizable size sizeable sized sizzling skanky skeletal skeptical sketchy skew skew-eyed skew-whiff skewed skilful skilled skillful skim skimmed skimpy skin-deep skin-tight skinless skinned skinnerian skinny skint skintight skirting skittish sky-blue skyward slack slain slaked slam-bang slanderous slangy slanted slanting slap-up slapdash slaphappy slapstick slashed slashing slate-black slate-gray slate-grey slatey slatternly slaty slaty-gray slaty-grey slaughterous slav slaveholding slaveless slavelike slavic slavish slavonic sleazy sleek sleeping sleepless sleepy sleepy-eyed sleepyheaded sleety sleeved sleeveless slender slender-bodied slender-waisted slender-winged sliced slick slicked slicked up sliding slight slighting slim slim-bodied slim-waisted slimed slimy slipper-shaped slippered slippery slipping slippy slipshod slithering slithery slivery sloped sloping slopped sloppy sloshed slothful slouchy sloughy slovakian slovenian slovenly slow slow-moving slow-witted slowgoing slubbed sluggish sluicing slumberous slumbery slumbrous slummy slurred slushy sluttish sly small small-cap small-capitalisation small-capitalization small-eared small-fruited small-grained small-minded small-scale small-seeded small-time small-toothed small-winged smaller smallish smarmy smart smart as a whip smashed smashing smelling smelly smiling smitten smoggy smoke-cured smoke-dried smoke-filled smoke-free smoked smokeless smoking smoky smoldering smooth smooth-bodied smooth-faced smooth-haired smooth-shaven smooth-shelled smooth-skinned smooth-spoken smooth-textured smooth-tongued smoothbore smoothed smoothened smothered smothering smouldering smudgy smug smuggled smutty snafu snake-haired snakelike snaky snappish snappy snarled snarly snazzy sneak sneaking sneaky sneering sneezy snide sniffly sniffy snobbish snobby snoopy snooty snorty snot-nosed snotty snotty-nosed snow-blind snow-blinded snow-capped snow-clad snow-covered snow-white snowbound snowy snub snub-nosed snuff snuff-brown snuffling snuffly snug snuggled so-called so-so soaked soapy soaring sober sobering sobersided sociable social socialised socialist socialistic socialized societal sociobiologic sociobiological sociocultural socioeconomic sociolinguistic sociological sociopathic socratic sodden sodding soft soft-boiled soft-finned soft-footed soft-haired soft-nosed soft-spoken soft-witted soft on softened softening softheaded softhearted softish soggy soi-disant soigne soignee soil-building soiled solanaceous solar sold sold-out soldierlike soldierly sole soled soleless solemn solicitous solid solid-colored solid-coloured solid-hoofed solid-state solidified solitary solo solomonic soluble solvable solved solvent somali somalian somatic somatogenetic somatogenic somatosensory somber sombre some some other sometime somniferous somnific somnolent sonant songful songlike sonic sonorous sonsie sonsy soot-black soothing sooty sooty-black sophistic sophistical sophisticated sophomore soporiferous soporific soppy sopranino soprano sorbed sorbefacient sorcerous sordid sore sore-eyed sororal sorrel sorrowful sorrowing sorry sorted soteriological sotho sottish souffle-like soughing sought sought-after sought after soul-destroying soul-stirring soulful soulless sound sound asleep soundable sounding soundless soundproof soupy sour sour-tasting soured sourish soused south south-central south-polar south african south american south korean southbound southeast southeasterly southeastern southeastward southerly southern southernmost southmost southward southwest southwesterly southwestern southwestward sovereign soviet sown sozzled spaced spaced-out spacey spacial spaciotemporal spacious spacy spade-like spade-shaped spangled spangly spanish spanish-speaking spanking spare sparing sparkling sparkly sparrow-sized sparse spartan spasmodic spastic spatial spatiotemporal spattered spatula-shaped spatulate spavined spayed speakable speaking spearhead-shaped special specialised specialistic specialized specifiable specific specified specious specked speckled speckless spectacled spectacular spectral spectrographic spectrometric spectroscopic spectroscopical specular speculative speech-endowed speechless speedy spell-bound spellbinding spellbound spendable spendthrift spent sperm-filled spermatic spermicidal spermous spheric spherical spheroidal sphingine spic spic-and-span spicate spice-scented spick spick-and-span spicy spider-shaped spiderlike spiderly spidery spiffed up spiffing spiffy spiked spikelike spiky spinal spindle-legged spindle-shanked spindle-shaped spindly spine-tipped spineless spinnable spinnbar spinose spinous spiny spiny-backed spiny-edged spiny-finned spiny-leafed spiny-leaved spiny-stemmed spiral spiral-shelled spiraling spirant spirited spiritless spiritous spiritual spiritualist spiritualistic spirituous spiteful splanchnic splashed splashy splattered splay splayfoot splayfooted splendid splendiferous splenetic splenic splinterless splinterproof splintery split splitting splotched spoilable spoiled spoilt spoken spondaic spongelike spongy spontaneous spooky spoon-shaped sporadic spore-bearing sporogenous sporting sportive sportsmanlike sporty spotless spotted spotty spousal spouting sprawling sprawly spray-dried spread spread-eagle spread-out sprigged sprightly spring-blooming spring-flowering spring-loaded springless springlike springy sprouted spruce spruced up spry spumy spunky spur-of-the-moment spurious spurned spurting squab squabby squalid squalling squally squamulose squandered square square-built square-jawed square-rigged square-shaped square-shouldered square-tailed square-toed squared squared-toe squarish squashed squashy squat squatty squawky squeaking squeaky squealing squeamish squeezable squelched squiffy squiggly squinched squint squint-eyed squinting squinty squirrel-sized squirting squishy sr. sri lankan stabbing stabile stabilised stabilising stabilized stabilizing stable staccato stacked stage-struck staged stagey stagflationary staggering stagnant stagy staid stainable stained stainless stale stalemated stalinist stalked stalkless stall-fed stalwart staminate stand-alone stand-up standard standardised standardized standby standing standoffish standpat stannic stannous staphylococcal staple star star-shaped starboard starchless starchlike starchy staring stark stark naked starkers starless starlike starlit starred starring starry starry-eyed starting startled startling starved starving statant state-controlled state-of-the-art state-supported stated stateless stately statesmanlike statesmanly statewide static stationary statistical stative statuary statuesque statute statutory staunch stay-at-home steadfast steadied steady steady-going steadying stealthy steam-powered steamed steaming steamy stearic steel-plated steely steep steep-sided steepish steerable stellar stellate stemless stemmatic stemmed stenographic stenographical stenosed stenotic stentorian step-by-step stepwise stereo stereophonic stereoscopic stereotyped stereotypic stereotypical sterile sterilised sterilized sterling stern sternal sternutative sternutatory steroidal stertorous stewed stick-in-the-mud stick-on sticking sticking out sticky stiff stiff-backed stiff-branched stiff-haired stiff-necked stiff-tailed stifled stifling stigmatic still stillborn stilly stilted stimulant stimulated stimulating stimulative stinging stingless stingy stinking stinky stinting stipendiary stippled stipulatory stirred stirred up stirring stirrup-shaped stitched stochastic stock stock-still stocked stocked with stockinged stocky stodgy stoic stoical stoichiometric stolid stoloniferous stomachal stomachic stomatal stomatous stone stone-blind stone-broke stone-cold stone-dead stone-deaf stone-gray stone-grey stone-sober stoned stoneless stonelike stony stony-broke stonyhearted stooped stooping stoppable stopped stopped-up stopped up stoppered store-bought stored-program storeyed storied storm-beaten storm-tossed stormbound stormproof stormy stout stout-billed stout-stemmed stouthearted stovepiped straggling straggly straight straight-backed straight-billed straight-from-the-shoulder straight-grained straight-laced straight-legged straight-out straightarrow straightaway straightforward straightlaced strained straining strait strait-laced straitlaced stranded strange strangled strapless straplike strapping strategic strategical stratified stravinskian stravinskyan straw straw-colored straw-coloured stray straying streaked streaky streaming streamlined street smart streetwise strengthened strenuous strep streptococcal streptococcic stressed stressful stretch stretchable stretched stretchy striate stricken strict strident strikebound striking stringent stringy strip-mined striped stripped stripped-down stripy strong strong-arm strong-boned strong-flavored strong-growing strong-minded strong-scented strong-smelling strong-willed stroppy struck structural structured struggling strung strung-out stubbled stubbly stubborn stubby stuck stuck-up stuck with studded studied studious stuffed stuffy stumpy stung stunned stunning stunted stupefied stupefying stupendous stupid stuporous sturdy stygian styleless stylised stylish stylistic stylized styptic suasible suave sub-rosa sub-saharan sub judice subacid subacute subalpine subaltern subaquatic subaqueous subarctic subartesian subatomic subclavian subclinical subconscious subcortical subcutaneous subduable subdued subdural subfusc subgross subhuman subjacent subject subjective subjugable subjugated subjunctive sublimate sublimated sublime sublimed subliminal sublingual subliterary sublittoral sublunar sublunary submarine submerged submergible submersed submersible submissive subnormal subocean suboceanic subocular suborbital subordinate subordinating subordinative subscribed subscript subsequent subservient subsidiary subsidised subsidized subsonic substandard substantial substantiating substantiative substantival substantive substitutable substitute subsurface subterminal subterranean subterraneous subtle subtractive subtropic subtropical suburban suburbanised suburbanized subversive succeeding successful successive succinct succinic succulent such suchlike suckled suctorial sudanese sudden sudorific sudsy suety sufferable suffering sufficient suffocating suffocative suffrutescent suffusive sufi sugar-coated sugared sugarless sugary suggestible suggestive sui generis suicidal suitable suited sulcate sulfur-yellow sulfuretted sulfuric sulfurized sulfurous sulky sullen sulphur-yellow sulphuretted sulphuric sulphurous sultry sumatran sumerian summa cum laude summary summational summative summer-blooming summer-flowering summery sumptuary sumptuous sun-drenched sun-dried sun-loving sunbaked sunburned sunburnt sunday-go-to-meeting sundried sundry sunk sunken sunken-eyed sunless sunlit sunny sunny-side up sunrise sunset sunstruck suntanned super superable superabundant superannuated superb supercharged supercilious supercritical supererogatory superfatted superficial superfine superfluous superhuman superimposed superincumbent superior superjacent superlative superlunar superlunary supernal supernatant supernatural supernaturalist supernaturalistic supernormal supernumerary superordinate superpatriotic superposable supersaturated superscript supersensitised supersensitive supersensitized supersonic superstitious supervised supervisory supine supperless supple supplemental supplementary suppliant supplicant supplicatory supportable supported supporting supportive supposable supposed suppositional suppositious supposititious suppressed suppressive suppurative supranational supranormal supraocular supraorbital suprasegmental supreme surd sure sure-enough sure-fire sure-footed sure-handed sure as shooting surefooted surface surface-active surface-assimilative surface-to-air surficial surgical surging surly surmisable surmountable surmounted surpassing surpliced surplus surprised surprising surreal surrealistic surreptitious surrogate surrounded surrounding surviving susceptible suspect suspected suspended suspenseful suspensive suspicious sustainable sustained sustentacular susurrant susurrous svelte swagger swaggering swallow-tailed swampy swank swanky swart swarthy swashbuckling swayback swaybacked swazi swedish sweeping sweet sweet-breathed sweet-faced sweet-flavored sweet-scented sweet-smelling sweetened sweetheart sweetish swell swelled sweltering sweltry swept sweptback sweptwing swift swift-footed swimming swingeing swinging swingy swinish swish swishy swiss swollen swollen-headed swooning sword-shaped swordlike sworn sybaritic sycophantic syllabic syllabled syllogistic sylphlike sylvan symbiotic symbolic symbolical symmetric symmetrical sympathetic sympathomimetic sympatric sympetalous symphonic symphonious symptomatic symptomless synaesthetic synaptic syncarpous syncategorematic synchronal synchronic synchronised synchronized synchronous synclinal syncopated syncretic syncretical syncretistic syncretistical syndetic synecdochic synecdochical synergetic synergistic synesthetic synoecious synoicous synonymous synoptic synoptical synovial synsemantic syntactic syntactical syntagmatic synthetic synthetical syphilitic syrian syrupy systematic systemic systolic Adverb sacredly sacrilegiously sadly safely sagaciously sagely salaciously sanctimoniously sanely sapiently sarcastically sardonically satirically satisfactorily satisfyingly saucily savagely scandalously scantily scarce scarcely scarily scathingly scenically sceptically schematically schismatically scholastically scienter scientifically scoffingly scorching scornfully scot free scrappily screakily screamingly scrumptiously scrupulously scurrilously scurvily searchingly seasonably seasonally seaward seawards second second-best second class second hand secondarily secondhand secondly secretively secretly securely sedately seductively sedulously seemingly seldom selectively self-conceitedly self-consciously self-evidently self-indulgently self-righteously selfishly selflessly semantically semiannually semimonthly semiweekly sensationally senselessly sensibly sensitively sensually sensuously sententiously sentimentally separably separately sequentially serenely serially seriatim seriously servilely sevenfold seventhly severally severely sexually shabbily shaggily shakily shallowly shambolically shamefacedly shamefully shamelessly shapelessly sharp sharply sheepishly sheer shiftily shockingly shoddily short shortly shoulder-to-shoulder showily shrewdly shrewishly shrilly shudderingly shyly sic sickeningly sidearm sidelong sidesaddle sidesplittingly sideward sidewards sideway sideways sidewise signally significantly silently silkily similarly simperingly simply simultaneously since a long time ago sincerely sincerely yours sine die single-handed single-handedly single-mindedly singly singularly sinuously sinusoidally six times sixfold sixthly skeptically sketchily skew-whiff skilfully skillfully skimpily skittishly sky-high skyward skywards slackly slam-bang slanderously slangily slantingly slantways slantwise slap slap-bang slapdash slavishly sleekly sleepily sleeplessly slenderly slickly slightingly slightly slimly slopingly sloppily slouchily slouchingly slow slower slowest slowly sluggishly slyly smack small small-mindedly smarmily smartly smash smashingly smilingly smolderingly smoothly smoulderingly smugly smuttily snappishly sneakily sneakingly sneeringly snidely snobbishly snootily snugly so so-so so far so to speak soaking sobbingly soberly sociably socially sociobiologically socioeconomically sociolinguistically sociologically soft softly solely solemnly solicitously solidly solitarily solo somberly sombrely some someday somehow someplace sometime sometimes someway someways somewhat somewhere somnolently sonorously soon soon enough sooner soonest soothingly sopping sordidly sorely sorrowfully sort of sottishly sotto voce sou'-east sou'-sou'-east sou'-sou'-west sou'west soughingly soulfully soullessly soundlessly soundly sourly south south-east south-southeast south-southwest south-west southeast southeastward southeastwardly southerly southward southwards southwest southwestward southwestwardly spaceward spacewards spaciously sparely sparingly sparsely spasmodically spatially specially specifically speciously spectacularly spectrographically speculatively speechlessly speedily spherically spicily spinally spirally spiritedly spiritually spitefully splendidly spontaneously spookily sporadically sportingly sportively spotlessly sprucely spuriously squalidly square squarely squeamishly stably staccato staggeringly stagily staidly stanchly standoffishly stark starkly startlingly statistically statutorily staunchly steadfastly steadily steady stealthily steaming steeply step by step stepwise stereotypically sternly stertorously stickily stiff stiffly still stiltedly stingily stirringly stochastically stock-still stockily stodgily stoically stolidly stonily stormily stoutly stragglingly straight straight-backed straight off straightaway straightforwardly straightway strangely strategically strenuously strictly strictly speaking stridently strikingly stringently strongly structurally stubbornly studiously stuffily stunningly stupendously stupidly sturdily stylishly stylistically suavely sub rosa subconsciously subcutaneously subjectively sublimely submissively subsequently subserviently substantially subtly successfully successively succinctly such suddenly sufficiently suggestively suitably sulkily sullenly sultrily summa cum laude summarily sumptuously sunnily super superbly superciliously superficially superfluously superlatively supernaturally superstitiously supinely supposedly supra supremely sure sure as shooting sure enough surely surgically surlily surpassingly surprisedly surprisingly surreptitiously suspiciously sweepingly sweet sweetly swiftly swimmingly syllabically symbiotically symbolically symmetrically sympathetically 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