/ Thesaurus R: Synonyms for Letter R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Verb rabbet rabbit rabbit on race rachet up rack rack up racket racketeer raddle radiate radicalize radio radiolocate raffle raffle off raft rafter rag rage raid rail rail in rail off railroad raiment rain rain buckets rain cats and dogs rain down rain out raise raise a stink raise hell raise the roof raise up rake rake in rake off rake up rally ram ram down ram home ramble ramble on ramify ramp ramp up rampage ranch randomise randomize range range in rank rankle ransack ransom rant rap rape rappel rarefy rarify rase rasp rasterize rat ratchet ratchet down rate ratify ratiocinate ration ration out rationalise rationalise away rationalize rationalize away rattle rattle down rattle off rattle on ravage rave ravel ravel out raven ravish ray raze razor razz re-address re-afforest re-argue re-arm re-assume re-create re-emerge re-emphasise re-emphasize re-enter re-equip re-examine re-explain re-explore re-incorporate re-introduce re-start reabsorb reach reach into reach one's nostrils reach out reacquaint react reactivate read read between the lines readapt readjust readmit ready reaffirm realign realine realise realize reallocate reallot ream reanimate reap reappear reapportion reappraise rear rear-end rear back rearm rearrange reason reason out reassail reassemble reassert reassess reassign reassure reattribute reave reawaken rebate rebel rebind reboot rebound rebroadcast rebuff rebuild rebuke rebury rebut recalcitrate recalculate recall recant recap recapitulate recapture recast recede receipt receive recess recharge recidivate reciprocate recite reckon reclaim reclassify recline recode recognise recognize recoil recollect recombine recommence recommend recommit recompense reconcile recondition reconfirm reconnoiter reconnoitre reconquer reconsecrate reconsider reconstitute reconstruct reconvene reconvert reconvict recopy record recount recoup recover recreate recriminate recrudesce recruit rectify recumb recuperate recur recurve recuse recycle red-eye red-ink redact redden rede redecorate rededicate redeem redefine redeploy redeposit redesign redetermine redevelop redirect rediscover redispose redistribute redline redo redouble redound redress reduce reduplicate reecho reef reek reel reel off reelect reenact reenforce reestablish reevaluate reeve reexamine reface refashion refer referee reference refill refinance refine refinish refit reflate reflect reflectorise reflectorize refloat refocus reforest reforge reform reformulate refract refracture refrain refresh refreshen refrigerate refuel refund refurbish refurnish refuse refute regain regale regard regard as regenerate regiment register regorge regress regret regroup regrow regularise regularize regulate regurgitate rehabilitate reharmonise reharmonize rehash rehear rehearse reheat reheel rehouse reify reign reignite reimburse reimpose rein rein in reincarnate reinforce reinstall reinstate reinsure reintegrate reinterpret reintroduce reinvent reinvigorate reissue reiterate reject rejig rejoice rejoin rejuvenate rekindle relace relapse relate relativise relativize relax relay relearn release relegate relent relieve relieve oneself reline relinquish relish relive reload relocate rely rely on rely upon relyric remain remain down remain firm remainder remake remand remark remarry remediate remedy remember remember oneself remilitarise remilitarize remind reminisce remit remodel remold remonstrate remould remount remove remunerate rename rend render render-set rendezvous renegade renege renege on renegociate renegotiate renegue on renew renormalise renormalize renounce renovate rent rent out reopen reorder reorganise reorganize reorient reorientate repaint repair repatriate repay repeal repeat repel repent repercuss rephrase repine replace replant replay replenish replete replicate reply repoint report report out repose repose on reposit reposition repossess repot reprehend represent repress reprieve reprimand reprint reprise reprize reproach reprobate reprocess reproduce reproof reprove republish repudiate repugn repulse repurchase repute request require requisition requite reread rerun rescale reschedule rescind rescue reseal research reseat resect reseed resell resemble resent reserve reset resettle resew reshape reship reshoot reshuffle reside resift resign resile resinate resist resize resmudge resole resolve resonate resorb resort resound respect respire respite resplend respond rest rest on restart restate restitute restock restore restrain restrengthen restrict restructure resublime resubmit result resume resurface resurge resurrect resuscitate resuspend ret retail retain retake retaliate retard retch retell rethink retick reticulate retie retire retool retort retouch retrace retract retrain retranslate retransmit retread retreat retrench retrieve retrofit retroflex retrograde retrogress retrospect retrovert retry return reunify reunite reuse rev rev up revalue revamp reveal revel revenge reverberate revere reverence reverse revert revet review revile revise revisit revitalise revitalize revive revivify revoke revolt revolutionise revolutionize revolve revolve about revolve around reward rewire reword rework rewrite rhapsodise rhapsodize rhumba rhyme rib rice rick ricochet rid rid of riddle ride ride away ride herd ride horseback ride off ride out ride roughshod ride the bench ridge ridicule riff riffle rifle rig rig out rig up right rigidify rile rim rime ring ring out ring up rinse rinse off riot rip rip off rip out rip up ripen riposte ripple rise rise up risk ritualise ritualize rival rive rivet roach roam roar roar off roast rob robe rock rocket roil roister roleplay roll roll around roll down roll in roll in the hay roll off roll out roll over roll up roller skate rollerblade rollick romance romanise romanize romanticise romanticize romp roneo roof rook room roost root root for root on root out rootle rope rope down rope in rope off rope up rosin rot rotate rouge rough rough-dry rough-hew rough-house rough-sand rough in rough out rough up roughcast roughen roughhouse round round down round off round out round up rouse rout rout out rout up route rove row rub rub along rub down rub off rub out rubber rubberise rubberize rubberneck rubberstamp rubbish rubify rubric rubricate ruck ruck up ruckle ruddle rue ruff ruffle ruffle up ruggedise ruggedize ruin rule rule in rule out rumba rumble ruminate rummage rumor rumour rumple rumpus run run a risk run across run afoul run aground run along run around run away run bases run by run down run dry run for run into run low run off run on run out run over run roughshod run short run through run up rupture rush rush along rush away rush off rush out rust rusticate rustle rut Adjective r.c. rabbinic rabbinical rabbit-sized rabble-rousing rabelaisian rabid racemose rachitic racial racist rackety racking racy raddled radial radial-ply radially symmetrical radiant radiate radiating radical radio radio-controlled radio-opaque radioactive radiographic radiological radiolucent radiopaque radiophonic radiosensitive radiotelephonic raffish raftered ragged raging raiding raimentless raining rainless rainproof rainy raisable raiseable raised raising rakish rallentando rallying ramate rambling rambunctious ramose ramous rampageous rampant ramshackle rancid rancorous random randomised randomized randy ranging rangy rank rank-smelling ranked ranking ransacked ransomed rapacious raped rapid rapt raptorial rapturous rare rare-roasted rarefied rarified raring rascally rash raspberry-red rasping raspy rastafarian ratable rateable ratified ratiocinative rational rationalist rationalistic rationed ratlike rattlebrained rattled rattlepated rattling ratty raucous raunchy ravaged ravaging ravening ravenous raving mad ravishing raw rawboned rayless razed razor-backed razor-sharp razorback re-created re-entrant re-formed reachable reactionary reactionist reactive readable ready ready-cooked ready-made ready-to-eat ready-to-wear ready and waiting ready to hand real real-time realised realistic realizable realized reanimated rear rearing rearmost rearward reasonable reasoned reasoning reasonless reassured reassuring rebarbative rebellious reborn recalcitrant receding receivable received recent receptive recessed recessional recessionary recessive rechargeable recherche reciprocal reciprocative reciprocatory reckless reclaimable reclaimed recluse reclusive recognisable recognised recognizable recognized recoilless recollective recombinant reconcilable reconciled reconciling recondite reconstructed reconstructive record-breaking recorded recoverable recovered recovering recreant recreational recriminative recriminatory recrudescent rectal rectangular rectifiable rectified rectilineal rectilinear rectosigmoid recumbent recuperative recurrent recurring recursive recurvate recurved recusant recyclable red red-blind red-blooded red-brick red-brown red-carpet red-coated red-faced red-flowered red-fruited red-gray red-grey red-handed red-hot red-lavender red-letter red-orange red-purple red-rimmed red-streaked red-striped red-violet red carpet redbrick reddened reddish reddish-brown reddish-gray reddish-grey reddish-lavender reddish-orange reddish-pink reddish-striped reddish-violet reddisn-purple redeemable redeemed redeeming redemptional redemptive redemptory redheaded redistributed redolent redoubled redoubtable reduced reducible reductionist reductive redundant redux reechoing reedlike reedy reefy reeking reentrant referable referenced referent referential refined reflected reflecting reflective reflex reflexed reflexive reform-minded reformable reformative reformatory reformed reformist refractile refractive refractory refractory-lined refreshed refreshful refreshing refrigerant refrigerated refrigerating refulgent refutable regal regardant regardful regardless regenerate regenerating regent regimental regimented regional registered regnant regressive regretful regrettable regular regulated regulation regulative regulatory rehabilitative reigning reincarnate reinforced reinvigorated reiterative rejected rejective rejoicing related related to relatiative relational relative relativistic relaxant relaxed relaxing releasing relentless relevant reliable reliant relieved religious relinquished relocated reluctant remaining remarkable rembrandtesque remediable remedial remindful reminiscent remiss remittent remorseful remorseless remote remote-controlled removable removed remunerated remunerative renal renascent rending renegade renewable renewed renewing reniform renowned rent-free rentable rental renunciant renunciative reorganised reorganized repand reparable repayable repeatable repeated repellant repellent repelling repentant repetitious repetitive replaceable replete reply-paid reportable reported reposeful reprehensible representable representational representative represented repressed repressing repressive reproachful reprobate reproducible reproductive reproving reptilian republican repudiative repugnant repulsive reputable requested required requisite rescindable rescued resentful reserved resettled resident residential residual residuary resilient resinated resinlike resinous resiny resistant resistible resistive resistless resolute resolvable resolved resonant resonating resounding resourceful resourceless respectable respected respectful respective respiratory resplendent respondent responsible responsible for responsive rested restful restive restless restorative restrained restricted restricting restrictive resultant resupine resurgent resuscitated retained retaliatory retarded retentive reticent reticular reticulate retinal retired retiring retractable retracted retractile retral retributive retributory retrievable retro retroactive retroflex retroflexed retrograde retrogressive retrorse retrospective retrousse returnable returning reusable revealing revelatory revenant revengeful reverberant reverberating reverberative revered reverend reverent reverential reverse reversed reversible reversionary reversive revertible reverting revised revitalised revitalising revitalized revitalizing revivalistic revived reviving revocable revokable revolting revolutionary revolved rewardful rewarding rh-negative rh-positive rhapsodic rhenish rheologic rheological rhetorical rheumatic rheumatoid rheumy rhinal rhizoidal rhizomatous rhodesian rhombic rhombohedral rhomboid rhomboidal rhymed rhymeless rhyming rhythmic rhythmical riant ribald ribbed ribbon-shaped ribbonlike ribbony ribless riblike rich rickettsial rickety riddled ridged ridiculous riemannian rife rifled rigged right right-angled right-down right-eyed right-hand right-handed right-minded right-side-out right-side-up right-wing right smart righteous rightful rightish rightist rightmost rigid rigorous riled rimed rimeless riming rimless rimmed rimose rimy ring-shaped ringed ringleted ringlike riotous rip-roaring riparian ripe ripened ripping rippled risen risible rising risk-free riskless risky risque rit. ritardando ritenuto ritual ritualistic ritzy rivalrous riveting roadless roan roaring roast roasted robed robotic robotlike robust robustious rock-bottom rock-inhabiting rock-loving rock-ribbed rock-steady rockbound rocket-propelled rocklike rocky rococo rod-shaped rodlike roentgenographic roguish roiled roiling roily rolled rolled into one rollicking rolling roly-poly romaic roman roman catholic romance romani romanian romanic romanist romansh romantic romanticist romanticistic romany romish roofed roofless roomy rooseveltian rootbound rooted rootless ropey ropy rosaceous rose rose-cheeked rose-colored rose-lavender rose-lilac rose-mauve rose-purple rose-red rose-tinged rose-tinted roseate rosicrucian rostrate rosy rosy-cheeked rosy-colored rosy-purple rot-resistant rotary rotatable rotated rotational rotatory rotted rotten rotund rouged rough rough-and-ready rough-and-tumble rough-cut rough-haired rough-spoken rough-textured roughdried roughened roughhewn roughish roughshod roumanian round round-arm round-backed round-bottom round-bottomed round-eyed round-faced round-fruited round-shouldered round-the-clock round the bend roundabout rounded roundheaded roundish rousing rousseauan routine roving rowdy royal ruandan rubber rubberlike rubbery rubbishy rubicund ruby ruby-red rudder-like rudderless ruddy rude rudimentary rueful ruffianly ruffled rugged rugose ruined ruinous rule-governed ruled ruling ruly rum rumanian rumansh rumbling rumbustious ruminant ruminative rummy rumpled run-down run-of-the-mill run-of-the-mine run-on run-resistant runaway runcinate runic running runny runproof runty rupestral rupicolous rural ruritanian rush rushed rushlike rushy russet russian russian-speaking russian orthodox rust rust-brown rust-colored rust-free rust-red rust-resistant rusted rustic rustless rustling rustproof rustproofed rusty rusty-brown rusty-red ruthful ruthless rutted ruttish rutty rwandan Adverb racially racily radially radiantly radically radioactively raffishly raggedly rakishly rallentando ramblingly rampantly randomly rapaciously rapidly rapturously rarely rashly raspingly rather rationally rattling raucously ravenously raving ravingly ravishingly readably readily real realistically really rearward rearwards reasonably reassuringly rebelliously rebukingly recently receptively reciprocally recklessly recognizably recurrently red-handed redly reflectively reflexly refreshfully refreshingly regally regardless regimentally regionally regretfully regrettably regularly relatively relativistically relentlessly relevantly reliably religiously reluctantly remarkably reminiscently remorsefully remorselessly remotely rent-free repeatedly repellently repellingly repentantly repetitively reportedly reprehensibly reprehensively reproachfully reproducibly reprovingly repulsively reputably reputedly resentfully reservedly residentially resignedly resolutely resoundingly resourcefully respectably respectfully respectively resplendently responsibly restfully restively restlessly restrictively retail retentively reticently retroactively retrospectively revengefully reverentially reverently reversely reversibly revoltingly rewardingly rhapsodically rhetorically rhythmically richly ridiculously right right-down right along right away right on right smart righteously rightfully rightly rigidly rigorously riotously ripely riskily ritually roaring robustly roguishly rollickingly romantically roomily rotationally rottenly rotundly rough roughly round round-arm round the clock roundly routinely rowdily royally rudely ruefully ruggedly ruinously rurally ruthlessly Noun r r-2 r. b. cattell r. buckminster fuller r. j. mitchell r.v. r and b ra rabat rabato rabbet rabbet joint rabbet plane rabbi rabbi moses ben maimon rabbinate rabbit rabbit's-foot fern rabbit-eared bandicoot rabbit-eye blueberry rabbit-weed rabbit bandicoot rabbit brush rabbit burrow rabbit bush rabbit ears rabbit fever rabbit food rabbit hole rabbit hutch rabbit punch rabbit test rabbit warren rabbiteye rabbiteye blueberry rabbitfish rabbitweed rabbitwood rabble rabble-rouser rabelais rabi i rabi ii rabidity rabidness rabies rabindranath tagore raccoon raccoon dog raccoon fox race race car race driver race horse race meeting race murder race problem race riot race runner raceabout racecard racecourse racehorse raceme racemic acid racer racerunner racetrack racetrack tout raceway rachel rachel carson rachel louise carson rachet rachis rachischisis rachitis rachmaninoff rachmaninov rachycentridae rachycentron rachycentron canadum racial discrimination racial extermination racial immunity racial profiling racial segregation racialism racialist racine raciness racing racing boat racing car racing circuit racing gig racing shell racing skate racing skiff racing start racing yacht racism racist rack rack and pinion rack of lamb rack railway rack rent racker racket racket club racketeer racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act racketeering racketiness racon raconteur racoon racquet racquetball rad radar radar beacon radar dome radar echo radar fire radar target radclyffe hall raddle radhakrishnan radial radial-ply tire radial artery radial asymmetry radial engine radial keratotomy radial nerve radial pulse radial symmetry radial tire radial vein radial velocity radian radiance radiancy radiant energy radiant flux radiant heating radiatio optica radiation radiation diagram radiation field radiation pattern radiation pressure radiation pyrometer radiation sickness radiation syndrome radiation therapy radiator radiator cap radiator grille radiator hose radical radical cell radical chic radical hysterectomy radical mastectomy radical sign radicalism radicchio radicle radiculitis radiigera radiigera fuscogleba radio radio-controlled aircraft radio-frequency spectrum radio-gramophone radio-opacity radio-phonograph radio aerial radio announcer radio antenna radio astronomy radio beacon radio beam radio brightness radio broadcast radio chassis radio compass radio detection and ranging radio emission radio frequency radio interferometer radio link radio news radio noise radio observation radio operator radio radiation radio receiver radio reflector radio set radio signal radio source radio spectrum radio station radio telescope radio transmitter radio wave radioactive dating radioactive decay radioactive dust radioactive iodine excretion test radioactive iodine test radioactive iodine uptake test radioactive material radioactive waste radioactivity radioactivity unit radiobiologist radiobiology radiocarbon radiocarbon dating radiocarpal joint radiochemist radiochemistry radiochlorine radiocommunication radiogram radiograph radiographer radiography radioimmunoassay radioisotope radiolaria radiolarian radiolocation radiologic technologist radiologist radiology radiolysis radiometer radiomicrometer radiopacity radiopaque dye radiopharmaceutical radiophone radiophoto radiophotograph radiophotography radioprotection radioscopy radiosensitivity radiotelegraph radiotelegraphic signal radiotelegraphy radiotelephone radiotelephony radiotherapist radiotherapy radiotherapy equipment radiothorium radish radish plant radium radium therapy radius radius of curvature radius vector radix radome radon radyera radyera farragei raetam raf raffaello santi raffaello sanzio raffia raffia farinifera raffia palm raffia ruffia raffia taedigera raffia vinifera raffinose raffle raffles rafflesiaceae raft raft foundation rafter raftman rafts raftsman rag rag day rag doll rag gourd rag paper rag trade rag week ragamuffin ragbag rage ragee ragged-fringed orchid ragged orchid ragged orchis ragged robin raggedness ragi raglan raglan sleeve ragnar anton kittil frisch ragnar frisch ragnarok ragout ragpicker ragpicker's disease ragsorter ragsorter's disease ragtag ragtag and bobtail ragtime ragusa ragweed ragweed pollen ragwort rahu raid raider rail rail-splitter rail fence rail line rail technology railbird railcar railhead railing raillery railroad railroad bed railroad car railroad engineer railroad flat railroad line railroad man railroad siding railroad station railroad terminal railroad ticket railroad tie railroad track railroad train railroad tunnel railroad vine railroad worm railroader railroading rails railway railway car railway junction railway line railway locomotive railway man railway station railway system railway yard railwayman railyard raiment rain rain-giver rain-in-the-face rain-wash rain barrel rain check rain cloud rain dance rain date rain forest rain gage rain gauge rain shadow rain shower rain stick rain tree rainbow rainbow cactus rainbow fish rainbow lorikeet rainbow perch rainbow pink rainbow runner rainbow seaperch rainbow shower rainbow smelt rainbow trout raincoat raindrop rainer maria rilke rainfall rainfly rainforest raininess rainmaker rainmaking rainstorm rainwater rainy day rainy season raise raised doughnut raiser raisin raisin-nut cookie raisin bran raisin bread raisin cookie raisin moth raising raising hell raison d'etre raita raiu raj raja raja batis raja erinacea raja laevis raja radiata rajab rajah rajanya rajidae rajiformes rajpoot rajput rakaposhi rake rake-off rake handle rakehell rakishness rale ralegh raleigh rallidae rally rallying rallying cry rallying point ralph barton perry ralph bunche ralph ellison ralph johnson bunche ralph richardson ralph vaughan williams ralph waldo ellison ralph waldo emerson ram ram's-head ram's-head lady's slipper ram's horn ram disk rama ramachandra ramadan ramalina ramanavami ramayana ramble rambler rambotan rambouillet rambutan rambutan tree rameau ramee ramekin ramequin rameses rameses ii rameses the great ramesses ramesses ii ramesses the great ramie ramification ramipril ramjet ramjet engine ramman rammer ramon lully ramon y cajal ramona ramontchi ramp rampage rampant arch rampart ramphastidae ramphomicron rampion rampion bellflower ramrod ramsay hunt syndrome ramses ramses ii ramses the great ramsons ramus rana rana cascadae rana catesbeiana rana clamitans rana goliath rana palustris rana pipiens rana sylvatica rana tarahumarae rana temporaria ranales ranalian complex ranatra ranch ranch hand ranch house rancher ranching rancidity rancidness rancor rancour rand randall jarrell random-access memory random access memory random memory random number generator random sample random sampling random variable random walk randomisation randomization randomness ranee range range animal range finder range hood range of a function range of mountains range pole rangefinder rangeland ranger rangifer rangifer arcticus rangifer caribou rangifer tarandus ranging pole rangoon rangpur rangpur lime rani ranid ranidae ranier ranitidine rank rank-difference correlation rank-difference correlation coefficient rank-order correlation rank-order correlation coefficient rank and file rank order ranker rankin rankine rankine scale ranking rankness ransacking ransom ransom money rant ranter ranting ranula ranunculaceae ranunculales ranunculus ranunculus acris ranunculus aquatilis ranunculus bulbosus ranunculus ficaria ranunculus flammula ranunculus glaberrimus ranunculus lingua ranunculus lyalii ranunculus occidentalis ranunculus repens ranunculus sceleratus ranvier's nodes raoul dufy raoulia raoulia australis raoulia lutescens rap rap group rap music rap session rap sheet rapaciousness rapacity rapateaceae rape rape conviction rape oil rape suspect raper rapeseed rapeseed oil raphael raphanus raphanus raphanistrum raphanus sativus raphanus sativus longipinnatus raphe raphia raphicerus raphicerus campestris raphidae raphidiidae raphus raphus cucullatus rapid rapid city rapid climb rapid eye movement rapid eye movement sleep rapid growth rapid transit rapidity rapidness rapier rapine rapist rappahannock rappahannock river rappee rappel rappeller rapper rapport rapporteur rapprochement rapscallion raptor raptores raptorial bird rapture raptus raptus hemorrhagicus rara avis rare-earth element rare bird rare earth rarebit raree-show rarefaction rareness rariora rarity ras ras tafari ras tafari makonnen rascal rascality rash rasher rashness rasht rashtriya swayamsevak sangh rask raskolnikov rasmus christian rask rasmussen rasp rasp fern raspberry raspberry bush rasping rasputin rassling rasta rastafari rastafarian rastafarianism rastas raster raster font rat rat's-tail cactus rat-a-tat rat-a-tat-tat rat-catcher rat-tail file rat-tat rat cheese rat chinchilla rat kangaroo rat race rat snake rat terrier rat typhus ratability ratables ratafee ratafia ratafia biscuit ratan rataplan ratatouille ratbite fever ratbite fever bacterium ratch ratchet ratchet screwdriver ratchet wheel rate rate of attrition rate of depreciation rate of exchange rate of flow rate of growth rate of inflation rate of interest rate of pay rate of payment rate of respiration rate of return rateability rateables ratel ratepayer rates rathole rathskeller ratibida ratibida columnaris ratibida columnifera ratibida tagetes ratification ratifier rating rating system ratio ratiocination ratiocinator ration ration card rational rational motive rational number rationale rationalisation rationalism rationalist rationality rationalization rationalness rationing ratitae ratite ratite bird ratlin ratline ratsbane rattail rattail cactus rattail fish rattan rattan cane rattan palm ratter rattigan ratting rattle rattle-top rattle weed rattlebox rattler rattlesnake rattlesnake's master rattlesnake fern rattlesnake master rattlesnake orchid rattlesnake plantain rattlesnake root rattlesnake weed rattling rattrap rattus rattus norvegicus rattus rattus rau-sed raudixin rauli beech raunch rauvolfia rauwolfia rauwolfia serpentina ravage ravaging rave rave-up ravehook ravel raveling ravelling raven ravenala ravenala madagascariensis ravenna ravenna grass ravenousness raver ravi shankar ravigote ravigotte ravine raving ravioli ravisher ravishment raw raw beauty raw data raw deal raw material raw meat raw milk raw recruit raw sienna raw talent raw throat raw umber raw vegetable raw weather raw wood raw wool raw wound rawalpindi rawhide rawness ray ray bradbury ray cattell ray douglas bradbury ray floret ray flower ray m. dolby ray of light ray robinson rayleigh rayleigh disk rayless chamomile raymond b. cattell raymond bernard cattell raymond chandler raymond lully raymond thornton chandler raynaud's sign rayon rayon stocking rayons razbliuto razing razmataz razor razor-billed auk razor-fish razor clam razor edge razor fish razorback razorback hog razorbacked hog razorbill razorblade razz razzing razzle razzle-dazzle razzmatazz rb rbc rbi rcmp re re-afforestation re-creation re-echo re-establishment re-experiencing re-formation re-introduction re-sentencing re-uptake rea silvia reabsorption reach reaching reacquired stock reactance reactant reaction reaction-propulsion engine reaction engine reaction formation reaction propulsion reaction time reaction turbine reactionary reactionism reactive depression reactive schizophrenia reactivity reactor read read-only file read-only memory read-only memory chip read-only storage read-out read/write head read/write memory read method read method of childbirth readability reader readership readiness reading reading assignment reading clinic reading desk reading lamp reading material reading program reading room reading teacher readjustment readmission readout ready ready-made ready-mix ready-to-wear ready cash ready money ready reckoner readying reaffiliation reaffirmation reagan reagan administration reagent reagin real real-estate business real-time operation real-time processing real estate real estate agent real estate broker real estate investment trust real estate loan real gnp real gross national product real ira real irish republican army real life real matrix real mccoy real number real presence real property real storage real stuff real tennis real thing real time real world realgar realisation realism realist reality reality check reality principle realization reallocation reallotment realm realness realpolitik realtor realty ream reamer reap hook reaper reaper binder reaping hook reappearance reapportionment reappraisal rear rear admiral rear end rear lamp rear light rear of barrel rear of tube rear window rearguard rearing rearmament rearrangement rearview mirror rearward reason reasonable care reasonableness reasoner reasoning reasoning backward reasoning by elimination reassembly reassertion reassessment reassignment reassurance reata reaumur reaumur scale reaumur thermometer reb rebate rebato rebecca rebecca rolfe rebecca west rebekah rebel rebellion rebelliousness rebirth rebound rebound tenderness reboxetine rebozo rebroadcast rebuff rebuilding rebuke rebuker reburial reburying rebus rebuttal rebutter rec room recalcitrance recalcitrancy recalculation recall recall dose recantation recap recapitulation recapture recasting recce recco reccy receding receipt receipts receivables received pronunciation receiver receiver-creditor relation receivership receiving set receiving system recency recent recent epoch recentness receptacle reception reception desk reception line reception room receptionist receptive aphasia receptiveness receptivity receptor recess recession recessional recessional march recessive recessive allele recessive gene rechauffe rechewed food recidivism recidivist recife recipe recipient recipient role reciprocal reciprocal-inhibition therapy reciprocal cross reciprocal inhibition reciprocal ohm reciprocal pronoun reciprocality reciprocating engine reciprocating saw reciprocation reciprocity recirculation recission recital recitalist recitation recitative reciter recklessness reckoner reckoning reclamation reclassification recliner reclining reclining chair recluse reclusiveness recoding recognisance recognition recognizance recoil recollection recombinant recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid recombinant dna recombinant dna technology recombinant human insulin recombinant protein recombination recommencement recommendation recompense reconciler reconciliation reconditeness reconnaissance reconnaissance by fire reconnaissance in force reconnaissance mission reconnaissance plane reconnaissance vehicle reconnoitering reconnoitring reconsideration reconstruction reconstruction period reconstructive memory reconstructive surgery record record-breaker record-holder record-keeper record album record book record changer record company record cover record hop record jacket record player record sleeve recorder recorder player recording recording equipment recording label recording machine recording studio recording system recount recounting recourse recoverer recovery recovery room recreant recreation recreation facility recreation room recreational drug recreational facility recreational vehicle recrimination recrudescence recruit recruiter recruiting-sergeant recruitment rectal artery rectal reflex rectal vein rectangle rectangularity rectification rectifier rectifying tube rectifying valve rectilinear regression rectitude recto rectocele rectoplasty rector rectorate rectorship rectory rectum rectus rectus inferior rectus lateralis rectus medialis rectus superior recuperation recurrence recurrent event recurrent fever recurring decimal recursion recursive definition recursive routine recurvirostra recurvirostridae recusal recusancy recusant recusation recycling recycling bin recycling plant red red-backed lemming red-backed mouse red-backed sandpiper red-bellied snake red-bellied terrapin red-bellied turtle red-berried elder red-berry red-blindness red-breasted merganser red-breasted nuthatch red-breasted sapsucker red-breasted snipe red-eyed vireo red-flowered silky oak red-green color blindness red-green colour blindness red-green dichromacy red-header red-hot poker red-lead putty red-legged partridge red-letter day red-light district red-necked grebe red-shafted flicker red-shouldered hawk red-skinned onion red-spotted purple red-tailed hawk red-veined pie plant red-winged blackbird red admiral red alder red alert red algae red amaranth red angel's trumpet red army faction red ash red baneberry red bat red bay red bearberry red beech red birch red bird's eye red blood cell red bone marrow red bordeaux red brass red brigades red bryony red buckeye red cabbage red campion red carpet red cedar red cent red china red clay red clintonia red cloud red clover red cole red coral red cross red currant red cypress pine red dagga red deer red delicious red devil red dogwood red drum red dwarf red dwarf star red eft red elm red false mallow red fire red flag red fox red giant red giant star red ginger red goatfish red goosefoot red gram red grouse red guard red gum red hand defenders red haw red heat red helleborine red herring red hot red indian red ink red jungle fowl red juniper red kauri red lauan red lauan tree red laver red lead red light red line red maids red man red maple red marrow red meat red morning-glory red mulberry red mullet red notice red oak red onion red osier red osier dogwood red panda red pepper red periwinkle red phalarope red pimpernel red pine red planet red poll red porgy red raspberry red rat snake red region red river red rockfish red salmon red sandalwood red sanders red sanderswood red saunders red scare red sea red setter red shift red shrubby penstemon red silk-cotton tree red silk cotton red silver fir red siskin red snapper red sorrel red spider red spider mite red sprites red spruce red squirrel red sun red tai red tape red tide red trillium red underwing red valerian red water red willow red wine red wolf red worm redact redaction redactor redback vole redbelly redberry redbird redbird cactus redbird flower redbone redbreast redbrick university redbrush redbud redbug redcap redcoat redding reddish blue reddish brown reddish orange reddish purple reddle rededication redeemer redefinition redemption redeployment redeposition redetermination redevelopment redevelopment authority redeye redeye flight redfin pickerel redfish redford redhead redheaded woodpecker redheader redhorse redhorse sucker rediffusion redirect examination rediscovery redisposition redistribution redmaids redneck redness redolence redonda redoubt redox redpoll redraft redress redroot redshank redshift redskin redstart redstem storksbill redtail reduced instruction set computer reduced instruction set computing reducer reducing reducing agent reducing diet reductant reductase reductio reductio ad absurdum reduction reduction division reduction gear reductionism reductivism redundance redundancy redundancy check reduplication reduviid reduviidae redwing redwood redwood family redwood national park redwood penstemon reed reed bunting reed canary grass reed grass reed instrument reed mace reed meadow grass reed organ reed pipe reed rhapis reed section reed stop reedbird reedmace reef reef knot reef squirrelfish reef whitetip shark reefer reek reel reelection reeler reenactment reenactor reenforcement reenlistment reentering angle reentering polygon reentrant angle reentrant polygon reentry reevaluation reeve reexamination ref refabrication refection refectory refectory table referee refereeing reference reference book reference frame reference grid reference manual reference point reference system reference work referendum referent referral referred pain refill refilling refined sugar refinement refiner refinery refining refining industry refinisher refit reflation reflectance reflecting telescope reflection reflection factor reflective power reflectiveness reflectivity reflectometer reflector reflex reflex action reflex angle reflex arc reflex camera reflex epilepsy reflex response reflexion reflexive reflexive pronoun reflexive verb reflexiveness reflexivity reflexology reflux reflux condenser refocusing reforestation reform reform jew reform judaism reform movement reform school reformation reformatory reformer reformism reformist refracting telescope refraction refractive index refractiveness refractivity refractometer refractoriness refractory refractory anaemia refractory anemia refractory period refractory pot refrain refresher refresher course refreshment refried beans refrigerant refrigeration refrigeration system refrigerator refrigerator car refrigerator cookie refueling refuge refugee refugee camp refulgence refulgency refund refurbishment refusal refuse refuse collector refuse heap refutal refutation refuter regaining regalecidae regalecus glesne regalia regard regatta regency regeneration regent reggae reggane regicide regime regimen regiment regimentals regimentation regina reginald carey harrison reginald joseph mitchell reginald marsh regiomontanus region regional anaesthesia regional anatomy regional anesthesia regional enteritis regional ileitis regionalism register register language registered bond registered mail registered nurse registered post registered representative registered security registrant registrar registration registration fire registration number registry regius professor reglaecus regnellidium regnellidium diphyllum regosol regress regression regression analysis regression coefficient regression curve regression equation regression line regression of y on x regression toward the mean regret regrets regular regular army regular convex polyhedron regular convex solid regular dodecahedron regular hexagon regular hexahedron regular icosahedron regular octahedron regular payment regular polygon regular polyhedron regular recurrence regular tetrahedron regularisation regularity regularization regulating regulation regulation time regulator regulator gene regulatory agency regulatory authority regulatory gene regulatory offence regulatory offense regulus regulus calendula regulus regulus regulus satrata regur regur soil regurgitation rehabilitation rehabilitation program reharmonisation reharmonization rehash rehearing rehearsal rehnquist reich reichstein reid reification reign reign of terror reimbursement reimposition reims rein rein orchid rein orchis reincarnation reincarnationism reindeer reindeer lichen reindeer moss reinforced concrete reinforcement reinforcer reinforcing stimulus reinhold niebuhr reinstatement reinsurance reinterpretation reintroduction reissue reit reiter reiter's disease reiter's syndrome reiteration reithrodontomys reject rejection rejoicing rejoicing in the law rejoicing of the law rejoicing over the law rejoinder rejuvenation relafen relapse relapsing relapsing fever relatedness relation relation back relational adjective relational database relational database management system relations relationship relative relative-in-law relative atomic mass relative clause relative density relative frequency relative humidity relative incidence relative majority relative molecular mass relative pronoun relative quantity relativism relativistic mass relativity relativity theory relatum relaxant relaxation relaxation behavior relaxation method relaxation time relaxer relaxin relay relay link relay race relay station relay transmitter release releasing factor releasing hormone relegating relegation relentlessness relevance relevancy reliability reliableness reliance relic relict relief relief map relief pitcher relief printing relief valve reliever relievo religion religionism religionist religiosity religious religious belief religious ceremony religious cult religious doctrine religious festival religious holiday religious leader religious movement religious music religious mystic religious mysticism religious offering religious order religious orientation religious outcast religious person religious residence religious right religious rite religious ritual religious school religious sect religious service religious society of friends religious song religious text religious trance religious writing religiousism religiousness relinquishing relinquishment reliquary relish relishing relistening reliving relocatable program relocation reluctance reluctivity rem rem sleep remainder remains remake remaking remand remark remarriage rematch rembrandt rembrandt harmensz van rijn rembrandt van rijn rembrandt van ryn remediation remedy remembering remembrance remembrance day remembrance sunday remicade remilegia remilegia australis remilitarisation remilitarization reminder reminiscence remise remission remission of sin remissness remit remitment remittal remittance remittance man remnant remonstrance remonstration remora remorse remote remote-access data processing remote-control bomb remote control remote station remote terminal remoteness remotion remoulade sauce remount removable disk removal removal company removal firm remove remover remuda remuneration remunerator remus renaissance renaissance man renal artery renal calculus renal colic renal corpuscle renal cortex renal disorder renal failure renal insufficiency renal lithiasis renal pelvis renal vein renascence renata tebaldi render rendering rendezvous rendition rene-robert cavelier rene antoine ferchault de reaumur rene descartes rene magritte renegade renegade state renege renewable resource renewal reniform leaf renin rennet rennin reno renoir renouncement renovation renovator renown rensselaerite rent rent-a-car rent-rebate rent-roll rent collector rental rental collection rental income rente renter rentier renting renunciation reorder reordering reorganisation reorganization reorientation reoviridae reovirus rep repair repair shed repair shop repairer repairman reparation repartee repast repatriate repatriation repayment repayment rate repeal repeat repeater repeating repeating decimal repeating firearm repechage repellant repellent repentance repercussion repertoire repertory repertory company repetition repetitiousness repetitiveness rephrasing replaceability replacement replacement cost replacing replay replenishment repletion replica replication reply report report card reportage reporter reporting reporting weight repose repositing reposition repositioning repository repossession repp reprehensibility reprehension representation representational process representative representative sample representative sampling represser repression repressor repressor gene reprieve reprimand reprint reprinting reprisal reproach reproacher reprobate reprobation reproducer reproducibility reproduction reproduction cost reproductive cell reproductive cloning reproductive memory reproductive organ reproductive structure reproductive system reproof reproval reprover reptantia reptile reptile family reptile genus reptilia reptilian republic republic of albania republic of angola republic of armenia republic of austria republic of belarus republic of benin republic of bolivia republic of bosnia and herzegovina republic of botswana republic of bulgaria republic of burundi republic of cameroon republic of cape verde republic of chad republic of chile republic of china republic of colombia republic of costa rica republic of cote d'ivoire republic of croatia republic of cuba republic of cyprus republic of djibouti republic of ecuador republic of el salvador republic of equatorial guinea republic of estonia republic of fiji republic of finland republic of ghana republic of guatemala republic of guinea republic of guinea-bissau republic of haiti republic of honduras republic of hungary republic of iceland republic of india republic of indonesia republic of iraq republic of ireland republic of kazakhstan republic of kenya republic of kiribati republic of korea republic of latvia republic of liberia republic of lithuania republic of madagascar republic of malawi republic of maldives republic of mali republic of malta republic of mauritius republic of moldova republic of mozambique republic of namibia republic of nauru republic of nicaragua republic of niger republic of palau republic of panama republic of paraguay republic of peru republic of poland republic of san marino republic of senegal republic of seychelles republic of sierra leone republic of singapore republic of slovenia republic of south africa republic of suriname republic of tajikistan republic of the congo republic of the gambia republic of the marshall islands republic of the philippines republic of the sudan republic of trinidad and tobago republic of tunisia republic of turkey republic of uganda republic of uzbekistan republic of vanuatu republic of venezuela republic of yemen republic of zambia republic of zimbabwe republican republican guard republican party republican river republicanism republication republishing repudiation repugnance repulse repulsion repulsive force repulsiveness repurchase reputability reputation repute request requester requiem requiem shark requiescat required course requirement requirements contract requisite requisiteness requisition requisition form requital rerebrace reredos rerun res res adjudicata res gestae res ipsa loquitur res judicata res publica resale rescission rescript rescriptor rescue rescue equipment rescue operation rescue party rescuer research research center research colloquium research director research facility research lab research laboratory research project research rocket research staff research worker researcher reseau resection reseda reseda luteola reseda odorata resedaceae resemblance resentment reserpine reservation reserve reserve account reserve assets reserve bank reserve clause reserve fund reserve officers training corps reserves reservist reservoir reset reset button resettlement resh reshipment resht reshuffle reshuffling resid residence residence hall residence time residency resident resident commissioner resident physician residential area residential district residual residual clay residual oil residual soil residue residuum resignation resilience resiliency resin resinoid resistance resistance pyrometer resistance thermometer resistance unit resister resisting arrest resistivity resistor resoluteness resolution resolve resolvent resolving resolving power resonance resonant circuit resonating chamber resonator resorcinol resorcinolphthalein resorption resort resort area resort hotel resource resourcefulness respect respectability respecter respectfulness respects respighi respiration respirator respiratory acidosis respiratory alkalosis respiratory center respiratory disease respiratory disorder respiratory distress syndrome respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn respiratory illness respiratory infection respiratory organ respiratory quotient respiratory rate respiratory syncytial virus respiratory system respiratory tract respiratory tract infection respite resplendence resplendency resplendent quetzel resplendent trogon respondent responder response response time responsibility responsibleness responsiveness rest rest-cure rest-harrow rest area rest day rest energy rest home rest house rest mass rest period rest stop restatement restaurant restaurant attendant restaurant chain restauranter restaurateur rester restfulness restharrow resting potential resting spore restitution restiveness restless legs restless legs syndrome restlessness restoration restorative restorer restoril restrainer restraint restraint of trade restriction restriction endonuclease restriction enzyme restriction fragment restriction nuclease restriction site restrictive clause restrictiveness restroom result resultant resultant role resulting trust resume resumption resurgence resurrection resurrection fern resurrection of christ resurrection plant resurvey resuscitation resuscitator resuspension retail retail chain retail merchant retail price index retail store retailer retailing retained object retainer retaining wall retake retaking retaliation retaliator retaliatory eviction retama retama raetam retard retardant retardation retarded retarded depression retardent retarding force retch rete rete malpighii rete testis retem retention retention basin retentiveness retentivity rethink reticence reticle reticular activating system reticular formation reticulated python reticulation reticule reticulitermes reticulitermes flanipes reticulitermes lucifugus reticulocyte reticuloendothelial system reticulum retina retinal retinal cone retinal detachment retinal purple retinal rod retinal scanning retinene retinitis retinoblastoma retinol retinopathy retinue retired person retiree retirement retirement account retirement benefit retirement check retirement community retirement complex retirement fund retirement pension retirement plan retirement program retirement savings account retirement savings plan retort retraction retractor retraining retread retreat retreatant retreated retrenchment retrial retribution retrieval retriever retro retrobulbar neuritis retrofit retroflection retroflexion retrograde amnesia retrogression retromandibular vein retronym retrophyllum retrorocket retrospect retrospection retrospective retroversion retrovir retrovirus retrovision retsina return return address return key return on invested capital return on investment return ticket returning officer reuben reuben lucius goldberg reunification reunion reuptake reusable program reusable routine rev revaluation revealed religion revealing reveille revel revelation revelation of saint john the divine reveler reveller revelry revenant revenge revenue revenue bond revenue enhancement revenue sharing revenue stamp revenue tariff revenuer reverberance reverberation reverberatory furnace revere reverence reverend reverend dodgson reverie revers reversal reverse reverse fault reverse gear reverse hang reverse lightning reverse osmosis reverse polish notation reverse split reverse stock split reverse transcriptase reverse transcriptase inhibitor reversibility reversible reversible process reversing thermometer reversion reversionary annuity reversioner reversionist reverting revery revetement revetment review review article review copy reviewer reviewing stand revilement revisal revise revised standard version revised version reviser revising revision revisionism revisionist revitalisation revitalization revival revival meeting revivalism revivalist revivification revocation revoke revolt revolution revolutionary revolutionary armed forces of colombia revolutionary calendar revolutionary calendar month revolutionary group revolutionary justice organization revolutionary organization 17 november revolutionary organization of socialist muslims revolutionary people's liberation front revolutionary people's liberation party revolutionary people's struggle revolutionary proletarian army revolutionary proletarian initiative nuclei revolutionary proletarian nucleus revolutionary united front revolutionism revolutionist revolutions per minute revolver revolving charge account revolving credit revolving door revolving fund revue revulsion rewa-rewa reward rewording rewrite rewrite man rewriter rewriting rex rex begonia rex harrison reye's syndrome reyes reykjavik reynard reynolds rf rfd rg rh rh-negative blood rh-negative blood type rh-positive blood type rh antibody rh factor rh incompatibility rh negative rh positive rhabdomancer rhabdomancy rhabdomyoma rhabdomyosarcoma rhabdosarcoma rhabdoviridae rhabdovirus rhadamanthus rhaeto-romance rhaeto-romanic rhagades rhagoletis rhagoletis pomonella rhamnaceae rhamnales rhamnus rhamnus californicus rhamnus carolinianus rhamnus croceus rhamnus frangula rhamnus purshianus rhaphe rhapis rhapis excelsa rhapis humilis rhapsody rhd rhea rhea americana rhea silvia rheidae rheiformes rheims rheims-douay bible rheims-douay version rhein rheinland rhenish rhenium rheology rheometer rheostat rhesus rhesus factor rhesus monkey rhetoric rhetorical device rhetorical question rhetorician rheum rheum australe rheum cultorum rheum emodi rheum palmatum rheum rhabarbarum rheum rhaponticum rheumatic rheumatic aortitis rheumatic fever rheumatic heart disease rheumatism rheumatism weed rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid factor rheumatoid spondylitis rheumatologist rheumatology rhexia rhibhus rhincodon rhincodon typus rhincodontidae rhine rhine river rhine wine rhineland rhinencephalon rhinestone rhinion rhinitis rhino rhinobatidae rhinoceros rhinoceros antiquitatis rhinoceros beetle rhinoceros family rhinoceros unicornis rhinocerotidae rhinolaryngologist rhinolaryngology rhinolophidae rhinonicteris rhinonicteris aurantius rhinopathy rhinophyma rhinoplasty rhinoptera rhinoptera bonasus rhinorrhea rhinoscope rhinoscopy rhinosporidiosis rhinostenosis rhinotermitidae rhinotomy rhinotracheitis rhinovirus rhipsalis rhiptoglossa rhizobiaceae rhizobium rhizoctinia rhizoctinia disease rhizoctinia solani rhizoid rhizomatous begonia rhizome rhizomorph rhizophora rhizophora mangle rhizophoraceae rhizopod rhizopoda rhizopodan rhizopogon rhizopogon idahoensis rhizopogonaceae rhizopus rhizopus nigricans rhizopus stolonifer rhizotomy rho rhodanthe rhodanthe manglesii rhode island rhode island bent rhode island red rhode islander rhodes rhodes grass rhodes scholar rhodesia rhodesian man rhodesian ridgeback rhodium rhodochrosite rhododendron rhododendron californicum rhododendron maxima rhododendron viscosum rhodolite rhodomontade rhodonite rhodope mountains rhodophyceae rhodophyta rhodopsin rhodosphaera rhodosphaera rhodanthema rhodymenia rhodymenia palmata rhodymeniaceae rhoeadales rhomb rhombencephalon rhombohedron rhomboid rhomboid minor muscle rhomboid muscle rhomboideus major muscle rhombus rhonchus rhone rhone-alpes rhone river rhone wine rhubarb rhubarb pie rhubarb plant rhumb rhumb line rhumba rhus rhus aromatica rhus copallina rhus dermatitis rhus diversiloba rhus glabra rhus laurina rhus ovata rhus quercifolia rhus radicans rhus rhodanthema rhus toxicodenedron rhus trilobata rhus typhina rhus verniciflua rhus vernix rhyacotriton rhyacotriton olympicus rhyme rhyme royal rhymer rhymester rhyming slang rhynchocephalia rhynchoelaps rhynchoelaps australis rhyncostylis rhynia rhyniaceae rhyolite rhythm rhythm and blues rhythm and blues musician rhythm method rhythm method of birth control rhythm section rhythmic pattern rhythmicity rhytidectomy rhytidoplasty ri rial riata rib rib cage rib joint pliers rib roast ribald ribaldry riband ribavirin ribband ribbed toad ribbed vault ribbing ribbon ribbon-leaved water plantain ribbon development ribbon fern ribbon grass ribbon snake ribbon tree ribbon worm ribbonfish ribbonwood ribes ribes grossularia ribes nigrum ribes rubrum ribes sanguineum ribes sativum ribes uva-crispa ribgrass ribhus ribier riboflavin ribonuclease ribonucleic acid ribonucleinase ribose ribosome ribwort ricardo rice rice-grain fritillary rice beer rice grass rice paddy rice paper rice rat rice weevil ricebird ricegrass ricer rich rich man rich people rich person richard adolph zsigmondy richard august carl emil erlenmeyer richard brinsley sheridan richard buckminster fuller richard burbage richard burdon haldane richard burton richard coeur de lion richard d'oyly carte richard d. fosbury richard e. byrd richard e. smalley richard errett smalley richard erskine leakey richard evelyn byrd richard feynman richard haldane richard henry lee richard henry tawney richard hooker richard horatio edgar wallace richard i richard ii richard iii richard j. roberts richard john roberts richard jordan gatling richard kuhn richard leakey richard lovelace richard m. nixon richard milhous nixon richard morris hunt richard neville richard nixon richard phillips feynman richard rodgers richard roe richard smalley richard starkey richard strauss richard the lion-hearted richard the lionheart richard trevithick richard upjohn richard von krafft-ebing richard wagner richard wright richards richardson richardson's geranium richardson ground squirrel richardson vole richea richea dracophylla richea pandanifolia richelieu riches richler richmond richmondena richmondena cardinalis richness richter scale richweed ricin ricin toxin ricinoleic acid ricinus ricinus communis rick rickenbacker ricketiness rickets rickettsia rickettsiaceae rickettsial disease rickettsiales rickettsialpox rickettsiosis rickey rickover rickrack ricksha rickshaw rico rico act ricochet ricotta ricrac rictus riddance riddle riddle canon ride rider rider haggard rider plate ridge ridge rope ridge tile ridgel ridgeline ridgeling ridgepole ridgil ridgling ridicule ridiculer ridiculousness riding riding bitt riding boot riding breeches riding crop riding habit riding horse riding lamp riding light riding master riding mower riding school ridley riel riemann riemannian geometry riesling riesman rifadin rifampin riff riffian riffle riffraff rifle rifle ball rifle butt rifle grenade rifle range rifle shot riflebird rifleman rifleman bird rifling rift rift valley rift valley fever rig rig-veda riga rigamarole rigatoni rigel rigger rigger brush rigging riggs' disease right right-angled triangle right-hand man right-handed pitcher right-handedness right-hander right-winger right angle right ascension right atrioventricular valve right atrium right atrium of the heart right bank right brain right coronary artery right field right fielder right gastric artery right gastric vein right hand right hander right hemisphere right of action right of election right of entry right of first publication right of offset right of privacy right of re-entry right of search right of way right stage right to an attorney right to confront accusors right to due process right to liberty right to life right to privacy right to speedy and public trial by jury right to the pursuit of happiness right to vote right triangle right ventricle right whale right wing righteousness righteye flounder righteyed flounder rightfield rightfulness righthander rightism rightist rightness rights issue rights offering rigidification rigidifying rigidity rigidness rigil rigil kent rigmarole rigor rigor mortis rigorousness rigour rigourousness rigout rijstafel rijstaffel rijsttaffel riksmaal riksmal riley riley b king rilievo rilke rill rim rim blight rima rima glottidis rima oris rima pudendi rima respiratoria rima vestibuli rima vocalis rima vulvae rimactane rimbaud rime rimski-korsakov rimsky-korsakov rimu rind rinderpest ring ring-a-rosy ring-around-a-rosy ring-around-the-rosy ring-binder ring-necked parakeet ring-necked pheasant ring-necked snake ring-stalked fungus ring-tailed cat ring-tailed lemur ring armor ring armour ring blackbird ring containment ring dance ring disease ring finger ring girl ring lardner ring mail ring of color ring ouzel ring road ring rot ring rot bacteria ring rot fungus ring snake ring thrush ring vaccination ringdove ringed snake ringer ringer's solution ringer solution ringgit ringgold wilmer lardner ringhals ringing ringleader ringlet ringlet butterfly ringling ringmaster ringneck snake ringo starr rings ringside ringside seat ringtail ringway ringworm ringworm bush ringworm cassia ringworm shrub rink rinkhals rinse rinsing rio rio bravo rio de janeiro rio de la plata rio grande rio nunez coffee rioja riot riot act riot control riot control operation riot gun rioter rioting rip rip-off rip current rip van winkle riparia riparia riparia riparian forest riparian right ripcord ripe olive ripeness ripening riposte ripper ripping bar ripping chisel ripple ripple-grass ripple mark rippling ripsaw riptide rira risc rise rise to power riser riser main riser pipe riser pipeline risibility rising rising prices rising slope rising tide rising trot risk risk arbitrage risk capital risk of exposure risk of infection risk taker riskiness risklessness risky venture risotto riss glaciation rissa rissole ritalin rite rite of passage ritonavir rittenhouse ritual ritual dance ritual dancing ritual killing ritualism ritualist ritz rival rivalry river river acheron river adige river aire river arno river avon river basin river birch river blindness river boat river bottom river boulder river cam river cocytus river cooter river dolphin river gum river horse river kasai river lethe river limpet river otter river pear river prawn river red gum river severn river shad river styx river thames river trent river tyne rivera riverbank riverbed riverside rivet rivet line riveter riveting machine rivetter riviera rivina rivina humilis rivulet rivulus riyadh riyal riyal-omani rn rna rna polymerase rnase ro roach roach clip roach holder road road agent road builder road construction road game road gang road hog road map road mender road metal road rage road roller road runner road sense road show road surface road test road to damascus roadbed roadblock roadbook roadhog roadhouse roadkill roadman roadrunner roads roadside roadstead roadster roadway roadworthiness roald amundsen roald hoffmann roamer roan roanoke roar roarer roaring roast roast beef roast beef plant roast lamb roast pork roast veal roaster roasting rob roy robalo robaxin robber robber fly robber frog robbery robbery conviction robbery suspect robbins robe robe-de-chambre robert robert's rules of order robert a. heinlein robert abram bartlett robert adam robert alexander schumann robert andrews millikan robert anson heinlein robert barany robert bartlett robert benchley robert boyle robert brown robert browning robert bruce mathias robert bunsen robert burns robert burns woodward robert charles benchley robert charles venturi robert clive robert curl robert de niro robert e. lee robert e. peary robert e lee's birthday robert e lee day robert edward lee robert edwin peary robert emmet sherwood robert f. curl robert falcon scott robert floyd curl jr. robert frost robert fulton robert graves robert gray robert herrick robert hooke robert hutchings goddard robert i robert indiana robert james fischer robert jemison van de graaff robert joffrey robert king merton robert koch robert lee frost robert louis balfour stevenson robert louis stevenson robert lowell robert m. yerkes robert macgregor robert maynard hutchins robert mearns yerkes robert merton robert mills robert mitchum robert morris robert motherwell robert nesta marley robert oppenheimer robert orr robert owen robert peary robert peel robert penn warren robert r. livingston robert ranke graves robert redford robert robinson robert schumann robert scott robert southey robert the bruce robert traill spence lowell jr. robert treat paine robert tyre jones robert van de graaff robert venturi robert walpole robert wilhelm bunsen robert william service robert woodrow wilson robert woodward roberto francesco romolo bellarmine roberts robertson robeson robespierre robin robin's plantain robin goodfellow robin hood robin redbreast robinia robinia hispida robinia pseudoacacia robinia viscosa robinson robinson crusoe robinson jeffers robitussin roble roble beech robot robot bomb robot pilot robotic telesurgery robotics robotics equipment robusta coffee robustness roc rocambole roccella roccella tinctoria roccellaceae rocco marciano roccus roccus saxatilis rocephin rochambeau rochelle powder rochelle salt rochelle salts rochester rochon prism rock rock'n'roll rock-and-roll rock 'n' roll rock 'n' roll musician rock and roll rock band rock barnacle rock bass rock beauty rock bit rock bottom rock brake rock cake rock candy rock climber rock climbing rock concert rock cornish rock cornish hen rock crab rock cress rock crystal rock dove rock drill rock elm rock fever rock garden rock geranium rock group rock gunnel rock harlequin rock hind rock hopper rock hyrax rock island rock kangaroo rock lobster rock maple rock music rock of gibraltar rock oil rock opera rock outcrop rock partridge rock penstemon rock pigeon rock pink rock plant rock polypody rock purslane rock python rock rabbit rock rattlesnake rock rose rock salmon rock salt rock sandwort rock sea bass rock snake rock spikemoss rock springs rock squirrel rock star rock sunfish rock wallaby rock wool rock wren rockabilly rockchuck rockcress rockefeller rocker rocker arm rockers rockery rocket rocket base rocket cress rocket engine rocket engineer rocket firing rocket fuel rocket larkspur rocket launcher rocket launching rocket propellant rocket propellent rocket propulsion rocket range rocket salad rocket scientist rocketry rockfish rockfoil rockford rockies rockiness rocking chair rocking horse rockingham rockingham podocarp rockrose rockrose family rockslide rockweed rockwell rockwell kent rocky-mountain maple rocky marciano rocky mountain bee plant rocky mountain bighorn rocky mountain bristlecone pine rocky mountain dogbane rocky mountain goat rocky mountain jay rocky mountain national park rocky mountain pinon rocky mountain sheep rocky mountain spotted fever rocky mountain whitefish rocky mountains rocky mountains cherry rococo rocroi rod rod cell rod laver rodent rodentia rodeo rodeo rider rodgers rodhos rodin rodney george laver rodolia rodolia cardinalis rodomontade rodrigo borgia rodya raskolnikov roe roe deer roebling roebuck roentgen roentgen ray roentgenium roentgenogram roentgenography roentgenoscope rofecoxib rogaine rogation rogation day roger bacon roger bannister roger brooke taney roger de mortimer roger eliot fry roger fry roger huntington sessions roger sessions roger sherman roger taney roger williams rogers roget rogue rogue's gallery rogue elephant rogue nation rogue state roguery roguishness rohypnol roi roisterer rolaids roland de lassus rolando's area rolando's fissure role role model role player roleplaying rolf roll roll-on roll-on roll-off roll call roll film roll in the hay roll of tobacco rollback rolled biscuit rolled oats roller roller-skater roller bandage roller bearing roller bit roller blind roller coaster roller skate roller skating roller towel rollerblade rollerblader rollerblading rolling rolling hitch rolling mill rolling paper rolling pin rolling stock rolling wave rollmops rollo rollover rolodex roly-poly roly-poly pudding rolypoliness rom roma romaic romaine romaine lettuce roman roman a clef roman alphabet roman arch roman architecture roman basilica roman building roman calendar roman candle roman catholic roman catholic church roman catholic pope roman catholicism roman church roman collar roman coriander roman deity roman emperor roman empire roman fleuve roman hyacinth roman inquisition roman jakobson roman law roman legion roman letters roman mile roman mythology roman nettle roman nose roman numeral roman osipovich jakobson roman pace roman print roman republic roman times roman type roman wormwood romanal romance romance language romanesque romanesque architecture romani romania romanian romanian monetary unit romanism romanoff romanov romans romansh romantic romantic movement romantic realism romanticisation romanticism romanticist romanticization romany romberg rome rome beauty romeo rommany rommel romneya romneya coulteri romp romper romper suit romulus ron ronald george wreyford norrish ronald reagan ronald wilson reagan rondeau rondel rondelet rondo roneo roneograph rontgen rood rood-tree rood screen roof roof garden roof mushroom roof of the mouth roof peak roof rack roof rat roofer roofing roofing material roofing paper roofing tile rooftop rooftree roofy rooibos rook rookery rookie room room access room clerk room decorator room light room rate room temperature roomer roomette roomful roomie roominess rooming house roommate rooms roomy roosevelt roost rooster root root beer root beer float root canal root cap root celery root cellar root climber root crop root hair root rot root system root vegetable root word rootage rooter rooter skunk rooting rooting reflex rootlet roots rootstalk rootstock rope rope-a-dope rope-maker rope bridge rope burn rope ladder rope tow rope yard rope yarn ropebark ropedancer ropemaker roper ropewalk ropewalker ropeway rophy ropiness roping roquefort roquefort dressing roquette roridula roridulaceae rorippa rorippa amphibia rorippa islandica rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum rorqual rorschach rorschach test rosa rosa banksia rosa canina rosa chinensis rosa damascena rosa eglanteria rosa laevigata rosa melba ponselle rosa moschata rosa multiflora rosa odorata rosa parks rosa pendulina rosa ponselle rosa spithamaea rosacea rosaceae rosales rosario rosary rose rose-apple tree rose-colored pastor rose-colored starling rose-root rose acacia rose apple rose bay rose bed rose beetle rose bug rose campion rose chafer rose chestnut rose family rose garden rose geranium rose globe lily rose gum rose hip rose leek rose louise hovick rose mallow rose moss rose of china rose of jericho rose of sharon rose oil rose periwinkle rose pink rose quartz rose water rose window rose wine roseate spoonbill roseau rosebay rosebay willowherb rosebud rosebud cherry rosebud orchid rosebush rosefish rosehip roselle rosellinia rosemaling rosemary roseola roseola infantilis roseola infantum rosetta stone rosette rosewood rosewood tree rosh chodesh rosh hashana rosh hashanah rosh hashona rosh hashonah rosh hodesh rosicrucian rosicrucianism rosid dicot family rosid dicot genus rosidae rosilla rosin rosin bag rosiness rosinweed rosita rosmarinus rosmarinus officinalis ross ross sea rossbach rossetti rossini rostand roster rostock rostov rostov na donu rostov on don rostrum roswell rosy boa rot rota rotarian rotary rotary actuator rotary club rotary converter rotary engine rotary international rotary joint rotary motion rotary press rotary wing rotating mechanism rotating shaft rotation rotational latency rotational nystagmus rotator cuff rotatory joint rotavirus rotc rote rote learning rotenone rotgut roth rothko rothschild rotifer rotifera rotisserie rotl rotogravure rotor rotor blade rotor coil rotor head rotor shaft rotten borough rottenness rottenstone rotter rotterdam rotting rottweiler rotunda rotundity rotundness rouble roue rouge rouge et noir rouge plant rougeberry rough rough-and-tumble rough-leaved aster rough-legged hawk rough-skinned newt rough-stemmed goldenrod rough bindweed rough bristlegrass rough cut rough drawing rough fish rough green snake rough horsetail rough pea rough rider rough sledding rough water roughage roughcast roughleg roughneck roughness roughrider roughtail stingray roulade rouleau roulette roulette ball roulette wheel roumania round round-bottom flask round-headed leek round-leaved rein orchid round-spored gyromitra round-table conference round-tailed muskrat round-the-clock patrol round-trip light time round-trip ticket round angle round arch round bone round clam round dance round dancing round file round hand round kumquat round ligament of the uterus round of drinks round of golf round robin round scad round shape round shot round steak round table round top round trip round whitefish round window roundabout roundabout way roundedness roundel roundelay rounder rounders roundhead roundhouse rounding rounding error roundness roundsman roundtable roundup roundworm rous rouser rousing rousseau roustabout rout route routemarch router router plane routine roux rove beetle rover roving row row house row of bricks rowan rowan tree rowanberry rowboat rowdiness rowdy rowdyism rowel rower rowing rowing boat rowing club rowlock rowlock arch roy chapman andrews roy lichtenstein roy orbison roy wilkins royal royal academy royal academy of arts royal agaric royal air force royal blue royal brace royal canadian mounted police royal casino royal charter royal court royal family royal fern royal flush royal house royal jelly royal line royal mast royal national eisteddfod royal osmund royal palm royal poinciana royal purple royal road royal society royal society of london for improving natural knowledge royal stag royal tennis royal velvet plant royalism royalist royalty roystonea roystonea oleracea roystonea regia rozelle rpa-abb rpm rtlt ru ru 486 ruanda rub rub-a-dub rub al-khali rub up rubato rubber rubber-base paint rubber-necking rubber band rubber boa rubber boot rubber bullet rubber cement rubber eraser rubber plant rubber stamp rubber tire rubber tree rubberneck rubbernecker rubbing rubbing alcohol rubbish rubbish dump rubbish heap rubble rubdown rube rube goldberg rubefacient rubel rubella rubella panencephalitis rubens rubeola rubia rubia cordifolia rubia tinctorum rubiaceae rubiaceous plant rubiales rubicelle rubicon rubidium rubidium-strontium dating rubin test rubinstein ruble rubor rubric rubus rubus australis rubus caesius rubus canadensis rubus chamaemorus rubus cissoides rubus cuneifolius rubus flagellaris rubus fruticosus rubus hispidus rubus idaeus rubus idaeus strigosus rubus loganobaccus rubus occidentalis rubus odoratus rubus parviflorus rubus phoenicolasius rubus saxatilis rubus spectabilis rubus strigosus rubus trivialis rubus ursinus rubus ursinus loganobaccus ruby ruby-crowned kinglet ruby-crowned wren ruby spinel ruby wood ruck rucksack ruckus ruction rudaceous rock rudapithecus rudbeckia rudbeckia hirta rudbeckia laciniata rudbeckia laciniata hortensia rudbeckia serotina rudd rudder rudder blade rudderfish rudderpost rudderstock ruddiness ruddle ruddles ruddy duck ruddy turnstone rudeness rudiment rudiments rudolf bultmann rudolf christian karl diesel rudolf diesel rudolf hess rudolf karl bultmann rudolf karl virchow rudolf ludwig mossbauer rudolf nureyev rudolf serkin rudolf steiner rudolf virchow rudolf wurlitzer rudolph laban rudra rudyard kipling rue rue anemone rue family ruefulness ruf ruff ruffed grouse ruffian ruffianism ruffle rufous rubber cup rug rug beater rug merchant rug pad ruga rugby rugby ball rugby football rugel's plantain rugelach rugged individualism ruggedisation ruggedization ruggedness ruggelach rugger rugulah ruholla khomeini ruhr ruhr river ruhr valley ruin ruination ruiner ruining rule rule book rule of cy pres rule of evidence rule of grammar rule of law rule of morphology rule of thumb ruler rulership rules of order ruling ruling class rum rum-blossom rum baba rum cherry rum cocktail rum nose rum sling rumania rumanian rumansh rumba rumble rumble seat rumbling rumen rumex rumex acetosa rumex acetosella rumex obtusifolius rumex scutatus ruminant ruminantia rumination ruminator rummage rummage sale rummer rummy rumohra rumohra adiantiformis rumor rumormonger rumour rumourmonger rump rump roast rump steak rumpelstiltskin rumpus rumpus room rumrunner run run-in run-on sentence run-through run-time run-time error run-up run batted in runabout runaway runaway robin runch runcible spoon runcinate leaf rundle rundown rundstedt rune rung runic letter runnel runner runner-up runner-up finish runner bean runniness running running away running back running blackberry running board running game running hand running head running headline running light running mate running noose running pine running play running pop running postman running shoe running start running stitch running suit running time running title runoff runt runtime error runtiness runup runway runyon rupee rupert rupert brooke rupert murdoch rupestral plant rupestrine plant rupiah rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra rupicola rupicola peruviana rupicola rupicola rupicolous plant ruptiliocarpon ruptiliocarpon caracolito rupture ruptured intervertebral disc rupturewort rural area rural free delivery ruralism ruralist rurality ruritania ruritanian rus ruscaceae ruscus ruscus aculeatus ruse rush rush-grass rush aster rush candle rush family rush grass rush hour rush nut rush rose rushdie rusher rushing rushlight rushmore rusk ruskin russel crouse russell russell's body russet russet scab russia russia leather russian russian agency russian almond russian bank russian cactus russian capital russian dandelion russian dressing russian federation russian mayonnaise russian monetary unit russian olive russian orthodox church russian revolution russian river russian roulette russian soviet federated socialist republic russian thistle russian tumbleweed russian vine russian wolfhound russo-japanese war russula russulaceae rust rust fungus rust inhibitor rust mite rustbelt rustic rustication rusticism rusticity rustiness rusting rustle rustler rustling rusty blackbird rusty grackle rusty rig rusty woodsia rut ruta ruta graveolens rutabaga rutabaga plant rutaceae ruth ruth benedict ruth fulton ruth saint denis ruth st. denis ruthenium rutherford rutherford atom rutherford b. hayes rutherford birchard hayes rutherfordium ruthfulness ruthlessness rutile rutilus rutilus rutilus rutland rutledge ruvettus pretiosus rv rwanda rwanda franc rwandan rwandese republic rya rya rug rydberg rydberg's penstemon rydberg constant rydberg unit rye rye bread rye ergot rye grass rye whiskey rye whisky ryegrass rynchopidae rynchops rypticus ryukyu islands ryukyuan Related Content Daily Word Quiz: abdicate Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently 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