/ Thesaurus D: Synonyms for Letter D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Verb dab dabble dado daisy-chain dally dam dam up damage damascene damn damp dampen dance dandify dandle dangle dapple dare darken darn dart dash dash down dash off date date-mark date back date from date stamp dateline datemark daub daunt dawdle dawn daydream daze dazzle de-access de-aerate de-emphasise de-emphasize de-energise de-energize de-escalate de-ice de-iodinate de-ionate deaccession deactivate deaden deaerate deaf deafen deal deal out deaminate deaminize debar debark debase debate debauch debilitate debit debone debouch debrief debug debunk debut decaffeinate decalcify decamp decant decapitate decarbonate decarbonise decarbonize decarboxylate decarburise decarburize decay decease deceive decelerate decentralise decentralize decerebrate decertify dechlorinate decide decimalise decimalize decimate decipher deck deck out deck up declaim declare declare oneself declassify declaw decline declutch decoct decode decoke decollate decolonise decolonize decolor decolorise decolorize decolour decolourise decolourize decommission decompose decompress deconcentrate deconsecrate deconstruct decontaminate decontrol decorate decorticate decouple decoy decrease decree decrepitate decrescendo decriminalise decriminalize decry decrypt decussate dedicate dedifferentiate deduce deduct deed over deem deep-dye deep-fat-fry deep-fry deep-six deep freeze deepen deface defalcate defame defang defat default default on defeat defecate defect defeminise defeminize defend defenestrate defer defervesce defibrillate defibrinate defile define deflagrate deflate deflect deflower defog defoliate deforest deform defraud defray defrock defrost defuse defy degas degauss degenerate deglaze deglycerolise deglycerolize degrade degrease degust dehisce dehorn dehumanise dehumanize dehumidify dehydrate dehydrogenate deice deify deign deionize deject delay delegate delete deliberate delight delimit delimitate delineate deliquesce delist deliver deliver the goods delocalize delouse delude deluge delve demagnetise demagnetize demand demarcate demasculinise demasculinize dematerialise dematerialize demean demilitarise demilitarize demineralise demineralize demise demist demo demob demobilise demobilize democratise democratize demodulate demolish demonetise demonetize demonise demonize demonstrate demoralise demoralize demote demulsify demur demyelinate demystify demythologise demythologize denationalise denationalize denaturalise denaturalize denature denazify denigrate denitrify denominate denote denounce dent denudate denude deny deodorise deodorize deodourise deoxidise deoxidize deoxygenate depart depend depend on depend upon depersonalise depersonalize depict depilate deplane deplete deplore deploy deplumate deplume depolarise depolarize depone depopulate deport depose deposit deprave deprecate depreciate depress depressurise depressurize deprive depute deputise deputize deracinate derail derange derate derecognise derecognize deregulate derequisition derestrict deride derive derogate desacralize desalinate desalinise desalinize desalt descale descant descant on descend describe descry desecrate desegregate desensitise desensitize desert deserve desex desexualise desexualize desiccate design designate desire desist desolate desorb despair despatch despise despoil despond desquamate destabilise destabilize destain destalinise destalinize destine destress destroy destruct desulfurize desulphurize desynchronise desynchronize detach detail detain detect deter deterge deteriorate determine detest dethaw dethrone detick detonate detour detox detoxicate detoxify detract detrain detransitivise detransitivize detribalise detribalize detusk devaluate devalue devastate devein develop deviate devil devilise devilize devise devitalise devitalize devitrify devoice devolve devolve on devote devour diabolise diabolize diagnose diagonalise diagonalize diagram dial dialyse dialyze diazotize dibble dice dichotomise dichotomize dicker dictate didder diddle die die away die back die down die hard die off die out diet differ differentiate diffract diffuse dig dig in dig into dig out dig up digest digitalise digitalize digitise digitize dignify digress dike dilapidate dilate dilly-dally dillydally dilute dim dimension diminish dimple din dine dine in dine out ding dingdong dinge dip dip into dip solder diphthongise diphthongize direct dirty disable disabuse disaccord disadvantage disaffect disafforest disagree disagree with disallow disambiguate disappear disappoint disapprove disarm disarrange disarray disarticulate disassemble disassociate disavow disband disbar disbelieve disbud disburden disburse disc-jockey discard discase discern discerp discharge discipline disclaim disclose disco discolor discolorise discolorize discolour discolourise discombobulate discomfit discommode discompose disconcert disconnect discontent discontinue discord discount discountenance discourage discourse discover discredit discriminate discuss disdain disembark disembarrass disembody disembowel disembroil disenable disenchant disencumber disenfranchise disengage disentangle disestablish disesteem disfavor disfavour disfigure disforest disfranchise disgorge disgrace disgruntle disguise disgust dish dish out dish the dirt dish up disharmonize dishearten dishevel dishonor dishonour disillusion disincarnate disincline disinfect disinfest disinherit disintegrate disinter disinvest disinvolve disjoin disjoint disk disk-jockey dislike dislocate dislodge dismantle dismay dismember dismiss dismount disobey disoblige disorder disorganise disorganize disorient disorientate disown disparage dispatch dispel dispense dispense with disperse dispirit displace display displease displume disport dispose dispose of dispossess dispread disprove dispute disqualify disquiet disregard disrespect disrobe disrupt diss dissatisfy dissect dissemble disseminate dissent dissertate dissever dissimilate dissimulate dissipate dissociate dissolve dissonate dissuade distance distemper distend distil distill distinguish distort distract distrain distress distribute district distrust disturb disunify disunite ditch dither ditto divagate divaricate dive dive-bomb diverge diversify divert divest divide divine divorce divulge divvy up dizen dizzy dj do do a job on do away with do by do drugs do good do in do it do justice do one's best do the dishes do the honors do up do well do well by do work dock docket doctor doctor up document dodder dodge doff dog dogfight dogmatise dogmatize dogsled dole out doll up domesticate domesticise domesticize domicile domiciliate dominate domineer don donate dong doodle doom dope dope off dope up dose doss doss down dot dote double double-check double-date double-glaze double-park double-space double-team double back double birdie double bogey double crochet double cross double dye double over double stitch double tongue double up doubt douche douse dovetail dower down downgrade download downplay downsize dowse doze doze off draft drag drag a bunt drag down drag in drag on drag one's feet drag one's heels drag out drag through the mud drag up draggle dragoon drain drain the cup dramatise dramatize drape draught draw draw a bead on draw a blank draw a line draw and quarter draw away draw back draw close draw in draw near draw off draw out draw rein draw the line draw together draw up drawl dread dream dream up dredge dredge up drench dress dress down dress out dress ship dress up dribble drift drift apart drift away drift off drill drill in drink drink down drink in drink up drip drip-dry drive drive around drive away drive back drive home drive in drive off drive out drive up drivel drizzle drone drone on drool drool over droop drop drop-kick drop a line drop anchor drop away drop back drop behind drop by drop by the wayside drop dead drop down drop in drop like flies drop off drop one's serve drop open drop out drop the ball dropforge dropkick drown drown out drowse drowse off drub drudge drug drum drum out drum up dry dry-dock dry-nurse dry-rot dry-wall dry clean dry out dry up drydock dub duck duel dulcify dulcorate dull dumbfound dummy dummy up dump dun dung dunk dupe duplex duplicate dusk dust dwarf dwell dwell on dwindle dwindle away dwindle down dye dyke dynamise dynamite dynamize Adjective d d.o.a. dabbled dacitic dactylic daedal daft dagger-like daily dainty daisylike dalmatian damaged damaging damascene damask damn damnable damnatory damned damning damp dampish danceable dandified dandy dandyish dangerous danish dank dantean dantesque dapper dappled daredevil daring dark dark-blue dark-brown dark-coated dark-colored dark-coloured dark-fruited dark-gray dark-green dark-grey dark-haired dark-skinned dark-spotted darkened darkening darkish darkling darling darned darwinian dashed dashing dastard dastardly data-based datable dateable dated dateless daughterly daunted daunting dauntless day-after-day day-and-night day-by-day day-old day-to-day daylong dazed dazzled dazzling de-iodinating de facto de jure de luxe de rigueur dead dead-end dead-on dead on target dead set deadened deadening deadlocked deadly deadpan deaf deaf-and-dumb deaf-mute deaf as a post deafened deafening dealt out dear dearly-won deathless deathlike deathly debased debasing debatable debauched debile debilitated debilitating debilitative debonair debonaire deboned debonnaire decadent decalescent decapitated decasyllabic decayable decayed deceased deceitful decent decentralised decentralising decentralized decentralizing deceptive decided deciding deciduous decimal decipherable deciphered decisive deckle-edged deckled declamatory declarable declarative declaratory declared declassified declivitous decollete decomposable decompositional decompound deconsecrated deconstructionist decorated decorative decorous decreased decreasing decreasing monotonic decreed decrepit decrescendo decumbent decurved decussate dedicated dedifferentiated deducible deductible deductive deep deep-chested deep-eyed deep-fried deep-laid deep-lobed deep-mined deep-pink deep-rooted deep-sea deep-seated deep-set deep-water deep-yellow deep in thought deepening defamatory defeasible defeated defective defenceless defendable defending defenseless defensible defensive deferent deferential defervescent defiant deficient defiled definable defined definite definitive deflated deflationary deflective defoliate defoliated deformational deformed deft defunct degage degenerate degenerative degraded degrading degressive dehiscent dehumanised dehumanized dehydrated deictic deific deist deistic dejected delayed delectable deleterious deliberate deliberative delible delicate delicious delighted delightful delimited delineate delineated delineative delinquent deliquescent delirious deliverable delphian delphic deltoid delusional delusive delusory deluxe demagogic demagogical demanding demeaning demented democratic demode demographic demolished demon-ridden demoniac demoniacal demonic demonstrable demonstrated demonstrative demonstrative of demoralised demoralising demoralized demoralizing demosthenic demotic demulcent demure demythologised demythologized denary denatured denaturised denaturized dendriform dendritic dendroid dendroidal deniable denigrating denigrative denigratory denominational denotative denotive dense dental dentate dented denticulate denudate denuded denumerable denunciative denunciatory departed departmental dependable dependant dependant on dependant upon dependent dependent on dependent upon depending on depicted depictive depilatory depilous depletable depleted deplorable depopulated depraved deprecating deprecative deprecatory depreciating depreciative depreciatory depressant depressed depressing deprived deranged derelict derisive derisory derivable derivational derivative derived dermal dermatologic dermatological dermic derogative derogatory descendant descendent descending describable described descriptive desecrated desegrated desensitising desensitizing deserted deserved deserving desiccate desiccated designate designative designed designing desirable desired desirous desk-bound deskbound desolate despairing desperate despicable despised despiteful despoiled despondent despotic despotical destined destitute destroyable destroyed destructible destructive destructive-metabolic desultory detachable detached detailed detectable detected detergent determinable determinant determinate determinative determined determining deterministic deterrent detersive detestable detested detonative detractive detrimental deuced deuteranopic devalued devastating developed developing developmental deviant deviate devil-may-care devilish devious devoid devoted devotional devouring devout deweyan dewy dewy-eyed dexter dexterous dextral dextrorotary dextrorotatory dextrorsal dextrorse dextrous diabatic diabetic diabolic diabolical diachronic diacritic diacritical diadromous diagnosable diagnostic diagonal diagonalizable diagrammatic diagrammatical dialectal dialectic dialectical diamagnetic diamantine diametral diametric diametrical dianoetic diaphanous diaphoretic diaphyseal diaphysial diarrheal diarrheic diarrhetic diarrhoeal diarrhoeic diarrhoetic diastolic diatomic diatonic diazo dicarboxylic dicey dichotomous dichromatic dickensian dickey dicky diclinous dicotyledonous dictated dictatorial dictyopteran didactic didactical die-cast die-hard diestrous diestrual dietary dietetic dietetical different differentiable differential differentiated difficult diffident diffuse diffused diffusing diffusive digestible digestive dighted digital digitate digitigrade dignified dignifying digressive dilapidated dilatory dilettante dilettanteish dilettantish diligent dilute diluted diluvial diluvian dim dim-sighted dim-witted dimensional dimensioning diminished diminishing diminuendo diminutive dimmed dimorphic dimorphous dingy dinky diocesan dioecian dioecious dioestrous dioestrual dionysian diploid diplomatic diplomatical dipolar dipped dipterous dipylon dire direct directed directing directional directionless directive direful dirigible dirt dirt cheap dirty dirty-faced dirty-minded disabled disabling disabused disadvantaged disadvantageous disaffected disagreeable disappointed disappointing disapproving disarming disarranged disarrayed disastrous disavowable disbelieving disc-shaped discalceate discalced discarded discernable discernible discerning discharged disciform disciplinal disciplinary disciplined disclike disclosed discoid discoidal discombobulated discomfited discomposed discomycetous disconcerted disconcerting disconfirming disconnected disconsolate discontent discontented discontinued discontinuous discordant discorporate discouraged discouraging discourteous discoverable discovered discreditable discredited discreet discrepant discrete discretional discretionary discriminable discriminate discriminating discriminative discriminatory discursive disdainful diseased disembodied disenchanted disenchanting disenfranchised disentangled disfigured disfranchised disgraced disgraceful disgruntled disguised disgusted disgustful disgusting dish-shaped disharmonious disheartened disheartening dished disheveled dishevelled dishonest dishonorable dishonored dishonourable dishy disillusioned disillusioning disinclined disinfectant disingenuous disinherited disintegrable disintegrative disinterested disjoined disjoint disjointed disjunct disjunctive disk-shaped disklike dislikable disliked dislocated dislogistic disloyal dismal dismantled dismayed dismaying dismissed dismissible dismissive disobedient disobliging disordered disorderly disorganised disorganized disoriented disorienting disparaging disparate dispassionate dispensable dispensed dispersed dispersive dispirited dispiriting displeased displeasing disposable disposed dispossessed disproportional disproportionate disputable disputatious disputative disputed disqualified disqualifying disquieted disquieting disregarded disreputable disrespectful disrupted disruptive dissatisfactory dissatisfied dissected disseminative dissentient dissenting dissentious dissident dissilient dissimilar dissimulative dissipated dissociable dissociative dissoluble dissolute dissolvable dissolved dissonant dissuasive distaff distal distant distasteful distensible distinct distinctive distinguishable distinguished distortable distorted distracted distrait distraught distressed distressful distressing distributed distributional distributive distrustful disturbed disturbing disunited disused disyllabic dithyrambic diurnal divalent divergent diverging divers diverse diversified diversionary diverted diverting dividable divided divided up divinatory divine divisible divisional divisive divorced dizygotic dizygous dizzy djiboutian do-it-yourself do-nothing do-or-die doable docile doctoral doctorial doctrinaire doctrinal documental documentary documented doddering doddery dodgy dog-eared dog-sized dog-tired dogged dogging doglike dogmatic dogmatical dolabrate dolabriform doled out doleful dolichocephalic dolichocranial dolichocranic dolled up dolomitic dolorous dolourous doltish dome-shaped domed domestic domesticated domiciliary dominant dominated dominating domineering dominical dominican donatist done done for done with donnean donnian donnish doomed door-to-door doped dopey dopy dorian doric dormant dormie dormy dorsal dorsoventral dosed dostoevskian dostoyevskian dot-com doting dotted dotty double double-barreled double-barrelled double-bass double-bedded double-breasted double-chinned double-dealing double-dyed double-edged double-faced double-geared double-humped double-jointed double-quick double-spaced double-tongued doubled doubtful doubting doughnut-shaped doughy dour dovish dowdy dowered dowerless down down-and-out down-to-earth down in the mouth down pat downbound downcast downfield downhearted downhill downlike downmarket downright downscale downstage downstair downstairs downstream downtown downtrodden downward downward-arching downward-sloping downwind downy dozen dozy drab draconian drafty dragging draggled drained draining dramatic dramaturgic dramaturgical draped drastic draughty drawn drawn-out dread dreaded dreadful dreamed dreamless dreamlike dreamy drear dreary drenched drenched in dress dressed dressed-up dressed to kill dressed to the nines dressy dried dried-out dried-up drifting drill-like drilled drinkable drip-dry dripless drippy driven driving drizzling drizzly droll drooping droopy dropping dropsical drowsing drowsy drudging drug-addicted drug-free drugged drugless drum-like drum-shaped drumhead drunk drunken drupaceous dry dry-cleaned dry-eyed dry-shod dual dual-lane dualistic dubious dubitable ducal duck-billed duckbill ductile ductless dud due dulcet dull dull-purple dull-white dulled dumb dumbfounded dumbfounding dumbstricken dumbstruck dumfounded dumfounding dummy dumpy dun dun-colored dun-coloured duncical duncish duodecimal duodenal duple duplex duplicable duplicatable duplicate duplicitous durable dural dusky dusky-colored dusky-coloured dust-covered dustlike dusty dutch duteous dutiable dutiful duty-bound duty-free dwarfish dwindling dyadic dyed dying dynamic dynamical dynastic dysfunctional dysgenic dyslectic dyslexic dyslogistic dyspeptic dysphemistic dysphoric dysplastic dyspneal dyspneic dyspnoeal dyspnoeic dystopian Adverb daftly daily daintily damn damnably damned damply dandily dangerously daringly darkly dashingly dauntingly dauntlessly day after day day by day day in and day out day in day out daylong dazedly dazzlingly de facto de jure de novo dead dead ahead deadly deadpan dear dearly deathly deceitfully deceivingly decent decently deceptively decidedly decipherably decisively decoratively decorously deep deep down deeply defectively defenceless defencelessly defenseless defenselessly defensively deferentially defiantly definitely deftly dejectedly deliberately delicately deliciously delightedly delightfully deliriously delusively demandingly demeaningly dementedly democratically demoniacally demonstrably demonstratively demurely denominationally densely departmentally dependably deplorably deprecatively depressingly derisively derisorily descriptively deservedly designedly desolately despairingly desperately despicably despitefully despondently destructively determinedly detestably detrimentally deucedly developmentally devilish devilishly deviously devotedly devoutly dexterously dextrously diabolically diagonally diagrammatically dialectically diametrically dichotomously dictatorially didactically differentially differently diffidently diffusely digitally digitately diligently dimly dingdong dingily diplomatically direct directly direfully dirtily disadvantageously disagreeably disappointedly disappointingly disapprovingly disastrously disbelievingly disconcertingly disconsolately discontentedly discordantly discouragingly discourteously discreditably discreetly discursively disdainfully disgracefully disgustedly disgustingly dishonestly dishonorably dishonourably disingenuously disinterestedly disjointedly disloyally dismally disobediently disparagingly dispassionately dispiritedly displaying incompetence displeasingly disproportionately disputatiously disquietingly disregarding disregardless disreputably disrespectfully disruptively dissolutely distally distantly distastefully distinctively distinctly distractedly distressfully distressingly distributively distrustfully disturbingly diversely divertingly divinely dizzily doctrinally doggedly doggo dogmatically dolce dolefully doltishly domestically domineeringly dorsally dorsoventrally dottily double double quick double time doubly doubtfully doubtless doubtlessly dourly dowdily down down the stairs downfield downhill downright downriver downstage downstairs downstream downtown downward downwardly downwards downwind drably draggingly dramatically drastically dreadfully dreamfully dreamily drearily drily drippily dripping droopingly drop-dead drowsily drunkenly dryly dubiously due dully duly dumbly dutifully dynamically Noun d d'oyly carte d-day d-layer d. h. lawrence d. w. griffith d.a. d.c. d.p.r.k. d and c d region da da'wah da gamma da vinci dab daba dabbler dabbling duck dabchick daboecia daboecia cantabrica dacca dace dacelo dacelo gigas dacha dachau dachshund dachsie dacite dacninae dacoit dacoity dacridium laxifolius dacron dacrycarpus dacrycarpus dacrydioides dacrydium dacrydium bidwilli dacrydium colensoi dacrydium cupressinum dacrydium franklinii dacrymyces dacrymycetaceae dacryocyst dacryocystitis dacryon dactyl dactylis dactylis glomerata dactyloctenium dactyloctenium aegypticum dactylomegaly dactylopiidae dactylopius dactylopius coccus dactylopteridae dactylopterus dactylorhiza dactylorhiza fuchsii dactylorhiza maculata fuchsii dactyloscopidae dad dada dadaism daddy daddy longlegs dado dado plane dae-han-min-gook daedal daedalus daemon daffo daffodil daffodil garlic dafla daftness dag dag hammarskjold dag hjalmar agne carl hammarskjold dagame dagan dagda dagestani dagga dagger dagger fern daggerboard dago dagon daguerre daguerreotype dah dahl dahlia dahlia pinnata dahna dahomey daikon dail dail eireann daily daily dew daily double daily round daily variation daimler daimon daintiness dainty daiquiri dairen dairy dairy cattle dairy cow dairy farm dairy farmer dairy farming dairy product dairying dairymaid dairyman dais daishiki daisy daisy-bush daisy-leaved grape fern daisy bush daisy chain daisy cutter daisy fleabane daisy print wheel daisy wheel daisybush daisyleaf grape fern daisywheel printer dak dakar dakoit dakoity dakota dal dalai lama dalasi dalbergia dalbergia cearensis dalbergia latifolia dalbergia nigra dalbergia retusa dalbergia sissoo dalbergia stevensonii dale dale carnegie dalea dalea spinosa dalesman daleth dali dalian dall's sheep dall sheep dallas dalliance dallier dallis grass dallisgrass dalmane dalmatia dalmatia pyrethrum dalmatian dalmatian iris dalmatian laburnum dalmatian pyrethrum dalo dalton dalton's law dalton's law of partial pressures dalton trumbo daltonism dam dama dama dama damage damage control damages damaliscus damaliscus lunatus damar damaraland mole rat damascene damascus damascus steel damask damask rose damask steel damask violet dame dame's violet dame agatha mary clarissa christie dame alice ellen terry dame alicia markova dame barbara hepworth dame daphne du maurier dame edith louisa sitwell dame edith sitwell dame ellen terry dame jean iris murdoch dame joan sutherland dame kiri janette te kanawa dame kiri te kanawa dame margot fonteyn dame muriel spark dame myra hess dame nellie melba dame rebecca west dame sybil thorndike damgalnunna daminozide damkina dammar dammar pine dammar resin damn damnation damned damocles damoiselle damon damon and pythias damon runyon damosel damourite damozel damp damp-proof course damp course dampener dampening damper damper block damping off damping off fungus dampness damsel damselfish damselfly damson damson plum damson plum tree dana danaea danaid danaid butterfly danaidae danau danaus danaus plexippus dance dance band dance floor dance hall dance lesson dance master dance music dance of death dance orchestra dance palace dance school dance step dancer danceroom music dancing dancing-master dancing lady orchid dancing partner dancing school dandelion dandelion green dander dandie dinmont dandie dinmont terrier dandle board dandruff dandy dandy fever dandyism dane danewort dangaleat danger danger line danger zone dangerous undertaking dangerousness dangla dangle-berry dangleberry dangling dangling modifier dangling participle daniel daniel bernoulli daniel boone daniel chester french daniel defoe daniel garrison brinton daniel hudson burnham daniel jones daniel morgan daniel ortega daniel ortega saavedra daniel patrick moynihan daniel rutherford daniel webster danish danish blue danish capital danish krone danish monetary unit danish pastry dankness danmark dano-norwegian danse du ventre danse macabre danseur danseur noble danseuse dante dante alighieri dante gabriel rossetti danton danton true young danu danube danube river danzig daoism daphne daphne cneorum daphne du maurier daphne family daphne laureola daphne mezereum daphnia dapperness dapple dapple-gray dapple-grey dappled-gray dappled-grey dapsang dapsone dar al-harb dar al-islam dar es salaam daraf dard dardan dardanelles dardanelles campaign dardanian dardanus dardic dardic language dare daredevil daredevilry daredeviltry darfur dari dari persian daricon darier's disease daring darius i darius iii darius milhaud darius the great darjeeling dark dark-eyed junco dark-field microscope dark adaptation dark ages dark blue dark bread dark chocolate dark comedy dark field illumination dark glasses dark ground illumination dark horse dark lantern dark matter dark meat dark red darkening darkey darkie darkling beetle darkling groung beetle darkness darkroom darky darling darling pea darling river darlingtonia darlingtonia californica darmera darmera peltata darmstadtium darn darnel darner darning darning needle darpa darrow darryl francis zanuck darryl zanuck darsana dart dart board dart player dart thrower dartboard darter dartmouth dartmouth college darts darvon darwin darwin tulip darwinian darwinism daryacheh-ye orumiyeh das das kapital dash dash-pot dashboard dasheen dashiell hammett dashiki dashing hopes dasht-e-kavir dasht-e-lut dassie dastard dastardliness dasyatidae dasyatis dasyatis centroura dasymeter dasypodidae dasyprocta dasyprocta aguti dasyproctidae dasypus dasypus novemcinctus dasyure dasyurid dasyurid marsupial dasyuridae dasyurus dasyurus quoll dasyurus viverrinus dat data data-storage medium data communication data conversion data converter data encryption data file data format data formatting data hierarchy data input device data link data mining data multiplexer data point data processing data processor data rate data structure data system data track database database management database management system date date-nut bread date bar date bread date line date of reference date palm date plum date rape dateline dating dative dative bond dative case datril datum datura datura arborea datura sanguinea datura stramonium datura suaveolens daub daubentonia daubentonia madagascariensis daubentoniidae dauber daubing daucus daucus carota daucus carota sativa daugavpils daughter daughter-in-law daughter cell daumier dauntlessness dauphin davalia bullata davalia bullata mariesii davallia davallia canariensis davallia mariesii davallia pyxidata davalliaceae davenport david david alfaro siqueiros david barnard steinman david ben gurion david bruce david bushnell david crockett david garrick david glasgow farragut david grun david hartley david herbert lawrence david hilbert david hubel david hume david john moore cornwell david lewelyn wark griffith david livingstone david low david mamet david o. selznick david oliver selznick david ricardo david riesman david riesman jr. david rittenhouse david roland smith david sarnoff david siqueiros david smith davidson's penstemon daviesia davis davis' birthday davis cup davit davy davy's gray davy's grey davy crockett davy jones davy jones's locker davy lamp davys daw dawah dawdler dawdling dawes dawn dawn horse dawn redwood dawning dawson dawson's encephalitis dawson river salmon day day bed day blindness day boarder day book day camp day care day care center day game day jessamine day laborer day labourer day lily day nursery day of atonement day of judgement day of judgment day of reckoning day of remembrance day of rest day of the month day of the week day off day return day school day shift day watch dayan daybed daybook dayboy daybreak daycare daydream daydreamer daydreaming dayflower dayfly daygirl daylight daylight-saving time daylight-savings time daylight saving daylight savings daylight vision daylily daypro days dayspring daystar daytime dayton dayton ax dayton axe daytona beach daze dazzle db dba dbms dc dccp dci dd ddc ddi dds ddt de de-escalation de-iodinase de-iodination de-nazification de-stalinisation de-stalinization de bakey de broglie de facto segregation de forest de gaulle de jure segregation de kooning de l'orme de la mare de mille de niro de quincey de sade de saussure de sica de spinoza de valera de vries dea deacon deaconess deactivation dead dead-air space dead-end street dead-man's-fingers dead-man's float dead-men's-fingers dead air dead axle dead body dead center dead centre dead drop dead duck dead end dead hand dead hand of the past dead heat dead language dead letter dead load dead mail dead march dead metaphor dead nettle dead person dead reckoning dead ringer dead room dead sea dead sea scrolls dead soul dead weight deadbeat deadbeat dad deadbolt deadening deadeye deadhead deadlight deadline deadliness deadlock deadly nightshade deadly sin deadness deadwood deae cellulose deaf deaf-aid deaf-and-dumb person deaf-mute deaf-muteness deaf-mutism deaf person deafness deal dealer dealership dealfish dealignment dealing dealings deamination deaminization dean dean acheson dean gooderham acheson dean martin dean swift deanery deanship dear dearest dearie dearness dearth deary death death's-head moth death's head death-roll death adder death angel death bell death benefit death camas death camp death cap death chair death chamber death cup death duty death house death instinct death knell death mask death penalty death rate death row death seat death squad death tax death toll death valley death warrant death wish deathbed deathblow deathrate deathtrap deathwatch deathwatch beetle deb debacle debarkation debarment debasement debaser debate debater debauch debauchee debaucher debauchery debenture debenture bond debilitation debility debit debit card debit entry debit side debitor debridement debriefing debris debris storm debris surge debs debt debt ceiling debt instrument debt limit debtor debugger debunking debussy debut debutante dec dec 24 dec 25 decade decadence decadency decadent decadron decaf decaffeinated coffee decagon decagram decahedron decal decalcification decalcomania decalescence decaliter decalitre decalogue decameter decametre decampment decanedioic acid decanoic acid decantation decanter decapitation decapod decapod crustacean decapoda decapterus decapterus macarellus decapterus punctatus decarboxylase decarboxylation decasyllable decathlon decatur decay deccan hemp decease deceased deceased person decedent deceit deceitfulness deceiver deceleration december december 31 december 8 decency decennary decennium decentalisation decentralisation decentralization deception deceptiveness decibel deciding decidua deciduous holly deciduous plant deciduous tooth decigram decile deciliter decilitre decimal decimal digit decimal fraction decimal notation decimal number system decimal numeration system decimal point decimal system decimal system of classification decimalisation decimalization decimation decimeter decimetre decimus junius juvenalis decipherer decipherment decision decision maker decision making decision table decisive factor decisiveness decius deck deck-house deck chair deck of cards deck tennis decker deckhand deckle deckle edge declamation declaration declaration of estimated tax declaration of independence declarative declarative mood declarative sentence declaratory sentence declarer declassification declension declination decline decline in quality declinometer declivity declomycin deco decoagulant decoction decoction mashing decoction process decoder decoding decolletage decolonisation decolonization decomposition decomposition reaction decompound leaf decompressing decompression decompression sickness decongestant deconstruction deconstructionism deconstructivism decontamination decor decoration decoration day decorativeness decorator decorousness decortication decorum decoupage decoy decrease decree decree nisi decrement decrepitation decrepitude decrescendo decriminalisation decriminalization decryption decubitus decubitus ulcer decumaria decumaria barbara decumaria barbata decumary decussation ded dedicated file server dedication dedifferentiation deductible deduction deductive reasoning deed deed of conveyance deed of trust deed poll deedbox deeds deems taylor deep deep-dish pie deep-freeze deep-sea diver deep brown deep cervical vein deep fording deep freeze deep freezer deep kiss deep middle cerebral vein deep pocket deep red deep south deep space deep supporting fire deep temporal vein deep water deepening deepfreeze deepness deepwater pipefish deepwater squirrelfish deer deer's-ear deer's-ears deer fern deer fly fever deer grass deer hunt deer hunter deer hunting deer mouse deer mushroom deer tick deer trail deerberry deere deerhound deerskin deerstalker deerstalking defacement defalcation defalcator defamation defamer default default judgement default judgment default option defaulter defeat defeated defeatism defeatist defecation defecation reflex defecator defect defect of speech defection defective pleading defectiveness defector defence defence force defence mechanism defence policy defence program defence reaction defence system defencelessness defendant defender defender of the faith defending team defenestration defense defense advanced research projects agency defense attorney defense contractor defense department defense force defense information systems agency defense intelligence agency defense laboratory defense lawyer defense lawyers defense logistics agency defense mechanism defense policy defense program defense reaction defense reutilization and marketing service defense secretary defense system defense team defense technical information center defenselessness defensibility defensive defensive attitude defensive measure defensive structure defensiveness deference deferment deferral deferred payment defervescence defiance defibrillation defibrillator deficiency deficiency disease deficit deficit spending defilade defile defilement defiler defining definite article definite integral definite quantity definiteness definition definitive host deflagration deflation deflationary spiral deflator deflection deflector deflexion defloration defoe defoliant defoliation defoliator deforestation deformation deformity defrauder defrayal defrayment defroster deftness defunctness defusing degas degaussing degeneracy degenerate degeneration degenerative arthritis degenerative disorder degenerative joint disease deglutition degradation degrader degree degree celsius degree centigrade degree day degree fahrenheit degree of a polynomial degree of a term degree of freedom degree program degressive tax degustation dehiscence dehong dai dehumanisation dehumanization dehydrated food dehydrated foods dehydration dehydroretinol deicer deictic deictic word deification deimos deinocheirus deinonychus deipnosophist deism deist deity deixis deja vu dejectedness dejection dejeuner dekagram dekaliter dekalitre dekameter dekametre dekker dekko del rio delacroix delairea delairea odorata delavirdine delaware delaware bay delaware memorial bridge delaware river delawarean delawarian delay delay line delayed action delayed allergy delayer delbruck delectability delectation delegacy delegate delegating delegation deletion delf delft delhi delhi boil deli deliberate defence deliberate defense deliberateness deliberation deliberative assembly delibes delicacy delicatessen delicatessen food delichon delichon urbica delicious deliciousness delight delilah delimitation delineation delinquency delinquent deliquium delirium delirium tremens delius deliverable deliverance deliverer delivery delivery boy delivery truck delivery van deliveryman dell delmonico steak delonix delonix regia delorme delphi delphic oracle delphinapterus delphinapterus leucas delphinidae delphinium delphinium ajacis delphinus delphinus delphis delta delta hepatitis delta iron delta ray delta rhythm delta wave delta wing deltasone deltoid deltoid eminence deltoid leaf deltoid muscle deltoid tuberosity deluge delusion delusional disorder delusions of grandeur delusions of persecution demagnetisation demagnetization demagog demagogue demagoguery demagogy demand demand-pull inflation demand deposit demand feeding demand for explanation demand for identification demand loan demand note demander demantoid demarcation demarcation line demarche dematiaceae demavend demeanor demeanour demeclocycline hydrochloride dementedness dementia dementia praecox demerara demerara rum demerara sugar demerit demerol demesne demeter demetrius demetrius i demetrius poliorcetes demi-glaze demiglace demigod demijohn demilitarized zone demille demimondaine demimonde demineralisation demineralization demise demisemiquaver demister demitasse demiurge demo demobilisation demobilization democracy democrat democratic-republican party democratic and popular republic of algeria democratic front for the liberation of palestine democratic party democratic people's republic of korea democratic republic of sao tome and principe democratic republic of the congo democratic socialist republic of sri lanka democratisation democratization democritus demodulation demodulator demogorgon demographer demographic demographist demography demoiselle demolishing demolition demon demonetisation demonetization demoniac demonisation demonism demonization demonolatry demonstrability demonstration demonstrative demonstrative pronoun demonstrativeness demonstrator demoralisation demoralization demosthenes demotic demotic script demotion dempsey demulcent demulen demur demureness demurrage demurral demurrer demyelination demythologisation demythologization den den haag den mother denali denali fault denali national park denationalisation denationalization denaturant denatured alcohol denazification dendranthema dendranthema grandifloruom dendraspis dendrite dendroaspis dendroaspis augusticeps dendrobium dendrocalamus dendrocalamus giganteus dendrocolaptes dendrocolaptidae dendroctonus dendroctonus rufipennis dendroica dendroica auduboni dendroica coronata dendroica fusca dendroica petechia dendroica striate dendroica tigrina dendrolagus dendromecon deneb denebola deng xiaoping dengue dengue fever denial denier denigration denim denis diderot denisonia denisonia superba denizen denmark denmark vesey dennis gabor dennstaedtia dennstaedtia punctilobula dennstaedtiaceae denomination denominationalism denominator denotation denotatum denouement denouncement dense-leaved elodea dense blazing star denseness densification densimeter densitometer densitometry density dent dent corn dental dental amalgam dental anatomy dental appliance dental assistant dental care dental caries dental consonant dental floss dental gold dental hygienist dental implant dental medicine dental orthopaedics dental orthopedics dental plaque dental plate dental practice dental practitioner dental procedure dental school dental surgeon dental surgery dental technician dentaria dentaria bulbifera dentaria diphylla dentate leaf dentate nucleus denticle denticulate leaf dentifrice dentin dentine dentist dentist's drill dentistry dentition denture denturist denudation denunciation denver deodar deodar cedar deodorant deodourant deontic logic deossification deoxyadenosine deoxyadenosine monophosphate deoxycytidine deoxycytidine monophosphate deoxyephedrine deoxyguanosine deoxyguanosine monophosphate deoxyribonucleic acid deoxyribose deoxythymidine deoxythymidine monophosphate depardieu deparia deparia acrostichoides departed departer department department head department of agriculture department of anthropology department of biology department of chemistry department of commerce department of commerce and labor department of computer science department of corrections department of defense department of defense laboratory system department of economics department of education department of energy department of energy intelligence department of english department of health and human services department of health education and welfare department of history department of homeland security department of housing and urban development department of justice department of justice canada department of labor department of linguistics department of local government department of mathematics department of music department of philosophy department of physics department of psychology department of sociology department of state department of the federal government department of the interior department of the treasury department of transportation department of veterans affairs department store departure departure gate departure lounge departure tax departure time dependability dependableness dependance dependant dependence dependency dependent dependent clause dependent variable depersonalisation depersonalisation disorder depersonalisation neurosis depersonalization depersonalization disorder depersonalization neurosis depicted object depicting depiction depigmentation depilation depilator depilatory depletion deployment depokene depolarisation depolarization deponent depopulation deportation deportee deportment deposer deposit deposit account deposit box depositary deposition depositor depository depository financial institution depository library depot depravation depravity deprecation depreciation depreciation allowance depreciation charge depreciation rate depreciator depredation depressant depressed fracture depression depressive depressive disorder depressor depressor muscle depressor nerve deprivation depth depth bomb depth charge depth finder depth gage depth gauge depth psychology deputation deputy deputy sheriff der fuhrer deracination derailment derain derangement derby derby hat deregulating deregulation derelict dereliction derision derivation derivational morphology derivative derivative instrument derived function deriving derma dermabrasion dermacentor dermacentor variabilis dermaptera dermatitis dermatobia dermatobia hominis dermatoglyphic dermatoglyphics dermatologist dermatology dermatome dermatomycosis dermatomyositis dermatophytosis dermatosclerosis dermatosis dermestidae dermis dermochelyidae dermochelys dermochelys coriacea dermoid cyst dermoptera derogation derrick derrida derriere derring-do derringer derris derris elliptica derris root derv dervish des des moines desalination desalinisation desalinization descant descartes descendant descendants descendent descender descending aorta descending colon descending node descensus descensus uteri descent description descriptive adjective descriptive anthropology descriptive clause descriptive geometry descriptive grammar descriptive linguistics descriptivism descriptor descurainia descurainia pinnata desecration desegregation desensitisation desensitisation procedure desensitisation technique desensitization desensitization procedure desensitization technique desert desert boot desert four o'clock desert fox desert holly desert iguana desert lynx desert mariposa tulip desert olive desert paintbrush desert pea desert plant desert plume desert rat desert rheumatism desert rose desert sand verbena desert selaginella desert soil desert sunflower desert tortoise desert willow deserter desertic soil desertification desertion deserts deservingness deshabille desiccant desiccation desideratum desiderius erasmus design design criteria designated driver designated hitter designation designatum designer designer drug designing desipramine desirability desirableness desire desire to know desk desk clerk desk dictionary desk officer desk phone desk sergeant deskman desktop desktop computer desktop publishing desmanthus desmanthus ilinoensis desmid desmidiaceae desmidium desmodium desmodium gyrans desmodium motorium desmodium purpureum desmodium tortuosum desmodontidae desmodus desmodus rotundus desmograthus desmond tutu desolation desorption desoxyribonucleic acid despair despatch desperado desperate desperate criminal desperate measure desperate straits desperation despicability despicableness despisal despising despite despoilation despoiler despoilment despoina despoliation despondence despondency despot despotism desquamation dessert dessert apple dessert plate dessert spoon dessert wine dessertspoon dessertspoonful dessiatine destabilisation destabilization destalinisation destalinization destination destiny destitution destroyer destroyer escort destroying angel destructibility destruction destruction fire destructive distillation destructive metabolism destructiveness desuetude desynchronisation desynchronization desynchronizing desyrel detached house detached retina detachment detachment of the retina detail detail file detailing details detainee detainment detecting detection detective detective agency detective novel detective story detective work detector detent detente detention detention basin detention camp detention cell detention centre detention home detention house detergence detergency detergent detergent builder deterioration determent determinant determinateness determination determinative determiner determining factor determinism determinist deterrence deterrent deterrent example detestation dethronement detonating device detonating fuse detonation detonator detour detox detoxification detraction detractor detribalisation detribalization detriment detrition detritus detroit detroit river detumescence deuce deuce-ace deus ex machina deuteranopia deuterium deuterium oxide deuteromycetes deuteromycota deuteromycotina deuteron deuteronomy deutsche mark deutschland deutschmark deutzia devaluation devanagari devanagari script devastation developer developing developing country development developmental age developmental anatomy developmental learning developmental psychology developmentally challenged deverbal noun devi deviance deviant deviate deviated nasal septum deviated septum deviation deviationism deviationist device device characteristic device driver devices devil devil's advocate devil's apples devil's cigar devil's claw devil's darning needle devil's fig devil's flax devil's food devil's food cake devil's milk devil's tongue devil's turnip devil's urn devil's walking stick devil's weed devil-worship devil dog devil grass devil lily devil nettle devil ray devil tree devil worshiper deviled egg devilfish devilment devilry deviltry devilwood deviousness devisal devise devisee deviser devising devisor devitalisation devitalization devoir devolution devolvement devon devonian devonian period devonshire devonshire cream devotedness devotee devotion devotional devourer devoutness devries dew dew point dew worm dewar dewar flask dewberry dewberry bush dewdrop dewey dewey decimal classification dewey decimal system dewitt clinton dewlap dexamethasone dexamethasone intensol dexedrine dexone dexterity dextrality dextrin dextroamphetamine sulphate dextrocardia dextroglucose dextrorotation dextrose dflp dg dhahran dhak dhaka dhal dharma dhaulagiri dhava dhawa dhegiha dhobi itch dhodhekanisos dhole dhoti dhow dhu'l-hijja dhu'l-hijjah dhu'l-qa'dah dhu al-hijja dhu al-hijjah dhu al-qadah di-iodotyrosine dia diabeta diabetes diabetes insipidus diabetes mellitus diabetic diabetic acidosis diabetic coma diabetic diet diabetic retinopathy diabolatry diabolism diabolist diacalpa diacetylmorphine diachronic linguistics diachrony diacritic diacritical mark diadem diadophis diaeresis diaghilev diaglyph diagnosing diagnosis diagnostic assay diagnostic procedure diagnostic program diagnostic technique diagnostic test diagnostician diagnostics diagonal diagonal matrix diagonalisation diagonalization diagram diagramming diakinesis dial dial phone dial telephone dialect dialect atlas dialect geography dialectic dialectical materialism dialectician dialectics dialectology dialeurodes dialeurodes citri dialog dialog box dialogue dialysis dialysis machine dialyzer diam diamagnet diamagnetism diamante diameter diametrical opposition diamine diamond diamond dust diamond jim diamond jim brady diamond jubilee diamond point diamond state diamond wedding diamond wedding anniversary diamondback diamondback rattlesnake diamondback terrapin diana diane de poitiers diangus gratianopolitanus dianthus dianthus barbatus dianthus caryophyllus dianthus chinensis dianthus chinensis heddewigii dianthus deltoides dianthus latifolius dianthus plumarius dianthus supurbus diapason diapason stop diapedesis diapensia diapensia family diapensiaceae diapensiales diaper diaper dermatitis diaper rash diapheromera diapheromera femorata diaphone diaphoresis diaphoretic diaphragm diaphragmatic hernia diaphragmatic pleurisy diaphysis diapir diapsid diapsid reptile diapsida diarchy diarist diarrhea diarrhoea diarthrosis diary diary keeper dias diaspididae diaspora diastasis diastema diastole diastolic pressure diastrophism diathermy diathermy machine diathesis diatom diatomaceous earth diatomite diatomophyceae diatonic scale diatribe diaz diazepam diazonium diazoxide dibasic acid dibasic salt dibber dibble dibbuk dibrach dibranch dibranchia dibranchiata dibranchiate dibranchiate mollusk dibs dibucaine dicamptodon dicamptodon ensatus dicamptodontid dicamptodontidae dice dice box dice cup dicentra dicentra canadensis dicentra cucullaria dicentra spectabilis dicer diceros diceros bicornis diceros simus dichloride dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane dichloroethyl sulfide dichloromethane dichondra dichondra micrantha dichotomisation dichotomization dichotomy dichroism dichromacy dichromasy dichromat dichromate dichromatism dichromatopsia dichromia dichromic acid dick dick fosbury dick test dick turpin dickens dickey dickey-bird dickey-seat dickeybird dickhead dickie dickie-seat dickinson dicksonia dicksonia antarctica dicksoniaceae dicky dicky-bird dicky-seat dickybird diclofenac potassium diclofenac sodium dicloxacillin dicot dicot family dicot genus dicotyledon dicotyledonae dicotyledones dicoumarol dicranaceae dicranales dicranopteris dicranum dicrostonyx dicrostonyx hudsonius dictamnus dictamnus alba dictaphone dictate dictation dictator dictatorship diction dictionary dictionary definition dictionary entry dictostylium dictum dictyophera dictyoptera dictyopterous insect dictyosome dicumarol dicynodont dicynodontia didacticism didactics didanosine diddley diddly diddly-shit diddly-squat diddlyshit diddlysquat didelphidae didelphis didelphis marsupialis didelphis virginiana dideoxycytosine dideoxyinosine diderot didion dido didrikson die die-sinker dieback dieffenbachia dieffenbachia sequine diego rivera diego rodriguez de silva y velazquez diegueno diehard dielectric dielectric heating dielectrolysis diemaker dien bien phu diencephalon dieresis diervilla diervilla lonicera diervilla sessilifolia dies irae diesel diesel-electric diesel-electric locomotive diesel-hydraulic diesel-hydraulic locomotive diesel engine diesel fuel diesel locomotive diesel motor diesel oil diesinker diesis diestock diestrum diestrus diet dietary dietary supplement dieter dietetics diethyl ether diethylaminoethyl cellulose diethylbarbituric acid diethylmalonylurea diethylstilbesterol diethylstilbestrol diethylstilboestrol dietician dieting dietitian dietrich dietrich bonhoeffer difference difference limen difference of opinion difference threshold differentia differential differential analyzer differential blood count differential calculus differential coefficient differential cost differential diagnosis differential equation differential gear differential limen differential psychology differential threshold differentiation differentiator difficultness difficulty diffidence difflugia diffraction diffraction grating diffuse nebula diffuseness diffuser diffusing screen diffusion diffusion pump diffusor diflunisal dig digenesis digest digester digestibility digestibleness digestion digestive digestive fluid digestive gland digestive juice digestive system digestive tract digestive tube digger digger wasp digging digging up diggings digit digital-analog converter digital-to-analog converter digital arteries digital audiotape digital camera digital clock digital communication digital communications technology digital computer digital display digital photography digital plethysmograph digital scanner digital subscriber line digital vein digital voltmeter digital watch digitalin digitalis digitalis glycoside digitalis lutea digitalis purpurea digitalisation digitalization digitaria digitaria ischaemum digitaria sanguinalis digitigrade digitigrade mammal digitisation digitiser digitization digitizer digitoxin dignitary dignity digoxin digram digraph digression digs dihybrid dihybrid cross dihydric alcohol dihydrostreptomycin dihydroxyphenylalanine dijon dik-dik dika dika bread dika nut dike dilantin dilapidation dilatation dilatation and curettage dilater dilation dilation and curettage dilator dilatoriness dilatory plea dilaudid dildo dilemma dilettante diligence dill dill pickle dill seed dill weed dillenia dilleniaceae dilleniid dicot family dilleniid dicot genus dilleniidae dilly-dallier dillydallier diltiazem diluent dilutant dilution dim sum dimaggio dimash dime dime bag dime novel dimenhydrinate dimension dimensionality dimer dimetane dimetapp dimethyl ketone dimethylglyoxime dimetrodon diminished arch diminuendo diminution diminutive diminutiveness dimity dimmer dimness dimocarpus dimocarpus longan dimorphism dimorphotheca dimout dimple dimpled chad dimwit din din land dinar dindymene diner dinero dinesen dinette ding ding-dong dingbat dinge dinghy dinginess dingle dingo dining dining-hall dining-room dining-room attendant dining-room furniture dining-room table dining area dining car dining companion dining compartment dining room dining table diningroom set diningroom suite dink dinka dinkey dinky dinner dinner bell dinner bucket dinner dress dinner gown dinner jacket dinner napkin dinner pail dinner party dinner plate dinner service dinner set dinner table dinner theater dinner theatre dinnertime dinnerware dino paul crocetti dinoceras dinocerata dinocerate dinoflagellata dinoflagellate dinornis dinornis giganteus dinornithidae dinornithiformes dinosaur dint diocesan diocese diocletian diode diodon diodon holocanthus diodon hystrix diodontidae diodora apertura diogenes diol diomedea exulans diomedea nigripes diomedeidae dionaea dionaea muscipula dionysia dionysius dionysius the elder dionysus dioon diophantus diopter dioptre dior diorama diorite dioscorea dioscorea alata dioscorea batata dioscorea bulbifera dioscorea elephantipes dioscorea paniculata dioscorea trifida dioscoreaceae diospyros diospyros ebenum diospyros kaki diospyros kurzii diospyros lotus diospyros virginiana diovan dioxide dioxin dip dip circle dip switch diphenhydramine diphenylbutyl piperidine diphenylhydantoin diphtheria diphthong diphylla diphylla ecaudata dipladenia dipladenia boliviensis diplazium pycnocarpon diplegia diplococcus diplococcus pneumoniae diplodocus diploic vein diploid diploidy diploma diplomacy diplomat diplomate diplomatic building diplomatic corps diplomatic immunity diplomatic minister diplomatic mission diplomatic negotiations diplomatic pouch diplomatic service diplomatist diplopia diplopoda diplopterygium diplopterygium longissimum diplotaxis diplotaxis erucoides diplotaxis muralis diplotaxis tenuifolia diplotene dipnoi dipodidae dipodomys dipodomys ordi dipodomys phillipsii dipogon dipogon lignosus dipole dipole antenna dipole molecule dipole moment dippel's oil dipper dippers dipsacaceae dipsacus dipsacus fullonum dipsacus sativus dipsacus sylvestris dipsomania dipsomaniac dipsosaurus dipsosaurus dorsalis dipstick diptera dipteran dipterocarp dipterocarpaceae dipteron dipteronia dipterous insect dipteryx dipteryx odorata diptych dipus dipylon dipylon gate dirac dirca dirca palustris dire straits direct-grant school direct action direct antonym direct contrast direct correlation direct current direct discourse direct dye direct electric current direct evidence direct examination direct fire direct flight direct loan direct mail direct mailer direct marketing direct object direct primary direct quotation direct sum direct support direct supporting fire direct tax direct tide direct transmission direct trust directed study directed verdict direction direction finder directional antenna directional microphone directionality directive directiveness directivity directness director director-stockholder relation director of central intelligence director of research directorate directorate for inter-services intelligence directorship directory dirge dirham dirigible diriment impediment dirk dirndl dirt dirt ball dirt bike dirt track dirtiness dirty bomb dirty dog dirty joke dirty laundry dirty linen dirty money dirty old man dirty pool dirty story dirty trick dirty tricks dirty war dirty word dirtying dis disa disability disability benefit disability check disability insurance disability of walking disability payment disabled disablement disaccharidase disaccharide disadvantage disaffection disaffirmation disagreeable person disagreeable woman disagreeableness disagreement disambiguation disambiguator disappearance disappearing disappointment disapprobation disapproval disarmament disarmer disarming disarrangement disarray disassembly disassociation disassortative mating disaster disaster area disavowal disbandment disbarment disbelief disbeliever disbursal disbursement disburser disc disc brake disc drive disc harrow disc jockey disc pack disc space discant discard disceptation discernability discernment discharge discharge lamp discharge pipe discina discina macrospora disciotis venosa disciple disciples of christ discipleship disciplinarian discipline disclaimer disclosure disco disco biscuit disco music discocephali discoglossidae discography discoid lupus erythematosus discoloration discolouration discombobulation discomfited discomfiture discomfort discomposure discomycete discomycetes disconcertion disconcertment disconnect disconnectedness disconnection disconsolateness discontent discontentedness discontentment discontinuance discontinuation discontinuity discord discordance discotheque discount discount business discount chain discount house discount rate discount store discounter discouragement discourse discourtesy discovered check discoverer discovery discovery day discredit discreetness discrepancy discreteness discretion discretionary trust discrimination discriminative stimulus discriminator discursiveness discus discussant discussion discussion section disdain disdainfulness disease disease of the neuromuscular junction disease of the skin diseased person disembarkation disembarkment disembarrassment disembodied spirit disembowelment disenchantment disenfranchisement disengagement disentanglement disentangler disequilibrium disestablishment disesteem disfavor disfavour disfiguration disfigurement disfluency disforestation disfranchisement disfunction disgorgement disgrace disgracefulness disgruntlement disguise disgust disgustingness dish dish aerial dish antenna dish rack dish towel dish washer dishabille disharmony dishcloth dishcloth gourd disheartenment dishful dishonesty dishonor dishonorable discharge dishonorableness dishonour dishonourableness dishpan dishrag dishtowel dishware dishwasher dishwasher detergent dishwashing dishwashing detergent dishwashing liquid dishwashing machine dishwater disillusion disillusionment disincentive disinclination disinfectant disinfection disinfestation disinfestation officer disinflation disinformation disingenuousness disinheritance disintegration disinterest disinterestedness disinterment disinvestment disjointedness disjunction disjunctive conjunction disjuncture disk disk access disk brake disk cache disk clutch disk controller disk drive disk error disk file disk harrow disk jockey disk operating system disk overhead disk pack disk shape disk space diskette dislike dislocation dislodgement dislodgment disloyalty dismantlement dismantling dismay dismemberment dismissal dismission dismount disney disneyland disobedience disorder disorderliness disorderly behavior disorderly conduct disorganisation disorganization disorganized schizophrenia disorganized type schizophrenia disorientation disowning disownment disparagement disparager disparateness disparity dispassion dispassionateness dispatch dispatch box dispatch case dispatch rider dispatcher dispensability dispensableness dispensary dispensation dispenser dispersal dispersed particles dispersed phase dispersing medium dispersing phase dispersion dispersion medium dispiritedness displaced fracture displaced person displacement displacement reaction displacement unit display display adapter display adaptor display board display case display panel display window displeasure disposable disposable income disposal disposal plant disposition dispossession dispraise disproof disproportion disprover disputant disputation dispute disqualification disquiet disquietude disquisition disraeli disregard disrepair disreputability disreputable person disreputableness disrepute disrespect disrupting explosive disruption dissatisfaction dissection dissembler dissembling disseminated lupus erythematosus disseminated multiple sclerosis disseminated sclerosis dissemination disseminator dissension dissent dissenter dissenting opinion dissertation disservice dissidence dissident dissident irish republican army dissilience dissimilarity dissimilation dissimilitude dissimulation dissimulator dissipation dissociation dissociation constant dissociative disorder dissolubility dissoluteness dissolution dissolution of marriage dissolve dissolvent dissolver dissolving dissolving agent dissonance dissuasion dissyllable dissymmetry distaff distal muscular dystrophy distance distance vision distaste distastefulness distemper distension distention distich distillate distillation distilled water distiller distillery distillment distinction distinctive feature distinctiveness distinctness distinguished conduct medal distinguished flying cross distinguished service cross distinguished service medal distinguished service order distinguishing characteristic distomatosis distorted shape distortion distortionist distraction distraint distress distress call distress signal distressfulness distressingness distributary distributed data processing distributed fire distributer distribution distribution agreement distribution channel distribution cost distribution free statistic distribution law distribution list distributive shock distributor distributor cam distributor cap distributor housing distributor point district district attorney district line district manager district of columbia distrust distrustfulness disturbance disturbance of the peace disturber disulfiram disunion disunity disuse disyllable dit dita dita bark ditch ditch digger ditch fern ditch reed ditch spade ditchmoss dither dithered color dithered colour dithering dithyramb dittany dittany of crete ditto ditto mark ditty ditty bag diuresis diuretic diuretic drug diuril diurnal parallax diurnal variation diva divagation divan divan bed divarication dive dive-bombing dive bomber dive brake diver divergence divergency divergent strabismus divergent thinker divergent thinking diverging lens diverseness diversification diversion diversionary attack diversionary landing diversionist diversity diverticulitis diverticulosis diverticulum divertimento divestiture divi-divi divide divided highway dividend dividend warrant divider dividing line divina commedia divination divine divine comedy divine guidance divine law divine messenger divine office divine revelation divine right divine right of kings divine service divine unity diviner diving diving bell diving board diving dress diving duck diving event diving petrel diving suit divining rod divinity divinity fudge divinyl ether divisibility division division anthophyta division archaebacteria division bryophyta division chlorophyta division chrysophyta division cyanophyta division cynodontia division dicynodontia division eubacteria division euglenophyta division eumycota division gymnomycota division gymnospermophyta division heterokontophyta division lichenes division magnoliophyta division myxomycota division phaeophyta division protista division pteridophyta division rhodophyta division schizophyta division spermatophyta division tracheophyta divisor divorce divorce court divorce lawyer divorced man divorcee divorcement divot divulgement divulgence divvy diwan dix dixie dixie cup dixiecrats dixieland dizygotic twin dizziness dizzy gillespie dj djakarta djanet djibouti djibouti franc djiboutian djinn djinni djinny dkg dkl dkm dl dle dm dmd dmitri dmitrievich shostakovich dmitri ivanovich mendeleev dmitri ivanovich mendeleyev dmitri mendeleev dmitri mendeleyev dmitri shostakovich dmus dmz dna dna chip dna fingerprint dna polymerase dneprodzerzhinsk dnieper dnieper river dnipropetrovsk do do-gooder do-nothing do-si-do dobbin doberman doberman pinscher dobra dobrich dobson dobson fly dobsonfly doc docent docetism docility dock dock-walloper dock worker dockage docker docket dockhand docking docking facility docking fee dockside dockworker dockyard docosahexaenoic acid doctor doctor's bill doctor's degree doctor-fish doctor-patient relation doctor of arts doctor of dental medicine doctor of dental surgery doctor of divinity doctor of education doctor of fine arts doctor of humane letters doctor of humanities doctor of laws doctor of medicine doctor of music doctor of musical arts doctor of optometry doctor of osteopathy doctor of philosophy doctor of public health doctor of sacred theology doctor of science doctor of the church doctor of theology doctorate doctorfish doctorow doctorspeak doctrinaire doctrine doctrine of analogy docudrama document documentary documentary film documentation dod dodder dodderer doddle dodecagon dodecahedron dodecanese dodecanoic acid dodge dodge city dodgem dodger dodging dodgson dodo dodoma dodonaea doe doei doer doeskin dog dog's-tooth check dog's-tooth violet dog's breakfast dog's dinner dog's mercury dog-day cicada dog-ear dog-iron dog bent dog biscuit dog bite dog breeding dog catcher dog collar dog days dog do dog fennel dog flea dog food dog grass dog hobble dog hook dog house dog in the manger dog laurel dog mercury dog paddle dog pound dog racing dog rose dog shit dog show dog sled dog sleigh dog star dog stinkhorn dog tag dog turd dog violet dog wrench dogbane dogbane family dogcart doge dogfight dogfighter dogfish doggedness doggerel doggerel verse doggie doggie bag doggy doggy bag doggy do doghouse dogie dogleg dogma dogmatism dogmatist dogs-tooth check dogsbody dogshit dogsled dogstooth check dogtooth dogtooth violet dogtrot dogwatch dogwood dogwood family dogwood tree dogy doh doha doi doily doing business as doings doj dojc dol dolby dolce far niente doldrums dole dolefulness dolichocephalic dolichocephalism dolichocephaly dolichonyx dolichonyx oryzivorus dolichos dolichos biflorus dolichos lablab dolichos lignosus dolichotis dolichotis patagonum doliolidae doliolum doll doll's eyes doll's house dollar dollar bill dollar diplomacy dollar mark dollar sign dollar volume dollarfish dollhouse dollop dolly dolman dolman jacket dolman sleeve dolmas dolmen dolobid dolomite dolomite alps dolophine hydrochloride dolor dolour dolphin dolphin kick dolphin oil dolphin striker dolphinfish dolt dom pedro domain domain name domain of a function domatium dombeya dome domed stadium domenikos theotocopoulos domesday book domestic domestic animal domestic ass domestic carp domestic cat domestic dog domestic flight domestic fowl domestic goat domestic help domestic llama domestic partner domestic pigeon domestic prelate domestic relations court domestic science domestic sheep domestic silkworm moth domestic terrorism domestic violence domesticated animal domesticated silkworm moth domestication domesticity domicile domiciliation dominance dominant dominant allele dominant gene domination dominatrix domine dominee domineeringness domingo domingo de guzman dominic dominica dominican dominican dollar dominican mahogany dominican monetary unit dominican order dominican peso dominican republic dominick dominicus dominie dominion dominion day dominique domino domino effect domino theory dominoes dominos dominus domitian domoic acid don don't-know don budge don juan don luchino visconti conte di modrone don marquis don quixote don river dona donald arthur glaser donald barthelme donald duck donald glaser donald robert perry marquis donar donatello donation donatism donatist donato bramante donato d'agnolo bramante donato di betto bardi donatus donbas donbass donee donets basin donetsk donetske dong dongle donizetti donjon donkey donkey boiler donkey cart donkey engine donkey jacket donkey pump donkeywork donkin donna donne donner pass donor donor card donut doo-wop doob doodad doodia doodle doodlebug doodly-squat doofus doohickey doojigger doolittle doom doomed doomsday doomsday book door door guard door latch door prize doorbell doorcase doorframe doorhandle doorjamb doorkeeper doorknob doorknocker doorlock doorman doormat doornail doorplate doorpost doorsill doorstep doorstop doorstopper doorway dooryard dopa dopamine dopastat dope dope sheet doppelganger doppelzentner doppler doppler effect doppler radar doppler shift dorado dorbeetle dorian dorian order doric doric dialect doric order doriden doris doris lessing doris may lessing dork dorking dorm dorm room dormancy dormant account dormer dormer window dormition dormitory dormitory room dormouse doronicum doroteo arango dorothea dix dorothea lange dorothea lynde dix dorotheanthus dorotheanthus bellidiformis dorothy dix dorothy hodgkin dorothy l. sayers dorothy leigh sayers dorothy mary crowfoot hodgkin dorothy parker dorothy rothschild parker dorothy sayers dorsal fin dorsal horn dorsal root dorsal scapular vein dorsal vertebra dorsiflexion dorsum dortmund dory dorylinae doryopteris doryopteris pedata dos dos passos dosage dose dose rate dosemeter dosimeter dosimetry dossal dossel dosser dosshouse dossier dostoevski dostoevsky dostoyevsky dot dot-com dot com dot com company dot matrix dot matrix printer dot printer dot product dotage dotard dotrel dotted gayfeather dotted line dotterel dottle douala douay-rheims bible douay-rheims version douay bible douay version double double-bitted ax double-bitted axe double-blind experiment double-blind procedure double-blind study double-bogey double-breasted jacket double-breasted suit double-crosser double-crossing double-dealer double-dealing double-decker double-entry bookkeeping double-hung window double-magnum double-prop double-propeller plane double-reed instrument double-spacing double-u double agent double bar double bass double bassoon double bed double bind double blind double boiler double bond double check double chin double clinch double cream double creme double crochet double cross double dagger double damages double date double decomposition double decomposition reaction double digit double dipper double dipping double door double dribble double dutch double eagle double entendre double entry double fault double feature double first double flat double glazing double gloucester double gold double helix double indemnity double jeopardy double knit double leg circle double negative double obelisk double play double pneumonia double quotes double reed double refraction double replacement reaction double reverse double rhyme double salt double saucepan double sharp double standard double standard of sexual behavior double star double stitch double stopping double take double talk double time double vision doubleheader doubler doubles doublespeak doublet doublethink doubleton doubletree doubling doubloon doubly transitive verb doubly transitive verb form doubt doubter doubtfulness doubting thomas douche douche bag dough doughboy doughnut douglas douglas elton fairbanks douglas fairbanks douglas fairbanks jr. douglas fir douglas hemlock douglas macarthur douglas moore douglas pine douglas spruce douglas squirrel douglass doula doura dourah douroucouli dousing dove dove's foot geranium dovecote dovekie dover dover's powder dovetail dovetail joint dovetail plane dovishness dovyalis dovyalis caffra dovyalis hebecarpa dow-jones industrial average dow jones dowager dowager's hump dowdiness dowding dowdy dowel dowel pin doweling dower dowery dowitcher dowland down down's syndrome down-and-out down-bow down easter down feather down payment down quark down syndrome down town downbeat downcast downdraft downer downfall downgrade downheartedness downhill downiness downing downing street downpour downrightness downshift downside downsizing downslope downspin downstage downstroke downswing downtick downtime downtown downturn downy ash downy birch downy brome downy bromegrass downy cheat downy chess downy ground cherry downy haw downy manzanita downy mildew downy poplar downy wood mint downy woodpecker downy yellow violet dowry dowse dowser dowsing dowsing rod doxastic logic doxazosin doxepin doxepin hydrochloride doxology doxorubicin doxy doxycycline doyen doyenne doyley doyly doze dozen dozens dozer dp dph dphil dprk dpt vaccine dr. dr. j dr. johnson dr. seuss drab draba draba verna drabness dracaena dracaena draco dracaenaceae dracenaceae drachm drachma draco dracocephalum dracocephalum parviflorum dracontium dracula dracunculiasis dracunculidae dracunculus dracunculus medinensis dracunculus vulgaris draft draft animal draft beer draft board draft copy draft dodger draft evader draft horse draftee drafter drafting drafting board drafting instrument drafting table draftsman draftsmanship draftsperson drag drag coefficient dragee dragger dragnet dragoman dragon dragon's blood dragon's eye dragon's head dragon's mouth dragon arum dragon lizard dragon tree dragonet dragonfly dragonhead dragoon dragunov drain drain basket drainage drainage area drainage basin drainage ditch drainage system drainboard draining board drainpipe drainplug drake dram drama drama critic dramamine dramatic art dramatic composition dramatic event dramatic irony dramatic performance dramatic play dramatic production dramatic work dramatics dramatis personae dramatisation dramatist dramatization dramaturgy drambuie drape draper drapery draught draught beer draught horse draughts draughtsman dravidian dravidian language dravidic draw draw play draw poker drawback drawbar drawbridge drawee drawer drawers drawing drawing-room car drawing board drawing card drawing chalk drawing ink drawing lots drawing off drawing paper drawing pin drawing power drawing room drawing string drawing table drawknife drawl drawler drawn butter drawnwork drawshave drawstring drawstring bag dray dray horse drayhorse dread dreadfulness dreadlock dreadnaught dreadnought dream dreamer dreaminess dreaming dreamland dreamworld dreariness dreck dred scott dredge dredger dredging bucket dreg dregs dreiser dreissena dreissena polymorpha drenching drepanididae drepanis drepanocytic anaemia drepanocytic anemia dresden dress dress blues dress circle dress code dress hanger dress hat dress rack dress rehearsal dress shirt dress shop dress suit dress uniform dress whites dressage dressed ore dresser dressing dressing case dressing down dressing gown dressing room dressing sack dressing sacque dressing station dressing table dressmaker dressmaker's model dressmaking drew drey dreyfus drib dribble dribbler dribbling driblet dried apricot dried fruit dried milk drier drift drift ice drift net driftage drifter driftfish drifting driftwood drill drill bit drill hole drill instructor drill master drill press drill rig drill rod drill site drill steel drilling drilling bit drilling fluid drilling mud drilling pipe drilling platform drilling rig drimys drimys winteri drink drinkable drinker drinking drinking age drinking bout drinking chocolate drinking fountain drinking glass drinking song drinking straw drinking vessel drinking water drip drip coffee drip culture drip feed drip loop drip mat drip mold drip mould drip pan drip pot drippage drippiness dripping dripping pan drippings dripstone drive drive-by killing drive-by shooting drive-in drive line drive line system drivel driveller driven well driver driver's licence driver's license driver ant driveshaft driveway driving driving axle driving belt driving force driving iron driving licence driving license driving range driving school driving wheel drixoral drizzle drms drogheda drogue drogue chute drogue parachute drollery dromaeosaur dromaeosauridae dromaius dromaius novaehollandiae drome dromedary dronabinol drone drone pipe droning drool drooler droop drooping brome drooping juniper drop drop-down menu drop-leaf drop-leaf table drop-off drop-off charge drop-seed drop arch drop biscuit drop cloth drop curtain drop earring drop forge drop hammer drop keel drop line drop press drop scone drop shot drop zone dropkick dropkicker droplet dropline dropout dropped egg dropper dropping zone droppings dropseed dropsy drosera droseraceae droshky drosky drosophila drosophila melanogaster drosophilidae drosophyllum drosophyllum lusitanicum dross drought drouth drove drove chisel drover drowse drowsiness drubbing drudge drudgery drug drug abuse drug addict drug addiction drug baron drug bust drug cartel drug cocktail drug company drug dealer drug enforcement administration drug enforcement agency drug lord drug of abuse drug peddler drug traffic drug trafficker drug trafficking drug user drug war drug withdrawal drugget drugging druggist drugs bust drugstore druid druidism drum drum brake drum major drum majorette drum printer drum roll drum sander drumbeat drumbeater drumfire drumfish drumhead drumhead court-martial drumlin drummer drumming drumstick drumstick tree drunk drunk-and-disorderly drunkard drunken reveler drunken reveller drunken revelry drunkenness drupe drupelet druse drusen druthers druze dry dry-bulb thermometer dry-gulching dry-stone wall dry-wood termite dry battery dry cell dry cereal dry cleaner dry cleaners dry cleaning dry dock dry fly dry gangrene dry ice dry kiln dry land dry masonry dry measure dry milk dry mop dry mouth dry mustard dry nurse dry pint dry plate dry plate process dry point dry quart dry rot dry run dry season dry socket dry unit dry vermouth dry wall dry walling dry wash dryad dryadella dryas dryas octopetala dryden drydock dryer drygoods drying agent drying oil drying up dryland berry dryland blueberry drymarchon drymarchon corais drymarchon corais couperi drymoglossum drynaria drynaria rigidula dryness dryopithecine dryopithecus dryopithecus rudapithecus hungaricus dryopteridaceae dryopteris dryopteris dilatata dryopteris filix-mas dryopteris fragrans dryopteris goldiana dryopteris hexagonoptera dryopteris marginalis dryopteris noveboracensis dryopteris oreades dryopteris oreopteris dryopteris phegopteris dryopteris thelypteris dryopteris thelypteris pubescens drypis drywall ds dscdna dsl dtic dts du barry du bois du maurier duad dual carriageway dual inline package switch dual scan display dualism dualist duality dub dubai dubbin dubbing dubiety dubiousness dublin dubliner dubnium dubois heyward dubonnet dubrovnik dubuque dubya dubyuh duc d'elchingen duc de richelieu duc de sully ducat duce duchamp duchenne's muscular dystrophy duchess duchess of ferrara duchess of windsor duchesse de valentinois duchy duck duck's egg duck-billed dinosaur duck-billed platypus duck down duck hunter duck hunting duck pate duck sauce duck shot duck soup duckbill duckbilled platypus duckboard ducking ducking stool duckling duckpin duckpins ducks and drakes duckweed duckweed family ducky duct duct gland duct tape ductileness ductility ductless gland ductule ductulus ductus arteriosus ductus deferens dud dude dude ranch dudeen dudgeon dudley moore dudley stuart john moore duds due due care due date due east due north due process due process of law due south due west duel dueler duelist dueller duellist duenna duet duette duff duffel duffel bag duffel coat duffer duffle duffle bag duffle coat dufy dug dugald stewart dugong dugong dugon dugongidae dugout dugout canoe dukas duke duke ellington duke of argyll's tea tree duke of cumberland duke of edinburgh duke of lancaster duke of marlborough duke of wellington duke of windsor duke university duke wayne dukedom dulciana dulcimer dulcinea dullard dulles dullness dulse duluth duma dumas dumb bomb dumb cane dumb show dumbass dumbbell dumbness dumbwaiter dumdum dumdum bullet dumdum fever dumetella dumetella carolinensis dummy dummy whist dump dump routine dump truck dumpcart dumper dumpiness dumping dumpling dumplings dumps dumpsite dumpster dumpy level dumuzi dun duncan duncan grant duncan james corrow grant dunce dunce's cap dunce cap dundathu pine dunderhead dune dune buggy dune cycling dung dung beetle dungaree dungeness crab dungeon dunghill dunk dunk shot dunkard dunker dunkerque dunkers dunkirk dunlin dunnock duns scotus duo duodecimal duodecimal digit duodecimal notation duodecimal number system duodecimal system duodenal smear duodenal ulcer duodenum duologue duomo dupe dupery duple time duplex duplex apartment duplex house duplicability duplicate duplication duplicator duplicidentata duplicity dura dura mater durability durable goods durable press durables durabolin duralumin duramen durance durango durant durante duration durative durative aspect durazzo durban durbar durer duress durga durham durian durian tree durio durio zibethinus durion durkheim durmast durra durrell durres durum durum wheat dusanbe duse dushanbe dusicyon dusicyon cancrivorus dusk duskiness dusky-footed wood rat dusky-footed woodrat dusky salamander dusky shark dusseldorf dust dust bag dust bowl dust cloud dust coat dust contamination dust cover dust devil dust jacket dust mop dust sheet dust storm dust wrapper dustbin dustcart dustcloth duster dustin hoffman dustiness dusting powder dustman dustmop dustpan dustpanful dustrag dustup dusty miller dutch dutch-elm beetle dutch-processed cocoa dutch auction dutch capital dutch case-knife bean dutch clover dutch courage dutch door dutch east indies dutch elm dutch elm disease dutch elm fungus dutch florin dutch guiana dutch hoe dutch iris dutch leonard dutch monetary unit dutch oven dutch people dutch treat dutch uncle dutchman dutchman's-pipe dutchman's breeches dutifulness duty duty assignment duty period duty tour duvalier duvet dvd dvorak dwarf dwarf-white trillium dwarf astilbe dwarf banana dwarf bilberry dwarf blueberry dwarf buckeye dwarf buffalo dwarf cape gooseberry dwarf chestnut dwarf chinkapin oak dwarf chinquapin oak dwarf cornel dwarf daisy dwarf dandelion dwarf elder dwarf elm dwarf flowering almond dwarf golden chinkapin dwarf gray willow dwarf grey willow dwarf hulsea dwarf iris dwarf juniper dwarf lycopod dwarf maple dwarf mountain pine dwarf mulberry dwarf nipplewort dwarf oak dwarf phlox dwarf pipefish dwarf pocket rat dwarf russian almond dwarf sperm whale dwarf spurge dwarf sumac dwarf tulip dwarf willow dwarfishness dwarfism dweeb dweller dwelling dwelling house dwight d. eisenhower dwight david eisenhower dwight davis dwight eisenhower dwight filley davis dwight lyman moody dwindling dwindling away dy dyad dyadic operation dyarchy dyaus dyaus-pitar dybbuk dye dye-works dyeing dyer dyer's-broom dyer's greenweed dyer's mignonette dyer's rocket dyer's weed dyer's woad dyer's woodruff dyers' chamomile dyestuff dyeweed dyewood dying dyirbal dyke dylan dylan marlais thomas dylan thomas dynamic dynamic balance dynamic electricity dynamic headroom dynamic viscosity dynamical system dynamics dynamism dynamite dynamiter dynamitist dynamo dynamometer dynapen dynast dynasty dyne dysaphia dysarthria dyscalculia dyschezia dyscrasia dysdercus dysentery dysfunction dysgenesis dysgenics dysgraphia dyskinesia dyslectic dyslexia dyslogia dysmenorrhea dysomia dysosmia dysostosis multiplex dyspepsia dyspeptic dysphagia dysphasia dysphemism dysphonia dysphoria dysplasia dyspnea dyspnoea dysprosium dyssynergia dysthymia dysthymic depression dystopia dystrophy dysuria dytiscidae dyushambe dziggetai Related Content Daily Word Quiz: pugilist Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language