Are You Ready?

Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

Tornado, flood, fire, terror, emergency: find the top ten ways to prepare for disaster. Then compare your readiness with the rest of America.

On hand emergency items Use Percent of
U.S. households
reporting readiness
Car Reliable vehicle to transport family members,
pets and supplies up to 50 miles away.
Food Three days' worth of nonperishable food
to feed household.
House number Visible house or building number to assist
rescue workers in searches.
Financial information Account numbers and contact information
to access money in case cards are lost.
Money Savings up to $2,000 to meet immediate
needs in case of evacuation.
Water At least three gallons (24 bottles) of water
for each person in household.
Evacuation kit Grab and go emergency kit including items
such as first aid kit, flashlight, batteries,
copies of documents, cash, tools, radio, chargers.
Emergency meeting location Agreed-upon spot where family members
can meet if separated.
Communication plan Important contact information and
contingency plan for disruption of
cell phone service.
Generator Source of household power in case of
long-term power disruption.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

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