Iconic Presidential Moments - Barack Obama (Death of bin Laden)

Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

There are images that will stay with us forever. From FDR notifying the world that the U.S. had entered WWII, to Obama's trademark fist bump at the Democratic National Convention, these scenes depict modern-day leaders doing their jobs. Whether they be funny, awe-inspiring, or sad, each of the following pictures captures a moment in time that both validates and transcends our personal experience and reminds us of our shared history.

Catherine McNiff

Barack Obama
Killing Osama bin Laden
Obama, Clinton, and Biden in situation room
President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, and the rest of the national security team listened and waited in the situation room in the White House as the mission to capture Osama bin Laden played out. It was later confirmed that on May 1, 2011, U.S. troops and CIA operatives shot and killed Al Qaeda's leader in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Photo source: The White House
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