Members of Congress:
Biographies of U.S. representatives and senators from Wisconsin
Member Name Birth Death
Thomas David Patrick O’MALLEY, Congress, WI (1903-1979) 1903-1979
Andrew Scott SLOAN, Congress, WI (1820-1895) 1820-1895
Gardner Robert WITHROW, Congress, WI (1892-1964) 1892-1964
Samuel Dickinson BURCHARD, Congress, WI (1836-1901) 1836-1901
John Jacob ESCH, Congress, WI (1861-1941) 1861-1941
George Wallace JONES, Congress, WI (1804-1896) 1804-1896
Lucas Miltiades MILLER, Congress, WI (1824-1902) 1824-1902
Joseph RANKIN, Congress, WI (1833-1886) 1833-1886
Vernon Wallace THOMSON, Congress, WI (1905-1988) 1905-1988
Joseph David BECK, Congress, WI (1866-1936) 1866-1936
Robert John CORNELL, Congress, WI (1919-2009) 1919-2009
Charles William Francis HENNEY, Congress, WI (1884-1969) 1884-1969
Robert Marion LA FOLLETTE, Congress, WI (1855-1925) 1855-1925
O’KONSKI, Alvin Edward, Congress, WI (1904-1987) 1904-1987
Ithamar Conkey SLOAN, Congress, WI (1822-1898) 1822-1898
Gilbert Motier WOODWARD, Congress, WI (1835-1913) 1835-1913
Michael Edmund BURKE, Congress, WI (1863-1918) 1863-1918
FEINGOLD, Russell D., Congress, WI (1953) 1953
Charles August KADING, Congress, WI (1874-1956) 1874-1956
Edward Sloman MINOR, Congress, WI (1840-1924) 1840-1924