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(Encyclopedia) cinquefoilcinquefoilsĭngkˈfoil [key] [O.Fr.,=five leaves], name for any plant of the widely distributed genus Potentilla of the family Rosaceae (rose family), chiefly herbs of north…

Amadeus VIII

(Encyclopedia) Amadeus VIIIAmadeus VIIIămədēˈəs [key], 1383–1451, count (1391–1416) and duke (from 1416) of Savoy, antipope (1439–49) with the name Felix V. In 1434 he appointed his son regent of…

Jackson, Claiborne Fox

(Encyclopedia) Jackson, Claiborne Fox, 1806–62, governor of Missouri, b. Fleming co., Ky. In 1822 he moved to Missouri, where he practiced law. Speaker of the state legislature (1844–46), he later…

Atlantic Charter

(Encyclopedia) Atlantic CharterAtlantic Charterətlătĭk, ăt– [key], joint program of peace aims, enunciated by Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt…

Montreux Convention

(Encyclopedia) Montreux Convention, 1936, international agreement regarding the Dardanelles. The Turkish request for permission to refortify the Straits zone was favorably received by nations anxious…

Metaxas, John

(Encyclopedia) Metaxas, JohnMetaxas, Johnmĭtăkˈsəs, Gr. māˈtäksäsˌ [key], 1871–1941, Greek general and statesman. A career soldier, he served in the Greco-Turkish War of 1897 and in the Balkan Wars…

Morny, Charles Auguste Louis Joseph, duc de

(Encyclopedia) Morny, Charles Auguste Louis Joseph, duc deMorny, Charles Auguste Louis Joseph, duc deshärl ōgüstˈ lwē zhôzĕfˈ dük də môrnēˈ [key], 1811–65, French statesman; illegitimate son of…

Marcel, Étienne

(Encyclopedia) Marcel, ÉtienneMarcel, Étienneātyĕnˈ märsĕlˈ [key], d. 1358, French bourgeois leader, provost of the merchants of Paris. In the States-General of 1355 he and Robert Le Coq bargained…

Matsuoka, Yosuke

(Encyclopedia) Matsuoka, YosukeMatsuoka, Yosukeyōs&oomacr;ˈkē mäts&oomacr;ˈōkä [key], 1880–1946, Japanese statesman and diplomat. After graduating from the Univ. of Oregon, he served briefly…