(Encyclopedia) Marcel, ÉtienneMarcel, Étienneātyĕnˈ märsĕlˈ [key], d. 1358, French bourgeois leader, provost of the merchants of Paris. In the States-General of 1355 he and Robert Le Coq bargained…
(Encyclopedia) Matsuoka, YosukeMatsuoka, Yosukeyōs&oomacr;ˈkē mäts&oomacr;ˈōkä [key], 1880–1946, Japanese statesman and diplomat. After graduating from the Univ. of Oregon, he served briefly…
(Encyclopedia) Masaryk, JanMasaryk, Janyän mäˈsärĭk [key], 1886–1948, Czechoslovak diplomat, son of Thomas G. Masaryk. He was (1925–38) Czechoslovak minister to Great Britain, and in London he became…
(Encyclopedia) List, FriedrichList, Friedrichfrēˈdrĭkh lĭst [key], 1789–1846, German economist. The first professor of economics at the Univ. of Tübingen, he was elected (1820) to the Württemberg…
(Encyclopedia) Arias, ArnulfoArias, Arnulfoärn&oomacr;lˈfō ärˈyäs [key], 1901–88, president of Panama (1940–41, 1949–51, Oct., 1968). A Harvard-trained physician, he led the coup that deposed…
(Encyclopedia) calumet [Fr.,=reed], name given by the French to the peace pipe used by the indigenous people of North America for smoking tobacco; it consisted of a long, feathered stem, with or…
(Encyclopedia) Sverdrup, JohanSverdrup, Johanyōhänˈ [key]Sverdrup, Johan svĕrˈdr&oobreve;p [key], 1816–92, Norwegian prime minister. As a member of the Storting (1851–84) and as prime minister (…
(Encyclopedia) Wallace, Henry, 1836–1916, American agricultural leader, b. West Newton, Pa., grad. Jefferson (later Washington and Jefferson) College, 1859. He studied (1861–63) theology and went (…
(Encyclopedia) ultimatumultimatumŭlˌtĭmāˈtəm [key], in international law, final, definitive terms submitted by one disputant nation to the other for immediate acceptance or rejection. Since refusal…
(Encyclopedia) Triple Alliance, War of the, 1865–70, fought between Paraguay on one side and an alliance of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay on the other. Brazil's military reprisals for injuries to…