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(Encyclopedia) larynxlarynxlârˈĭngks [key], organ of voice in mammals. Commonly known as the voice box, the larynx is a tubular chamber about 2 in. (5 cm) high, consisting of walls of cartilage bound…

Darwish, Mahmoud

(Encyclopedia) Darwish, Mahmoud, 1941–2008, widely considered the Palestinian national poet, b. Barwa, Palestine (now in Israel). He was born to middle-class Sunni Muslim farmers, who were displaced…

Chippendale, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Chippendale, ThomasChippendale, Thomaschĭpˈəndālˌ [key], 1718–79, celebrated English cabinetmaker. His designs were so widely followed that a whole general category of 18th-century…


(Encyclopedia) SieboldSieboldzēˈbôlt [key], family of German scientists. It includes Karl Kaspar von SieboldSieboldkärl käsˈpär fən [key], 1736–1807, anatomist and surgeon, who was professor at the…

Pärt, Arvo

(Encyclopedia) Pärt, ArvoPärt, Arvopârt [key], 1935–, Estonian composer, b. Paide; grad. Tallinn Conservatory (1963). He worked for Estonian radio (1958–67), left his homeland (1980, then part of the…


(Encyclopedia) table, article of furniture employed for household or ecclesiastical purposes. Elaborately decorated tables of wood or metal were known in ancient Egypt and Assyria, and the Greeks…


(Encyclopedia) yuccayuccayŭkˈə [key], any plant of the genus Yucca, stiff-leaved stemless or treelike succulents of the family Liliaceae (lily family), native chiefly to the tablelands of Mexico and…

Webb, Beatrice Potter

(Encyclopedia) Webb, Beatrice Potter, 1858–1943, English socialist economist; daughter of a wealthy industrialist. She took an early interest in social problems and worked with Charles Booth on his…

Great Ape Profiles

Great Ape Profiles by Holly Hartman Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) The largest Great Ape Males: 400 pounds (180 kg); up to 6 feet (1.8 m) standingFemales: 200 pounds (90 kg); up to 5 feet (1.5 m…