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Writing Well: Term Paper #3

Term Paper #3Writing WellSample Term PapersTerm Paper #2Term Paper #3 Irish Step Dancing and Appalachian Clogging: The Roots of American Dance by Jessica Swantek My curiosity about clogging and…

Wives and Children of the Presidents

Wives and Children of the Presidents This table displays data about the spouses of U.S. Presidents, including the years of birth, death, and marriage, as well as the gender and number of children…

Members of Congress: Texas, Congress,

Biographies of of U.S. representatives and Senators from Texas Member Name Birth-Death ABBOTT, J/biography/us/congress/o (J/biography/us/congress/oseph) 1840-1908 ALGER, Bruce Reyn/…

Firsts in American Women's History

At least 12,000 years ago According to a theory accepted by most anthropologists, the first women arrive in North America via the Bering land bridge from Asia.At least 2,000 years ago Women play…

Scientists: Life Sciences

Biologists, botanists, geneticists, medical scientists, microbiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and zoologists Related Links Cloning: Facts and Fallacies Life Science…

Bios of Artists, Painters, Sculptors, and More

  Painters, sculptors, and photographers   Read the brief and informative biographies of notable artists, from Pablo Picasso and Mary Cassatt to Vincent Van Gogh and Georgia O'Keeffe. This is…

Notable Actors

Isabella Rossellini See also Filmmakers and Directors African-American Actors Asian American Film & Television Personalities Hispanic-American Film, Television, and Theater…


(Encyclopedia) sculpture, art of producing in three dimensions representations of natural or imagined forms. It includes sculpture in the round, which can be viewed from any direction, as well as…

Oregon, state, United States

(Encyclopedia) CE5 OregonOregonŏrˈĭgən, –gŏn [key], state in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. It is bordered by Washington, largely across the Columbia River (N), Idaho, partially…