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Wilbur, Ray Lyman

(Encyclopedia) Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 1875–1949, American public official and educator, b. Boonesboro, Iowa, grad. Stanford (B.A., 1896; M.A., 1897) and Cooper Medical College, San Francisco, 1899. After…


(Encyclopedia) condensate, matter in the form of a gas of atoms, molecules, or elementary particles that have been so chilled that their motion is virtually halted and as a consequence they lose…

Daniel B. MAFFEI, Congress, NY (1968)

MAFFEI, Daniel B., a Representative from New York; born in Syracuse, Onondaga County, N.Y., July 4, 1968; graduated from Nottingham High School, Syracuse, N.Y., 1986; B.A., Brown University,…

William Shields GOODWIN, Congress, AR (1866-1937)

GOODWIN, William Shields, a Representative from Arkansas; born in Warren, Bradley County, Ark., on May 2, 1866; attended the public schools, the Farmers’ Academy near Duluth, Ga., Cooledgeâ…

Walton, Izaak

(Encyclopedia) Walton, Izaak, 1593–1683, English writer. He wrote one of the most famous books in the English language, The Compleat Angler; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation. The first edition…

The Supreme Court: Getting Searched on a Bus

Getting Searched on a BusThe Supreme CourtCollecting EvidenceSearching Your Car When You're Stopped for SpeedingUsing the Right Not to KnockFinding Marijuana with Thermal-Imaging…

Lea, Henry Charles

(Encyclopedia) Lea, Henry CharlesLea, Henry Charleslē [key], 1825–1909, U.S. historian, b. Philadelphia. He was associated with the family publishing business for many years, but his real interest…

Leclerc, Jacques Philippe

(Encyclopedia) Leclerc, Jacques PhilippeLeclerc, Jacques Philippezhäk fēlēpˈ [key]Leclerc, Jacques Philippe ləklĕrˈ [key], 1902–47, French general. His real name was Philippe, vicomte de Hauteclocque…

Royal Greenwich Observatory

(Encyclopedia) Royal Greenwich Observatory, astronomical observatory established in 1675 by Charles II of England at Greenwich and known as the Royal Observatory. It moved during 1948–57 to…