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Marlborough, Sarah Churchill, duchess of

(Encyclopedia) Marlborough, Sarah Churchill, duchess of, 1660–1744, confidante of Queen Anne of England. Born Sarah Jennings, she was a childhood friend of Princess Anne. In 1677 she married John…

DK History: Monarchy

WHAT WAS THE DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS? WERE KINGS EVER ELECTED? DYNASTIESFIND OUT MOREMonarchy means rule by a single person, such as a king or a queen. Normally, rule passes from one generation to…

Mansur, al-, 914–1002, Moorish regent of Córdoba

(Encyclopedia) Mansur, al- (Muhammad ibn Abi-Amir al-Mansur billah), 914–1002, Moorish regent of Córdoba, known in Spanish as Almanzor. He became steward to Princess Subh, wife of the caliph Hakim II…

Albert I, king of the Belgians

(Encyclopedia) Albert I, 1875–1934, king of the Belgians (1909–34), nephew and successor of Leopold II. He married (1900) Elizabeth, a Bavarian princess. In World War I his heroic resistance (1914)…

Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, countess of

(Encyclopedia) Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, countess of, 1707–91, English religious leader, patron of the Calvinistic Methodists. She was closely associated with the Wesleys and George Whitefield.…

Fathers of the Church

(Encyclopedia) Fathers of the Church, collective name for the Christian writers of early times whose work is considered generally orthodox. A convenient definition includes all such writers up to and…

Elizabeth, czarina of Russia

(Encyclopedia) Elizabeth, 1709–62, czarina of Russia (1741–62), daughter of Peter I and Catherine I. She gained the throne by overthrowing the young czar, Ivan VI, and the regency of his mother, Anna…

Kuchuk Kainarji, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia) Kuchuk Kainarji, Treaty ofKuchuk Kainarji, Treaty ofk&oomacr;ch&oomacr;kˈ kīnärˈjē, Turk. küchükˈ kīˌnärjäˈ [key], 1774, peace treaty signed at the end of the first of the…

Augustine of Canterbury, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Augustine of Canterbury, SaintAugustine of Canterbury, Saintôˈgəstēn, –tĭn; ôgŭsˈtĭn [key], d. c.605, Italian missionary, called the Apostle of the English, first archbishop of…

Geoffrey of Monmouth

(Encyclopedia) Geoffrey of MonmouthGeoffrey of Monmouthmŏnˈməth [key], c.1100–1154, English author. He was probably born at Monmouth and was of either Breton or Welsh descent. In 1152 he was named…