CUNNINGHAM, John Edward, III, a Representative from Washington; born in Chicago, Ill., March 27, 1931; graduated from Scituate High School, Scituate, Mass., 1948; graduated, University of San…
Timeline: Modern FashionPart III: 1970-1990 by David Johnson 1970 1974 1979 1980s 1984 1990s Part I: 1858-1920 1970 Known as Halston, Roy Halston Frowick dominates 1970s with pantsuits,…
Timeline: Video GamesPart III: 1985-1995 by Amanda Kudler 1985 1986 1989 1991 1993 1994 1995 Next: 1996-present 1985 The popular game Tetris is developed by Russian programmer Alex Pajitnov. It…
WOLPE, Howard Eliot, III, a Representative from Michigan; born in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Calif., November 3, 1939; attended the public schools of Los Angeles; graduated from…
(Encyclopedia) Charles the Bold, 1433–77, last reigning duke of Burgundy (1467–77), son and successor of Philip the Good. As the count of Charolais before his accession, he opposed the growing power…
(Encyclopedia) Louis I, 1339–84, king of Naples (1382–84; rival claimant to Charles III), duke of Anjou, count of Provence, second son of John II of France. He founded the second Angevin line in…
(Encyclopedia) Alexander III, d. 1181, pope (1159–81), a Sienese named Rolandus [Bandinelli?], successor of Adrian IV. He was a canonist who had studied law under Gratian and had taught at Bologna.…
(Encyclopedia) Frederick William III, 1770–1840, king of Prussia (1797–1840), son and successor of Frederick William II. Well-intentioned but weak and vacillating, he endeavored to maintain…